Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2670

Chapter 2670

Although the Dao of Killing is not as good as it was in the heyday of the past, it has been considered good in recent years, especially in recent years, when it launched an attack on the Dao of Evil Ghosts, its power has greatly increased.

In the entire Huangquanhai, it seems that the only ones who are stronger than them are the Asura Dao and the Evil Ghost Dao.

Although the Dark Demon Realm is also extremely powerful, it is in the hands of the Dark Emperor.

Right now, the Dark Demon Realm is like a piece of loose sand, and compared with them, it is obviously worse.

Just like the night devil king at this moment, although his strength has made great progress in the past hundred years, he still struggles in front of the Lord of Slaughter.

Especially the terrifying meaning of killing, born for war.

Invincible! !

Just kidding, being able to rule the Killing Dao, how can the Lord of Slaughter be an ordinary person, and only in front of Fang Yi would he not dare to make mistakes, but it is obviously different when facing the King of Night Demons.

"Hmph! Just relying on you, you dare to kill me presumptuously. Get lost!!"

The Lord of Slaughter let out a loud cry, and his huge figure soared into the sky, above the Valley of the Killing God.

The monstrous killing air is like a storm, sweeping all directions.

Together with that piece of night, it seems to be torn apart.

The night devil king's face also became extremely ugly, but he had no time to take care of these, because a terrifying sword light came towards him again, tearing everything apart.

Boom! !

The next moment, there was a loud noise, and his figure flew out directly.

And the Lord of Slaughter still stood proudly above the Valley of the Killing God, and his terrifying killing aura made him seem to have turned into a real God of Killing.

Obviously, the Daredevil Lord is clearly halfway behind.

At this moment, he was gnashing his teeth, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

The crowd is also full of fear. Most of them are just here to join in the fun. It's fine if the Lord of Slaughter didn't show up. Now that he shows up and shows such domineering strength, it's obviously impossible for them not to be afraid.

"Listen to me, there is no twelfth-grade blood lotus in killing Dao, everything is deliberately framed by Jun Jiuyou, how powerful the Ghost Mother is, although I am conceited, I dare not say that I can compete with the other party, let alone Don't talk about beheading."

"That's all I've said, you'll have to retreat quickly, if not..., huh!"

In front of the crowd, at this moment, the Lord of Slaughter was no longer as submissive as he had been to Fang Yi before.

Some are just supercilious and domineering.

Just kidding, he is also the master of killing anyway, and he also knows that it is useless to show weakness, only strong strength can deter everyone.

Other than that, everything else is futile.

The facts are undoubtedly as he imagined, the crowd is full of fear, but unfortunately, there are always exceptions.

The last thing he wanted to see happened.

"What a big breath!"

At this time, a cold drink came, the voice was extremely cold, as if it came from Jiuyou, accompanied by this voice, there was an extremely terrifying aura, gloomy and cold, making people feel as if they were falling into an ice cave, with one's hair standing on end.

The source of the sound, a large area of ​​space collapsed directly, and a figure like an abyss slowly stepped out of it.

The figure was dressed in a black robe with strange inscriptions embroidered on it, as if it coincided with some kind of truth in heaven and earth. As he stepped forward step by step, time seemed to have stopped, and everything around him moved with his steps, as if he was just such a person. The true ruler of the world.

"The Lord of Hell!!"

The crowd recognized the person at a glance, and suddenly, everyone was terrified.

The figure also retreated unconsciously.

good!The coming person is the controller of hell, the king of hell.

At this moment, Fang Yi couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he looked up at the Lord of Hell. Apart from the terrifying aura, what attracted his attention more was the eyes of the other party.

Those deep pupils, like an endless abyss, seemed to lead to another world.

Could this be the so-called Eye of Hell?

Fang Yi muttered to himself.

Compared to his composure, the Lord of Slaughter's face undoubtedly sank at this moment. What he fears most is undoubtedly the appearance of the Lord of Hell and the King of Shura. In that case, there is only one way waiting for him.

However, in this situation, he naturally couldn't lose his momentum.

He shouted in his mouth: "Lord of Hell, it's you! Could it be that even you believe such absurd rumors?"


The Lord of Hell sneered, but he was not in a hurry to answer the Lord of Slaughter. Instead, he glanced at a certain place in the void and the black wind messenger, and then said: "I will tell whether it is absurd or not. I just want to know at this moment. , what happened to the Karma Fire Red Lotus?"

This question is undoubtedly of concern to all.

The Lord of Slaughter didn't know how to answer, because he was not sure of Fang Yi's plan.

"What karmic fire red lotus is just an illusion, just a coincidence!"

Immediately, he could only say.

But these words undoubtedly made the Lord of Hell extremely unhappy, and his face gradually sank, "Are you perfunctory me?"

The pupils of the Lord of Hell shrank, and the surrounding world seemed to condense.

The Lord of Slaughter obviously couldn't stand the other party's aloofness, and he was also a person of status in the public, so he said immediately: "Fellow Daoist listened to the rumors and questioned me rashly, but said I was perfunctory?"

"If this seat really got some twelfth-grade blood lotus, how could I let what happened today?"

There was sarcasm and displeasure in his voice.

The meaning is already obvious.

But it is a pity that it is obviously impossible to send everyone away with just one sentence. Instead, it makes the hell monarch look angry, as if his majesty has been provoked.

"How courageous! Dare to talk to me like this. It seems that the killing power has increased so much during this period of time. Has it swollen enough to think that I can compete with me?"

"Forget it! Since you don't want to say it, you can cultivate yourself to be ruthless!"

As soon as the hell lord's face turned cold, the piercing chill swept across the world like a storm.

At the same time, he slammed a huge palm.

The terrifying energy suddenly covered the sky like billowing dark clouds, as if the whole world was about to be shattered, and the surroundings were crumbling.

What's even more incredible is that the crowd only felt as if they were frozen, unable to move at all.

It was a terrifying atmosphere that completely enveloped the world.

Let everything in this world be invisible.

The Slaughter Lord's face couldn't help showing a touch of paleness, but at this moment, he had no choice but to rise up and resist, and slashed fiercely.

brush! !

The terrifying sword light swept away with the aura of killing.

These two energies almost shattered everything between the heaven and the earth, and the surrounding mountains also collapsed one after another. If it weren't for that great formation, the entire Killing God Valley would have been turned into ruins.

But even so, the azure blue formation was also trembling violently, as if it couldn't bear it and would collapse at any time.

From the surrounding crowd, a shrill howl followed.

The scope of the war has far exceeded expectations.

The number of victims is unknown.

Boom boom boom! !

The whole world exploded completely, one sound after another, deafening.

Everything in that field was also completely shrouded in terrifying energy, becoming invisible.

The huge sword light also burst open inch by inch, and finally, a figure flew out of it.


(End of this chapter)

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