Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2664 Golden Lotus Platform

Chapter 2664 Golden Lotus Platform

Time flies, and a hundred years pass by in a hurry.

In the past hundred years, the entire evil ghost realm has almost completely disappeared, leaving only some remnants of forces retreating to the depths of the sea of ​​blood.

Because of this incident, the entire Huangquanhai was in chaos.

Coupled with the rumors about the twelfth-grade blood lotus, those old monsters who have not been seen for a long time have also come out one after another. It can be said that Huang Quanhai has ushered in a period of turmoil.

And the instigator of all this, Fang Yi, is immersed in the countless mysterious rules and thin lines at this moment.

The Temple of Destruction also avoided this storm.

This is a messy space.

Countless regular thin lines criss-crossed, and there was a faint and mysterious sound coming from the sky and the earth.

If the ghost ghost mother is still alive, she must be able to hear this mysterious sound, just like when Jun Jiuyou came to the evil ghost's way.

The source of the sound was a faint golden light.

There, a body exuding golden light loomed.

At the feet of the body, there are pale golden lotus petals outlined by countless thin and regular lines. There are six pieces in total, forming a lotus platform, slowly supporting the body.

"It's finally done!"

At this time, the body opened its eyes.

Looking at the lotus platform below him, Fang Yi couldn't help but smile.

good!The body is naturally Fang Yi. After a hundred years of practice and comprehension, his comprehension of the rules of rebirth has allowed him to reach an extremely impressive level, successfully condensing the golden lotus platform.

Even better than Jun Jiuyou before the retreat.

Thinking back to the beginning, Jun Jiuyou never succeeded in condensing the lotus platform, because he lacked the other half of the Stone of Rebirth.

But Fang Yi is different, although it is only a hundred years, no!Strictly speaking, it is a thousand years. With the water temple, Fang Yi has ten times more time than others.

Although a thousand years is not a long time for a cultivator.

However, with the help of the inner world, Fang Yi's comprehension of the Way of Rebirth is no longer comparable to the past.

Even vaguely already knew how to condense the Tao body.

In fact, this golden lotus platform is a part of the Dao body, carrying the existence of the Dao body. It can be said that the legend of condensing the Dao body is no longer far away for Fang Yi.

However, he did not choose to continue retreating.

Because Hua Lian'er is still missing, and Fengshenmeng also has no news, so...

With a thought, he came to a certain place in the water temple.

The place where Kyushu disciples retreat.

It has to be said that with the acceleration of the Water God Temple and the support of huge resources, the disciples of the Nine Provinces have made great progress, and Meng Tiance and others have already broken through to the Cave Heaven Realm one after another.

However, this is clearly not enough.

Fang Yi did not disturb them, but came to the inner world.

As expected, the Protectors of True Yang and Protectors of Xuanyin have successively reached the realm of manifesting sages.

Not surprisingly, the strength of these two people was only one step away from manifesting the sage, but they couldn't get in touch with more heaven and earth dao patterns, so they couldn't take that step for a long time.

But now, I gave them a sea of ​​rules.

In this hundred years of hunger and thirst, it is only a matter of course to achieve the holiness.

As for the Scarlet Flame Ghost King, his Yinhuo Dao has also improved a lot, but it is still unknown to what extent he has reached. The power to comprehend the rules is entirely up to him. Fang Yi just provides him with the power of the rules. The amount of enlightenment depends on the individual's fortune.

The same goes for the two guardians.


"My lord, the situation is probably like this!"

In the main hall, a group of senior officials of the Temple of Destruction told about what happened to Huang Quanhai in the past hundred years.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with it, it was just that Huang Quanhai was already in chaos. Fang Yi had already expected this, and he didn't care at all. What he cared about was the whereabouts of the second daughter.

But alas, nothing.

"Got it! Let's all go down!"

Fang Yi waved his hand.

In the main hall, only Fang Yi and the two guardians are left at this moment. As for the Scarlet Flame Ghost King, he is still in retreat.

At this moment, the eyes of the two guardians looking at Fang Yi have become completely different, respecting them like gods.

Just kidding, Fang Yi allowed them to reach the Holy Realm in one fell swoop, which they have always dreamed of, and now they have finally achieved it, it is conceivable.

"My lord, my subordinates will do our best to find the whereabouts of Concubine Xue, please rest assured, lord!"

"Yes! There is no news about Concubine Xue, which is good news in itself, which means that she has not fallen into the hands of other people. Maybe she is in retreat somewhere!"

The two guardians clearly saw Fang Yi's heart, and said one after another.

Fang Yi smiled, as if he agreed with the words of the two of them.

He knew this a long time ago, but...

That's it!

Shaking his head, since there is no way to find it right now, Fang Yi had no choice but to give up temporarily, "That's right! I'm asking you, how much do you know about You?"

Since there is no way to find Hua Lian'er, then Fengshen Meng should also look for it.

As soon as Feng Shenmeng entered Huangquanhai, he was inquiring about the whereabouts of Youdu, and it was obvious that he was going for Youdu.

"This! Young Master, Youdu is erratic, and we are not very clear about it, but it is said that as long as the strength reaches a certain level, you can perceive the existence of Youdu. Could it be that this is false?"

Guardian Xuanyin doubted.

The reason why he said this was naturally because even Fang Yi was inquiring about Youdu's whereabouts.

Today, Fang Yi's status in his mind is almost equivalent to an invincible existence. After all, the ghost mother died at his hands.

And even Fang Yi couldn't perceive the existence of Youdu, so it was obvious that the rumors must be false.

Fang Yi couldn't help but frowned.

"It is rumored that Youdu and the underworld have existed together since ancient times. If you want to know, you might as well ask Killing. The forces such as Killing Dao and Asura Dao have a long history, so they must be more clear than others."

Protector Zhenyang interrupted at this moment.

Fang Yi nodded subconsciously, this seemed to be a solution.

Moreover, he had to ask the Lord of Slaughter many things. The Temple of Destruction suspended all external affairs, and the news received by ordinary disciples was of no value at all.


Killing Dao, the largest hall.

Over the past hundred years, the killing aura emanating from the Lord of Slaughter has become stronger and stronger.

Standing aloft, he looked down at the high-ranking assassins below, showing even more majesty.

However, when he saw a figure falling out of thin air in the center of the hall, he was startled at first, but then smiled all over his face, which was quite different from his majestic appearance before.

"Fang Daoyou, stay safe!"

Needless to say, it was Fang Yi.

The Lord of Slaughter greeted him, and quickly sent everyone away.

Some high-level officials who didn't know about it were undoubtedly a little surprised by this scene, but they were not stupid. The reaction of the Slaughter Lord and the aura around Fang Yi had already explained everything.

"Good talk!"

Fang Yi didn't bother to talk nonsense, and asked straight to the point: "Do you know where Youdu is?"


The Lord of Slaughter was obviously taken aback, and then a strange look appeared on his face, and he asked, "Fellow Daoist Fang wants to go to Youdu? To be honest, I do know."


(End of this chapter)

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