Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2661 Trading

Chapter 2661 Trading

If this sword had been used in the past, Fang Yi would probably have to hide in the water temple.

But now, it's another matter.

During this period of time, with the improvement of his cultivation base, and after refining the energy and soul power of the ghost mother, his strength has almost skyrocketed several times, and it is no longer comparable to before.

Facing this sword is also calm and composed.

"Good come!"

He only heard him drink softly, his pupils shrank, and the three-color divine light burst out.

Between the heaven and the earth, the three colors are intertwined, extremely gorgeous.

The three-color light expanded rapidly, and then turned into a bright three-color sword shadow, facing the sword head-on.


The world seemed to be torn apart in an instant, revealing a huge opening that extended infinitely.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud bang, the sky collapsed piece by piece, and the whole world seemed to be doomed, it was a scene turned upside down.

The crowd below were all panicked and fled desperately.

The reaction was a little late, and it instantly turned into countless fragments.

Boom! ! !

The entire sky exploded completely, and thunder rolled.

Everything in the field becomes invisible.

After all the dust settled, those two demon god-like figures appeared in front of people again, and they were still indistinguishable.

impossible! !

Jun Jiuyou's pupils were wide open, filled with horror and deep disbelief.

How long has it been since the person in front of him has grown to such an extent?This is simply unacceptable to him, but the fact...

In fact, Fang Yi's heart is not the same.

It wasn't until today, at this moment, that he truly realized how powerful Jun Jiuyou was.

It's ridiculous that the former self had touched the other party's bad luck several times, especially in the spiritual world of the Lord of Bliss some time ago. If the other party was not refining the stone of rebirth, the consequences would be disastrous.

Fortunately, it must have passed, and now, he already has the strength to compete with the opponent.

Although in comparison, it is still a little worse.

However, this gap is already insignificant, at least it makes him no longer need to avoid the other party.

"Okay! Very good! Boy, in such a short period of time, you can actually grow to such an extent, it really impresses me."

At this moment, Jun Jiuyou's face was extremely ugly, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

Because of Fang Yi's demonstrated strength, he has already realized that it is almost impossible to win Fang Yi again.

Even though he didn't want to, he had to admit that the other party was already at the same height as him.

This also means that he can no longer snatch the half of the Life Stone.

"For your blessing, if you hadn't chased and killed me all the way, I wouldn't be where I am today!"

Fang Yi replied lightly.

There was sarcasm in the voice.

The corners of Jun Jiuyou's mouth twitched, and his teeth gritted. However, he didn't strike again, because if he continued to hit, only the soul disciples would be injured.

Of course, he would not care about the lives of these people.

But he didn't want to waste his energy on meaningless things.

"Boy! You are fine! What exactly do you want?" Jun Jiu shouted softly.

"What is your intention?" Fang Yi smiled lightly, and said, "Shouldn't I be asking this question? I am here to complete our deal, but..."


When Jun Jiuyou heard this, two rays of light burst out from his pupils.

The so-called transaction naturally refers to killing the Ghost Mother.

However, everyone knows this kind of transaction well, and who would really take it to heart? Jun Jiuyou would not be so stupid as to believe that Fang Yi would consciously offer half of the Rebirth Stone.

How can there be such a cheap thing in the world.

"What do you mean?" Immediately, he demanded.

"It's very simple!" Fang Yi replied lightly, "You were not the only one who killed the ghost mother that day, so the reward will naturally be discounted, otherwise, what can you exchange with me?"

Fang Yi's words were clearly a test, to test whether Hua Lian'er was in the opponent's hands.

Although all indications are that this possibility is extremely small.

Otherwise, Jun Jiuyou might have threatened him long ago without waiting for him to speak.

However, it was about Hua Lian'er's safety, so he still tried a word.

However, the result undoubtedly disappointed him, Jun Jiuyou's eyes flashed a daze, he looked at Fang Yi suspiciously, and asked, "What exactly do you want?"

Fang Yi was a little thankful that Hua Lian'er was not in the other party's hands, but at the same time, his doubts deepened.

Where did Hua Lianer go?

"What do you want? Let's see what you can have that is equivalent to that half of the Stone of Life."

Fang Yi said lightly in his mouth, but he was thinking about it in his heart.

Involuntarily, he suddenly remembered the other half of the Stone of Rebirth. As expected, the other half should be in the hands of the other party, and the half in his own hand contains the power of rules. Inner world space.

If you can get the other half, then...

"Think about it, my lord, the one that can be equivalent to half of the rebirth stone in my hand is probably only the other half, right?"

Fang Yi deliberately tried to say.

In fact, to this day, he has not figured out what the origin of the stone of rebirth is.

The power of the rules contained in it is so majestic that it cannot be compared with the Dao Rune of Heaven and Earth, but apart from this, he has not heard of other items that contain rules.

So there is no way of knowing what it is.

However, its preciousness is beyond doubt.

"Boy! You're dreaming!" The corner of Jun Jiuyou's mouth twitched, and the fierce light in his eyes seemed to want to chop Fang Yi thousands of times.

No wonder, in his opinion, that half of the Stone of Rebirth was originally his.

In the end, it was taken away by Fang Yi.

Well now, it's not enough for the other party to snatch half of it, and he even made up the other half's idea. No matter how he is not angry, his teeth are gnashing loudly.

"Master Jiuyou, why do you need to get angry, I don't want yours, but an exchange."

"This is the most cost-effective deal for you and me, isn't it?"

Fang Yi laughed playfully.

This is undoubtedly a big truth, and Jun Jiuyou didn't understand it. In fact, when he found out that Fang Yi could not be taken, he himself had such thoughts.

However, Fang Yi was too cunning, and his cunning made him full of fear.

Moreover, the rebirth stone was originally his, but now he has to exchange it, how could he be willing.

But rationality told him that this was the last chance, and if he missed it, he might never be able to get the other half of the Stone of Rebirth.

Once the exchange is formed, the two of them will be a race against time.

Whoever can comprehend the rules first is undoubtedly a great threat to the other person.

"Okay! This deity will trade with you!"

Finally, Jun Jiuyou made up his mind.

Because he has absolute confidence in himself, comprehending the power of rules is not as simple as increasing energy, it requires endless years of comprehension.

It took him almost tens of thousands of years to comprehend the half of the stone of death, and it took only a few months for Fang Yi to get the other half.

In any case, he didn't believe that the other party had comprehended.

The process of fighting several times has also confirmed this point, the opponent has only grasped the superficial.

To exchange with oneself is simply courting death.

He didn't fully comprehend the power of the rules in the other half of the Stone of Rebirth, and the other party didn't even have the qualifications to race against him, so why should he be afraid?

His deduction is undoubtedly correct. Fang Yi has indeed only grasped the superficial aspects, but with the existence of the inner world, he doesn't need the half of the stone of death at all.

As for the race against time, he even has a water temple.

and so……

The result is still unknown, and Fang Yi is also looking forward to it.


(End of this chapter)

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