Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2669 Battle of God Killing Valley

Chapter 2669 Battle of God Killing Valley

"Where's the phantom of the Karma Red Lotus? Why didn't you see it?"

"Cut! When you come, the day lily is cold. Let me tell you, I saw it with my own eyes. There is indeed a karma red lotus in it. It's a pity that it will disappear later."

"Then why don't you go in and take a look?"

"Take it as if we don't want to! The entire Killing God Valley is covered by a large formation, and it is impossible to enter."


The Valley of the Killing God is located in the southwest corner of the Killing Dao, surrounded by continuous mountains in the sea, and in the middle is a huge valley. It got its name because the Killing God retreated here and killed countless strong men.

At this moment, outside the Valley of the Killing God, there are already countless strong people gathered.

The crowd was discussing and ready to move.

"Where are the people who killed Dao? Why didn't they see any of them? Could it be that they were scared away?"

"For sure, it goes without saying, I'm afraid that the people in the valley will also leave, and by then, the twelfth-grade blood lotus may be..."

"Impossible. We have been here since the phantom of the Karma Red Lotus appeared. We haven't seen anyone leave. The Karma Red Lotus must still be inside."

"Go! Go and see! What kind of formation is so amazing."

The crowd obviously couldn't hold back anymore, some boldly went straight to Killing God Valley.

However, before his figure got close, a ripple rippled out above the huge Killing God Valley, directly shaking him into the air.

The light blue light, flowing slightly, seemed to turn the entire Killing God Valley into a vast ocean.

"What a mysterious formation!"

Somewhere in the corner, a look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the black wind messenger.

"But, it doesn't seem to be a way to kill Dao." He murmured, with doubts on his face.

"My lord! Shall we make a move?" His entourage asked before, his eyes seemed to be a little ready to move.

"No hurry! There are plenty of people, why do we need to do it?"

The black wind messenger smiled lightly.

As for the crowd, they were also stunned by the power of the formation at this moment, and they were blown away as soon as they approached. This is simply...

However, relying on their numbers, they are not afraid.

Only someone shouted: "We broke it together!"


Everyone responded one after another, obviously impatient, and immediately, one attack after another rushed towards the large formation like raindrops.

With such a majestic and dense attack, the crowd will undoubtedly break the formation.

However, the Black Wind Messenger shook his head, if it was just like this, how could he bear a compliment from him.

I saw that the countless attacks were like a stone sinking into the sea, except for the ripples that aroused one after another on the formation, there was nothing else. On the contrary, the light blue light became brighter and brighter, it seemed that those attacks were converted into Come to strengthen the formation.

"How could this be?"

The crowd was completely stunned. Such an incredible formation was obviously beyond their comprehension.

Just kidding, the four great sword formations are extremely mysterious and integrated into one body, not to mention them, even those who are strong in the Holy Realm are not so easy to break through.

"Come again!"

The crowd was obviously a little unconvinced, and launched another round of attacks.

But the results are obvious.

"Trash!" From a certain corner, a contemptuous voice sounded, the owner of the voice had sinister eyes, if Fang Yi was here, he might be able to recognize that these eyes belonged to Jun Jiuyou.

It's just that Jun Jiuyou at this moment is shrouded in a faint light, making it difficult to see clearly.

Only the pair of poisonous snake-like eyes seemed to penetrate everything.

He seemed to be a little ready to move, as if he wanted to break the big formation himself, but in the end, he still endured it, after all, he came to watch the show.


"Fang Daoyou, how long can this... this big formation last?"

At the bottom of the Valley of the Killing God, under the great formation, the Lord of Slaughter witnessed everything outside, and his entire face had already turned a liver color.

It's no wonder that such a situation would be unavoidable for anyone.

After all, not everyone has Fang Yi's strength and his self-confidence.

"Don't worry! They won't be able to break through. It's a pity that the righteous masters are not in a hurry to make a move. It seems that the temptation is not enough, let alone! Then give them some food!"

Fang Yi said lightly.

At the same time, in the outside world, in the originally incomparably blue formation, suddenly, a strange red light burst out.

The fire of karma was transpiring, and a red lotus slowly bloomed.

On the azure blue formation, there is a strange red lotus blooming. This scene is so gorgeous and so eye-catching that everyone's eyes are almost dumbfounded.

"It's the Karma Fire Red Lotus, it's really the Twelve Grade Blood Lotus!!"

The crowd erupted completely, and one after another silhouettes shot out like lightning, straight for the red lotus.

Compared with before, the strong man who shot this time is undoubtedly much stronger, but unfortunately, without exception, he was still ejected by the big formation.

There are even some of them who return to the realm of the cave, and even those who show their sages.

"Good guy! I want to see what the hell it is, break it for me."

At this time, there was an angry shout, and the loud voice echoed in the sky and the earth, making the whole formation tremble slightly, which shows the dominance of the person who came.

I saw a pitch-black figure engulfing the heavens and the earth like a night, enveloping the formation.

"It's the night devil king!"

Someone exclaimed, it turned out that the figure was suddenly the night devil king who had fought against Fang Yi.

It's just that compared to the beginning, the aura of the Night Demon King has become more domineering, like a real dark emperor. Obviously, he has gained a lot in the past hundred years.

The crowd was also tense at the moment, not even daring to breathe.

A look of surprise flashed in Fang Yi's eyes.

He didn't expect that it was the Night Demon King who couldn't help but attack first. He originally wanted to force Jun Jiuyou to make a move, but now it seems that Jun Jiuyou has obviously learned his lesson.

Either way!

That being the case, then come on!

"Go and meet him!" Fang Yi said after glancing at the Lord of Slaughter.

The Lord of Slaughter nodded slightly. If it was Jun Jiuyou, or the King of Shura, or the Lord of Hell, he would be a little afraid, but if it was just the King of Night Demons, then it would be a different matter. .

Boom! !

Seeing that the terrifying giant palm was about to take down the big formation, suddenly, within the azure blue big formation, a terrifying killing aura soared into the sky.

A strong sense of killing instantly filled the world.

A shocking sword light also appeared, and it directly slashed at the night demon king.

"The Lord of Slaughter?"

Someone blurted out, with such a strong killing spirit, the only one in the whole way of killing is the Lord of Killing.

"He is indeed retreating in the Valley of the Killing God."

The inner desires of the crowd became more eager to move, and the appearance of the Lord of Slaughter undoubtedly meant that everything was likely to be true.

A look of surprise flashed across Jun Jiuyou's eyes. In his opinion, everything today was nothing but the helpless actions of Fang Yi and the Lord of Slaughter. Where did the twelfth-grade blood lotus come from?

The two of them were simply acting, and he wanted to make a move several times to defeat the formation, expose the good play of the two, and make the crowd rise up and attack.

But in the end he endured it, because he knew that someone would expose the deception.

But he didn't expect that the Lord of Slaughter was actually below, so Fang Yi didn't...

brush! !

The terrifying sword light split the sky, as if it was going to divide the world into two, the pupils of the Night Demon King couldn't help shrinking, and the whole person also greeted him like a huge black hole.

Boom boom boom! !

There was a loud noise from the sky and the earth, and the sky above the Valley of the Killing Gods seemed to have turned into chaos.

Horrific shock waves swept across the four directions, and some warriors who couldn't help but evaded were torn into pieces in an instant, and their limbs were broken into pieces all over the sky.

The world was in a mess.


(End of this chapter)

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