Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2665 Innate Treasure

Chapter 2665 Innate Treasure

"Oh? You know, where?"

Fang Yi's eyes lit up, and he asked anxiously.

Seeing that Fang Yi was so nervous, the Lord of Slaughter did not dare to be careless. He suppressed his smile and said, "Strictly speaking, I am not sure about the exact location of Youdu, because Youdu is not fixed, but erratic."

"Also, it doesn't exist in the underworld, but relies on the underworld to live in a small world."

Fang Yi was not surprised by this.

The so-called small world is similar to various secret realms in the spirit world, and it is not uncommon.

"However! Youdu is quite special and different from ordinary small worlds. According to legend, it is one of the two cores of the underworld, and together with the domain of reincarnation, it maintains the operation of the underworld."

"Moreover, it is also the place of ascension in the underworld. As long as the achievements are not destroyed, you can go to Youdu and ascend to the fairy world."

The Lord of Slaughter continued.

The place of ascension?

This kind of statement undoubtedly made Fang Yi startled. The implication is that it is necessary to achieve immortality in order to perceive the location of Youdu?

Can!How difficult is it to achieve immortality?So far, Fang Yi has never encountered an immortal strongman.

The Lord of Slaughter obviously saw Fang Yi's doubts, and quickly explained: "It is true under normal circumstances, but this is not the only way to enter Youdu, there is another way, and that is Karma Order."

"As long as you can obtain the karma order, you can enter Youdu."

Karma order?What is that?

Fang Yi was puzzled, and why is it called Karma Order?

Immediately, he asked quickly.

"As I said before, Youdu and the Reincarnation Domain are called the two cores of the Underworld, and they jointly maintain the operation of the Underworld. The Reincarnation Domain has the Gate of Reincarnation, which controls reincarnation."

"As for Youdu, there is a karma roulette, which controls karma."

"The gate of reincarnation and the roulette of karma are also known as the two innate treasures of the underworld."

Mentioning these two innate treasures, the Lord of Slaughter's eyes were full of longing.

Fang Yi couldn't help being startled, and blurted out, "How does it compare to Patriarch Minghe's Twelve Grade Blood Lotus, Yuantu, and Abi?"

It's no wonder that Fang Yi asked this question. It was the first time he had heard of a congenital treasure.

However, the Lord of Slaughter couldn't help giving Fang Yi a strange look when he heard the words, but he still said hastily: "Of course! These two are completely different..."

Immediately, the Lord of Slaughter quickly explained.

According to what he said, the twelfth grade blood lotus, as well as Yuantu and Abi, should all be innate spiritual treasures, the difference is only a word 'to', but this word means that the two are not the same.

The word "zhi" represents the highest, which can be imagined.

At the same time, he also explained what an innate spirit treasure is.

The so-called congenital spiritual treasure is conceived and born from heaven and earth, which contains the most original power of rules, and forms a complete avenue, which is equivalent to a strong person in the avenue.

Hearing this, Fang Yi was stunned.

A complete avenue, comparable to a powerful person in the avenue?I haven't even seen the Legendary Realm and the Immortal Realm, what kind of terrifying existence is that in the Great Dao Realm?

And an innate spirit treasure is equivalent to such an existence, it is simply...

and many more! !

Suddenly, Fang Yi seemed to think of something.

Contains a complete avenue?Isn't that the Three Great Temples?Could it be that the three major temples are also innate spiritual treasures?But, they didn't show any attack power?

Is it because I can't use it properly?There is no magical effect of controlling them?Or is his cultivation base too low?

Or perhaps, because of their incompleteness?

The three major shrines are only part of the Good Fortune Shrine, and only the gathering of the five great shrines can condense the legendary Good Fortune Shrine. If this is the case, what level will the Good Fortune Shrine condensed by the five innate spirit treasures be?

Can it rival the Gate of Fortune and Karma Roulette?

At this moment, Fang Yi faintly looked forward to it.

"The gate of reincarnation and the causal roulette are also a kind of innate treasure, which contains the complete avenue of reincarnation and avenue of karma. These two avenues are the foundation of the operation of the three realms, and because of this, they are innate treasures. "

"And the strength of the innate spirit treasures depends on the Dao they each contain."

Lord of Slaughter added at last.

Fang Yi also felt a sense of enlightenment, but he still had some doubts in his heart, so he asked instead: "What is that fairy weapon?"

Fang Yi didn't know anything about the so-called fairyland that hadn't been ascended yet.

Not only him, but the entire spiritual world is similar.

On the contrary, this underworld understands these things better, and its overall strength is much stronger than that of the spirit world.

"The so-called fairy weapon is actually a magic weapon that contains the power of rules. Because the world of rules is called the fairy world, so this kind of magic weapon is also called a fairy weapon."

"At the same time, it has another name, called Dao Magical Artifact."

"And the level of the Dao Magical Artifact is basically distinguished according to the depth of the power of rules contained in it. If the power of rules inside also forms a complete Dao, it is the Houtian Lingbao."

"Of course, the power of rules in this kind of acquired spirit treasure is far less pure than the power of rules in innate spirit treasures, and its power is also much worse."

The words of the Lord of Slaughter finally gave Fang Yi a certain understanding of the classification of various magic weapons.

On top of the three soul magic tools is the fairy weapon, also known as the Dao magic weapon, and above the Dao magic weapon is the Houtian Lingbao, and although the Houtian Lingbao and the Xiantian Lingbao are similar in nature, their power is quite different.

And on top of the Xiantian Lingbao, there is also the Xiantian Supreme Treasure.

Moreover, there are probably many refinements between the Dao Magical Artifact and the Houtian Lingbao.

Involuntarily, Fang Yi thought of the Immortal King's Longevity Tomb, which was at least a magic weapon.

"How to obtain the karma order?"

After pondering for a while, Fang Yi regained his composure. He is not interested in these innate treasures right now.

Moreover, without thinking about it, I am afraid that this kind of thing cannot be controlled at all.

After all, that maintains the operation of the Three Realms.

The Lord of Slaughter obviously didn't expect Fang Yi to put aside the topic so quickly. You know, when he heard about the Gate of Reincarnation and Karma Roulette, he was very excited and wanted to take it for himself immediately.

Fang Yi, however, just inquired and didn't respond much.

This composure is far beyond that of ordinary people.

"To obtain the karma order, it's neither difficult nor easy. That is to get the approval of Youdu, but for ordinary people, they don't know where Youdu is, so how can they be recognized."

"Only some big forces can get it if you have contacts with them. I used to have two of them for killing Dao. Unfortunately, they were all used later."

"But today's Huangquanhai, I am afraid that only Shura Dao and Hell Dao exist."

The Lord of Slaughter replied.

Hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but focus his eyes. Asura Dao and Hell Dao, he has never been in contact with these two forces, so he rushed to ask for a karma order, I'm afraid...

But if this is not the case, you can only wait until the achievements are immortal.

"Is there no other way?"

Immediately, he asked.

"It's not impossible. According to legend, as long as you can comprehend a little power of cause and effect, you can condense the order of cause and effect by yourself, but..."

This is already obvious, what is the power of cause and effect?That is the law of cause and effect. It is difficult to understand the law of cause and effect, one of the six top laws.

Fang Yi couldn't help curling his lips.

"However, I heard that the incident of the twelfth-grade blood lotus has already alarmed Youdu, and Youdu also sent people to track down Jun Jiuyou's whereabouts. Maybe we can think of a way here."

Seeing this, the Lord of Slaughter pondered for a while and said, but his face was a little uncertain.


(End of this chapter)

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