Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2668 Killing God Valley

Chapter 2668 Killing God Valley

"Have you heard? The twelfth grade blood lotus is not in the hands of Jun Jiuyou at all, but in the hands of the Killing Dao and Destruction Temple. Jun Jiuyou was calculated."

"Not bad! It's unbelievable that the Lord of Slaughter and Fang Yi are so good."

"Yeah! It's really unbelievable. Do you think it's true or not?"

"It's almost inseparable. Looking back now, aren't these two forces the first to attack the evil ghosts?"

"Yes! It's them. Back then, I was still curious. How could these two forces have the courage to dare to provoke the evil ghosts. I didn't expect... It's really surprising!"

As soon as the news spread, all kinds of rumors spread, and the finger pointed at killing Dao and destroying the temple.

The entire Yellow Spring Sea was in an uproar.

Because no one thought that the ghost mother's death would be related to killing Dao and destroying the temple. You must know that although these two forces are good, they are only good, and they may be regarded as famous in Huangquanhai.

But in front of the evil ghosts, and compared with some top forces, it is undoubtedly much worse.

But it was these two forces that actually killed the Ghost Mother and tricked Jun Jiuyou, who would believe it?

"Could it be Jun Jiuyou's plan to get rid of the golden cicada's shell? Seeing that the Temple of Destruction and Killing Dao took the lead in attacking the evil ghost Dao, so you deliberately poured dirty water on them?"

"If this possibility is not ruled out, do Kill Dao and Destruction Temple really have the strength to kill the Ghost Mother?"

The world is also full of doubts.

After all, where strength lies, Ghost Mother is not an idle person, so how can she be killed so easily?

And compared to this statement, without any evidence, the video of Jun Jiuyou killing the Ghost Mother is undoubtedly more convincing.

However, despite being full of doubts, Jun Jiuyou was nowhere to be found.

In contrast, Kill Dao and Destroy the Temple have clear goals, so a large number of strong people are already ready to move.

Whether it's true or not, you have to read it before saying it.

Of course, most of them are just spectators. If you really say that you have any unreasonable thoughts about the twelfth-grade blood lotus, based on their strength, it is tantamount to nonsense.


"My lord, the Dao of Killing is ahead, and the Valley of the Killing God is not far away. The vision is coming from the valley."

At the border of Killing Dao, a man was looking into the depths of Killing Dao with deep eyes.

His complexion is firm and his breath is erratic, and there is no big difference, but the people around him are extremely respectful to him, respectful and cautious.

Because he is the Black Wind Messenger of Youdu.

"Killing God Valley!"

The black wind messenger was thoughtful.

"Exactly!" The person below replied, "At the beginning, the retreat place of the Killing God was also a taboo place. Back then, there were rumors that the Killing God had obtained Abi, and countless strong men rushed into the Killing God's Valley. As a result..."

Mentioning this matter, the eyes of the people below were full of fear, and their faces turned pale.


The Black Wind Messenger nodded, "That battle also made the name of the God of Killing, I don't think, tens of thousands of years later, it will be the Valley of the God of Killing again. Could it be that it was preordained in the dark?"

The face of the black wind messenger was solemn.

"By the way! Are the Lord of Shura and the Lord of Hell here?" Then, the Black Wind Envoy asked again.

"Returning to my lord, the news has spread, it must have come, but, is it true that the twelfth-grade blood lotus is really in the hands of the killer? This is too incredible."

The people below are full of doubts.

It turned out that once the news of Jun Jiuyou spread, powerful people from all walks of life poured into the Temple of Killing Dao and Destruction.

Of course, it was just ordinary fighters, the real strong ones did not act in a hurry, because only they knew the strength of the ghost mother better, and they were more suspicious of it.

But the result was beyond everyone's expectations.

Some warriors who rushed into the Killing Dao unexpectedly saw the phantom of Karma Red Lotus near the Killing God Valley.

Later, there were more rumors that the Lord of Slaughter had obtained the twelfth-grade blood lotus, and was refining the twelfth-grade blood lotus here, accidentally revealing the aura of the twelfth-grade blood lotus.

Once the news spread, it is conceivable that everyone rushed towards this side.

Black Wind Messenger is no exception.

"It's really unbelievable, and it just happened at this time. It's a coincidence that it seems to be deliberately arranged."

A gleam of wisdom flashed in the black wind messenger's eyes.

The corners of his mouth also curled up in amusement.

"My lord's suspicion is false?" The people below couldn't help but brighten their eyes when they heard the words, and they were still in disbelief. "If this is true? Then what is their intention?"

The Black Wind Messenger shook his head and said, "No matter what their intentions are, their courage is admirable. I just want to see how they end up."


Yes!How did it end?

This question is also entangled with the Lord of Slaughter. At this moment, the Lord of Slaughter is like an ant on a hot pot.

Especially when he heard the reports from his subordinates one after another, and the strong people from all walks of life poured in, his face became more and more ugly, and at the same time, he felt a little regretful in his heart, regretting agreeing to Fang Yi's proposal.

good!Everything about Killing God Valley was naturally done by Fang Yi deliberately.

"Fang Daoyou, what should we do now? Powerful people from all walks of life are pouring in. Once they make trouble, I will surely enter a place of eternal doom."

The Lord of Slaughter looked at Fang Yi eagerly and asked.

However, Fang Yi remained calm, as if nothing could stir up waves in his heart.

"Why panic, there is no Killing God Valley, don't they also rush in? Moreover, they are extremely scattered, and there is no way to deal with it. Wouldn't it be much easier to gather them all in Killing God Valley now?"

Fang Yi said lightly.

It's easy for you to destroy the temple, but it's all because of me!The Lord of Slaughter complained secretly.

Of course, he didn't dare to say such words, he just said: "Although that's the case, but bringing them together will do more harm, once..."

The Lord of Slaughter felt terrified just thinking about it, and his palms were sweating.

"No! They are all here for the twelfth-grade blood lotus, and they check and balance each other. They won't do anything until they see the twelfth-grade blood lotus."

"As for those ordinary fighters, they are just here to watch the excitement. As long as you do what I say and evacuate all the people near the Valley of the Killing God, there will be no loss in killing Dao."

Fang Yi said calmly.

Things have come to this point, instead of allowing these people to break into the killing path and destroying the temple, it is better to gather them together like this.

In this way, not only will the immediate problem be solved, but also the powerhouses in Youdu can be drawn out.

It's the best of both worlds.

Of course, in this way, the risk to be borne is also extremely high, and the top powerhouses will come, and then...

No wonder the Lord of Slaughter was so worried.

"But then we can't hand over the twelfth grade blood lotus, so what?"

"These people will never let it go."

asked the Lord of Slaughter.

"Hand in?" Fang Yi smiled lightly, "It is said that I don't have a blood lotus of the twelfth grade, even if I have, how can I give it up, will you?"

This! !

The Lord of Slaughter is undoubtedly a meal, but no, I am afraid that whoever gets it, it is impossible to let it out.

Not to mention none at all.

"Then what should we do then?" The Slaughter Lord asked anxiously.

"What should I do?" Fang Yi raised his mouth slightly, and instead of answering, he asked instead: "Guess! Jun Jiuyou set up today's situation, will he come by himself?"


(End of this chapter)

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