Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2660

Chapter 2660

"Master Fang!"

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King was visibly startled, but instead of showing fear, his face showed a hint of joy.

He seemed to have forgotten the battle that took place in the Ghost Mansion not long ago.

Or maybe, there are other things that he can't forget more than this one, and there is no doubt that it is about the Yinhuo Dao.

"Young master, stay safe, last time..."

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King had a flattering face.

Last time, under the order of the Ghost Mother, he went to the Sifang Prison to block the Kyushu disciples, but he deliberately let the water escape, so that the two guardians escaped successfully.

It is also because of this that Fang Yi came here.

"Heh! At this time, you still have time to think about the Yinhuo Dao." Fang Yi smiled lightly and shook his head.

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King was obviously puzzled, but when he heard Fang Yi's words behind him, his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"The ghost mother has fallen, you must have received the news!"

Fang Yi played with taste.

"Why did you say that, son?"

Although this was not the first time that Scarlet Flame Ghost King heard such news, he was still extremely shocked in his heart, and looked at Fang Yi with deep eyes.

"It's very simple! Because I killed it!"

Fang Yi replied generously.

Immediately, with a wave of his hand, a bright light moved towards the Scarlet Flame Ghost King.

Scarlet Flame Ghost King was shocked, subconsciously stretched out his hand, but suddenly realized that the light turned out to be a token with the word 'evil ghost' engraved on it.

"Evil ghost order? How is it possible?"

Immediately, the pupils of the Scarlet Flame Ghost King protruded, as if he had seen a ghost.

The Evil Ghost Token, as the name suggests, is the token of the holder of the Evil Ghost Token. Although there is nothing special about it, it is a status symbol.

However, very little is known about it.

Because the ghost ghost mother is the controller of the evil ghost way, who cares about the token.

Moreover, this token has always been on the Ghost Mother's body, and no one has seen it.

I'm afraid it won't work.

However, it is enough to prove one thing, that is, the Ghost Mother has really fallen.

"Last time, you did a lot of work, so I'll leave this token to you! As for how to deal with it, that's up to you."

As Fang Yi said, he wanted to leave.

He is naturally not interested in where the evil ghost will go.

Although the Temple of Destruction also joined this battle, it was his test of the two guardians, and he himself disdain to make a move.

In the end it will be whatever it is.

He will not force it, and he is not interested in paying attention to it. For him, the most important thing is to find out the whereabouts of Hua Lian'er.

Of course, it's not completely indifferent!Otherwise, he wouldn't be here today.

The Red Flame Ghost King's strength is not bad, and he has something to ask of himself.

It depends on whether the other party knows each other.

"Sir, wait a minute!"

Seeing that Fang Yi was about to leave, the Scarlet Flame Ghost King was obviously in a hurry. He pondered for a moment, as if he had made up his mind, and said to Fang Yi, "I don't know what you want me to do?"

A smile appeared in Fang Yi's eyes, and the attitude of the Scarlet Flame Ghost King undoubtedly explained everything.

"You can do it yourself!"

It was still the same words, but the meaning revealed in the tone was completely different.

How could the Scarlet Flame Ghost King not understand, and immediately said: "Young master, don't worry! This subordinate will definitely not let you down."

If outsiders hear this, they will be extremely surprised, because the Scarlet Flame Ghost King is facing an outsider, and he claims to be a subordinate, what does this mean.


Fang Yi nodded in satisfaction, "When the matter here is settled, I will make my wish come true."

Speaking of this matter, Fang Yi felt a little ashamed. The Scarlet Flame Ghost King had done his best to himself for the way of Yinhuo, but he seemed to be taking advantage of others.

After this time, it is indeed time to fulfill the promise.

There are also two big protectors who promised to help them break through to manifest their saints, but they have never had a chance.

It seems that we have to wait until after this incident.


"Returning to my lord, I have basically confirmed that that kid has a great relationship with the Temple of Destruction!"

In the Great Hall of the Soul Clan, after Jun Jiuyou came back from the Abyss of Blood Sea, he never gave up looking for Fang Yi's whereabouts until the Temple of Killing Dao and the Temple of Destruction invaded the Evil Ghost Dao successively, and the people of the Soul Clan finally affirmed the connection between the two .

"Idiots! I asked you to investigate someone, and I have only found out a little clue until now."

"If it was found out earlier, why are there so many things!"

Jun Jiuyou reprimanded, teeth rattling.

It's no wonder that he was so angry, he was played around by Fang Yi several times, as a gunman, and it would not be much better if he was replaced by anyone.

"Gather the manpower for this deity, and this deity will destroy the temple completely."


A group of strong soul clans ignored them.

However, at this moment, outside the main hall, a disciple hurriedly came, "Q...Qi report to Master Jiuyou, it's not good, then...that person came to kill me."

"Be clear? Who killed you?"

A hostage shouted.

"That's... the person Master Jiuyou is looking for."


As soon as these words came out, the whole room was shocked, even Jun Jiuyuan, a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes.


Bang bang bang! ! !

Between the sky and the earth, there was a loud noise, and above the void, a domineering figure stepped forward step by step, and countless strong soul clans below tried to stop him.

But before they got close, they flew out one by one.

Like a boring shell.

Needless to say, the person who came was Fang Yi. The reason why he came here was naturally to confirm the matter of Hua Lian'er.

Of course, it is also because of today, there is no need to hide from Jun Jiuyou.

"Little thief, it's really you!!"

Seeing the powerhouses of the soul race helpless, suddenly, a thunderous sound exploded in the sky, the void collapsed, and Jun Jiuyou broke through the sky.

At this moment, Jun Jiuyou's eyes are like knives, and his whole body is full of arrogance, like a demon god of heaven and earth.


Without a word, he slapped directly.

Boom! !

The sky and the earth were thundering, and a huge hand condensed instantly, crushing it away with terrifying power.

The space could no longer bear the blow, and was the first to crack open.

However, Fang Yi seemed to be independent of the space and was not affected at all. At the same time, he also stretched out a palm, and the sound of the shocking dragon chant echoed the world.

The claws of the real dragon seemed to protrude from the void, and went directly to meet it.

Immediately, there were loud noises, the sky and the earth were shattered, and the two giant palms also exploded inch by inch. The terrifying shock wave was like a tsunami, destroying everything around.

The entire soul clan was in a mess.

Some strong soul clansmen who couldn't escape were instantly torn into pieces.

The scene was extremely tragic.

"How is it possible?" Jun Jiuyou couldn't help shrinking his pupils, because this blow was evenly divided, and no one took the other.

However, this was obviously something he couldn't believe.

Because not long ago, the other party was still an ant-like existence in his eyes.

Afterwards, although the opponent made more and more progress, he was still unable to compare with him. Until the blood sea and his party, the opponent's battle with the ghost ghost mother made him feel terrified.

But, after all, it wasn't his own game, so...

But today's blow undoubtedly shocked him, because compared to the Abyss of Blood Sea, the opponent's strength has been greatly improved, and he can even compete with him on the same level.

How can he not be surprised, how can he accept it.

"This is impossible! Little thief, go to hell!"

Jun Jiuyou's eyes widened again, with a murderous intent, and a bright sword shadow immediately fell, heading towards Fang Yi.


(End of this chapter)

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