Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2666 Karmic Order

Chapter 2666 Karmic Order


Startled Youdu?

Fang Yi was startled, but it was right to think about it. If he had been a little surprised before today, but after hearing the words of the Lord of Slaughter, it was not surprising.

So far, whether in the spirit world or the underworld, he has never even seen a Dao magic weapon, and it is said to be an innate spiritual treasure. If the twelve blood lotus is really an innate spiritual treasure, I am afraid that anyone can't help but want to take it for themselves Have.

Even Fang Yi has such an impulse.

But well!All of this was planned by him, where did the twelfth grade blood lotus come from.

"Do you know where they are?"

Fang Yi hurriedly asked.

The Lord of Slaughter shook his head, "This is just a rumor. Whether it is true or not is unknown at present, but it should not be true, but their traces are..."

"Youdu is aloof. Compared with other forces in Huangquanhai, their strength is much stronger, and there is even the existence of immortality. If they want to hide it, they will not be able to detect it at all."

When it comes to Youdu, the Lord of Slaughter's expression is also full of fear.

"Is there no other way?"

Fang Yi frowned.

The Lord of Slaughter paused for a moment, and said: "Not necessarily, they always come for the twelfth grade blood lotus, and they will always show up. As long as we keep an eye on it, there should be news."

Fang Yi nodded, but, wait until the year of the monkey?

Instead of this, it is better to take the initiative to lure them to show up.

"Fang Daoyou, is there any way?"

The Lord of Slaughter observed Fang Yi's words and expressions, and when he saw that Fang Yi seemed to have made some decision, he said tentatively.

"Look at this!" Fang Yi said, pinching five fingers, a trace of flame steamed up, and a strange red lotus bloomed from his fingertips.

"What? Karma Red Lotus!!"

The face of the Lord of Slaughter changed drastically.

"No!" But soon, he shook his head again, "This is not the real Karma Red Lotus, it's just imitating the supernatural power of Karma Red Lotus. Are you a disciple of the Ice God Palace?"


This time, it was Fang Yi's turn to be startled, "Do you know the Ice God Palace?"

"Also, why do you say this is not Karma Red Lotus?"

Fang Yi was undoubtedly taken aback by what the Slaughter Lord said. He hadn't heard anything similar before. This isn't Karma Red Lotus, what is that?

And the Lord of Slaughter also looked shocked at this moment.

The last time the group in the Abyss of Blood Sea, Ye Huo and Hong Lian came out of nowhere, he didn't know the mystery of it, and only now did he suddenly realize it.

"Fang Daoyou was joking, there are many disciples in the Ice God Palace, and there have been many in the history of the underworld, especially the red lotus messenger, which is similar to the twelve blood lotus, so it has been spread more widely, and I have heard a little about it. "

"As for why it is not the real Karma Red Lotus, I have only heard it. It is said that this is the magic power of the master of the Ice God Palace imitating the Karma Red Lotus."

"The real karmic fire red lotus is a real innate spiritual treasure, not a collection of energy."

The Lord of Slaughter replied.

Fang Yi couldn't help but nodded. Although he was able to condense the Karma Red Lotus, it was obvious that it didn't really exist, it was just an illusion of energy.

However, Yehuo cannot be faked, and its power is also extraordinary.

From this point alone, it can be seen how amazing the Palace Master of the Ice God Palace is.

"Could it be that Fellow Daoist Fang wants to repeat the same old tricks to attract the powerhouses from Youdu to show up?" The Lord of Slaughter clearly saw Fang Yi's intentions and asked.

"Not bad!"

Fang Yi nodded.

"But in this way, I'm afraid it's not just Youdu powerhouses that are attracted, but also other powerhouses."

"Besides, this will inevitably make people from Youdu feel like being tricked. Then Daoist Fang asks for the karma order again, I'm afraid..."

The Lord of Slaughter hesitated to speak, but his meaning couldn't be more obvious.

This is precisely where Fang Yi has a headache.

If it wasn't necessary, he really didn't want to provoke too many enemies, not because he was afraid, but because it wasn't necessary.

He is destined not to stay in the underworld for too long, and he will leave as soon as the matter is over. At that time, the Kyushu disciples will definitely stay. He doesn't want to leave too many enemies for the Kyushu disciples.

What's more, there may still be a secluded capital where there may be strong immortals.

"It's better, let the people below inquire first, and then discuss it in the long run."

The Lord of Slaughter obviously also saw Fang Yi's embarrassment, and expressed his favor.

"Then I'll have to work!" Fang Yi didn't bother to be polite, nodded, and then he couldn't help but feel agitated in his heart. It's so troublesome to enter You, so what about Fengshenmeng?

Has she already entered Youdu, and if so, what method will she choose?

"By the way, let me inquire about whether there are any abnormalities in Shura Dao and Hell Dao in the past hundred years."

"it is good!"

The Slaughter Lord was startled for a moment, then nodded, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

From his point of view, Fang Yi is obviously going to prepare for the future. Once he can't find a strong man in Youdu, then the two major forces will be the opponent's target.

In the entire Huangquanhai, anyone who dares to attack the attention of these two major forces, I am afraid...

At this moment, the Slaughter Lord was extremely shocked.

His guess was undoubtedly wrong. The reason why Fang Yi wanted to inquire about these two major forces was naturally to get news about Fengshenmeng. With Fengshenmeng's personality, if he really wanted to enter Youdu, he would probably use the most direct means.

As for him?If you really want to attack the two major forces, you don't need to investigate at all.

He just didn't want to provoke too many forces.


"Returning to the master, there is no trace of Jun Jiuyou, and there is no news of the twelve blood lotus for the time being. I am afraid that he is hiding somewhere!"

"But master, don't worry, we are already looking for it, I believe..."

Qingming Mountain, somewhere on the top of a mountain, a tall and straight figure is looking at Huangquanhai.

His eyes were deep, like an endless abyss.

Behind him, Patriarch Qingming was bowing down and reporting everything about the interior of the Blood Sea.

"You don't need to look for it!" Needless to say, the figure is the Emperor Jianyi who entered the underworld with Fang Yi.

However, compared to before, Di Jianyi's aura was much stronger. He stood there quietly, as if he was the master of this world, as if the world revolved around him.

"Master, should we give up? The twelfth grade blood lotus..."

Patriarch Qingming looked at Di Jianyi puzzled.

However, Emperor Jianyi shook his head and smiled, and said: "If it's really a twelfth grade blood lotus, why would Jun Jiuyou hide in Tibet? It's a fake."


Patriarch Qingming was startled, a little unbelievable.

However, he clearly believed in Di Jianyi's words, because he knew what kind of existence the person in front of him was, and since the other party said it was false, it would never be true.

"I didn't expect it! Jun Jiuyou was being played around, it's interesting!"

The corner of Di Jian's mouth twitched playfully, and then asked again: "Is there any whereabouts of the Immortal Corpse King?"

"Return to master, our people have searched all over, but there is no one yet, could it be that during the process of entering the underworld, he has..." Patriarch Qingming looked suspicious.


But Emperor Jianyi denied it, "If there is any accident, he is the least likely to have an accident among the four. I vaguely remember that before entering, his Longevity Tomb has been promoted. Maybe he did not enter the underworld. Instead, he went to another dimension."

"Forget it! Give up searching! Let's go all out to break through the barriers between the two realms."

"Master, don't worry, we have reached the final stage, I believe it will not take long to get through." Patriarch Qingming replied.

"That's good, I'll leave it to you here, and I'll go to Youdu first to get back what belongs to me." After speaking, the Emperor Sword opened his hand, and a mysterious token appeared in his hand.

At the same time, the surrounding spaces collapsed one after another, and a huge city loomed in the void.

what! !

Just as the emperor sword was about to step out, suddenly, his sharp eyes swept towards a certain place in the void.

There, there was a purple figure, and the purple figure was wrapped with countless regular thin lines. Finally, those regular thin lines merged into one, and turned into a token that was exactly the same as that in Emperor Jianyi's hand.

Di Jianyi's pupils shrank sharply.

And the purple figure seemed to have discovered him at this moment, and his cold eyes swept over him.

If Fang Yi was there, he would definitely be able to recognize it, and suddenly it was Fengshenmeng.

With just one glance, Fengshenmeng withdrew his gaze, rolled up the token, and disappeared into the void city.


(End of this chapter)

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