Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2663 Backhand

Chapter 2663 Backhand

"Where did you go?"

The abyss of the sea of ​​blood is still the trench, the place where the war was fought.

Fang Yi looked around lightly, frowning.

Where did Hua Lianer go?This question has been entangled with him, and many possibilities have been ruled out, but the final result is that Hua Lian'er may not have left at all.

However, with a glance here, based on his sense of the original water, if Hua Lian'er is really here, there is no reason why he can't sense it.

Fang Yi was puzzled.

After thinking for a while, he reached out with his big hand, and a photo stone appeared in his palm.

The photo stone is shining brightly, and the scene from the beginning reappears.

However, in it, there was nothing suspicious about Fang Yi. It seemed that Hua Lian'er just disappeared out of thin air. What happened after she left?

Fang Yi had no way of knowing, and was extremely depressed in his heart.

Suddenly, he looked up to somewhere.

"What are you doing here? Is it because I am afraid that I will find someone and leave you behind?"

Fang Yi's words were slightly displeased.

"Fellow Daoist misunderstood!" There was a ripple in the air, and the Lord of Slaughter slowly stepped out of it, "After this incident, I understand that I can wear as much hat as I have ability."

"Treasures are something that those who are destined can get it, and you can't force it."

There was a hint of flattery in the words of the Lord of Slaughter.

I don't know if he really wanted to open it, or if he knew that Hua Lian'er was missing, he deliberately said good words.

"Then what are you doing?"

Fang Yi asked.

"Come and take a look, I'll find you by the way!" The Lord of Slaughter smiled, and said again: "You know, the ghost mother has lived in Huangquanhai for countless thousands of years, and she has met countless people, and among them there are always some who are deeply affectionate. .”

"Although these people don't care about the fate of evil ghosts, they are extremely concerned about the ghost mother's death."

"Maybe it wasn't out of good intentions, but the fall of a peak manifester means that their lives have also been greatly threatened. Therefore, they have been inquiring about the cause of the ghost mother's death everywhere, and even found me."

The Lord of Slaughter said so, seemingly having a headache.

Fang Yi looked indifferent, as if he had expected it.

The fall of a strong man like Ghost Mother will inevitably cause a sensation in the entire Huangquanhai, and as the first to attack the evil ghosts, those people will be ghosts if they don't look for the Lord of Slaughter.

"Fortunately, my strength is far inferior to that of the Ghost Mother, so I didn't arouse their suspicion, so I had to make up a random lie to hide it from them for the time being."

"But, if they pursue it and find it's fake, then I..."

The Lord of Slaughter was worried.

In the past few days, he racked his brains on this matter, but in the end he couldn't think of a perfect solution.

That's when he came to Fang Yi for help.

However, he didn't know that Fang Yi had expected everything today, and it was precisely because of this that the Photo Stone existed, just to throw the pot away.

Even if the Lord of Slaughter doesn't look for him today, he will pass on this picture stone.

In this way, Jun Jiuyuan may not have time to comprehend the half of the stone of death.

"Take it!"

Fang Yi casually threw out the photo stone.

The Lord of Slaughter was obviously taken aback, as if he still didn't understand why, but when everything on the photo stone appeared in front of his eyes, his eyes suddenly lit up.

At this moment, the image of Shiying Shishan has been intercepted, only the image of Jun Jiuyou knocking the ghost mother away with one palm, and the raging karmic fire steaming in the black hole.

Ordinary people may not understand what a big difference this video can play.

But the Lord of Slaughter naturally understood.

This video not only pointed out who the murderer was, but also pointed out the reason for it. Those strong people must be able to see at a glance that this is the abyss of the sea of ​​blood.

And the blazing karma can easily remind people of the Twelve Grade Blood Lotus.

With these, everything undoubtedly has a basis.

The Lord of Slaughter couldn't help but be overjoyed, the problem that puzzled him was finally solved, but his gaze towards Fang Yi became more fearful, even a little fearful.

In such a situation at that time, I still wanted to leave a picture, why?

The answer is already obvious.

This scheming made him feel cold all over his body.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, don't rush to release the image and put aside the relationship, otherwise, if Jun Jiuyou comes to the door, you will suffer."

Seeing that the other party was quite upright, Fang Yi couldn't help reminding him.

"Thank you for your reminder!"

The Lord of Slaughter is naturally not stupid, he still understands such a simple truth, but he still did not forget to express his thanks.

Because in his heart, Fang Yi was already an existence not to be provoked, and even to be courted as much as possible.

Holding the picture stone, the Lord of Slaughter left satisfied.

And Fang Yi, still looking at the world, frowned deeply.


"The order continues. From now on, the Temple of Destruction will suspend all external affairs, and all disciples will devote themselves to cultivation."

Back at the Temple of Destruction, Fang Yi rarely gave the first order.

Regarding this, although the disciples were a little surprised, because now is a good time for the rise of the Temple of Destruction, but Fang Yi's words did not dare to refute.

Moreover, the Evil Ghost Dao battle also made them aware of the gap between the two major powers.

If it weren't for the fact that the major forces have joined in one after another, it would be impossible to achieve the current results even without the ghost mother just by killing Dao and destroying the temple.

And the reason why Fang Yi gave such an order is naturally because of this.

Although the evil ghost way has declined, the situation has become completely chaotic.

Once the image of the Lord of Slaughter is leaked, the matter related to the Twelve-Rank Blood Lotus will definitely set off a bigger storm in the entire Yellow Spring Sea, and taking refuge temporarily is the best choice.

Moreover, this way he would have enough time to comprehend the Stone of Rebirth.

After setting everything up, Fang Yi entered the water temple.

It is also half a stone of rebirth, and the power of rules contained in it is equally majestic and extremely mysterious.

What's even more amazing is that the two seem to be one, and Fang Yi even doubts whether this is a complete avenue of rebirth

However, he obviously thought too much, how could the complete avenue of rebirth be so simple.

He has not even achieved a legend at present, so how can he come into contact with the complete Dao.

In the following time, Fang Yi was immersed in these rules.

He temporarily put aside other rules. Mo Lao once said that the key to achieving a legend is the consummation of the three souls and the cohesion of the Tao body.

To achieve this, it does not depend on the number of rules to comprehend.

Precisely, the depth of a certain rule.

The three thousand rules can achieve the Dao, which is also the origin of the Three Thousand Dao.

But at present, the stone of rebirth is undoubtedly more profound than other rules, and the possibility of condensing the Tao body is also the greatest.

Of course, the three major temples are not listed here.

But the three major temples are too broad and profound, and it may not be easy to gather the Dao body with this. Therefore, Fang Yi finally chose the Dao of Rebirth.

At the same time, he also wanted to see if he could catch up with Jun Jiuyou.

Time passed like this, but the outside world has become a mess, especially Jun Jiuyou, once the incident of the Twelve-Rank Blood Lotus happened, Jun Jiuyou has already become the target of public criticism.

Powerhouses from all sides are eager to win the twelfth grade blood lotus.

As tyrannical as Jun Jiuyou, he had to dodge everywhere, "Bastard, it must be you. When I condense my Dao body and become a legend, I will let you die without a place to die."


(End of this chapter)

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