Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2671 Two top powerhouses

Chapter 2671 Two top powerhouses

The Lord of Hell and the King of Shura are known as the two top powerhouses in Huangquanhai.

However, how strong the two are, has always been just a rumor, and not many people have really experienced it, because there is no need for them to make a move.

so.Regarding their tyranny, it is just a legend.

But at this moment, the legend has undoubtedly been proven.

After the previous battle, everyone has realized how strong the Slaughter Lord is, but that's it, in front of the Hell Lord, the Slaughter Lord is so unbearable, easily defeated.

With just one blow, the huge sword light was shattered.

At this moment, the crowd all looked at this scene with fear, looking at that domineering figure, like a king who reigns over the world.

The face of the Slaughter Lord also became extremely ugly.

"It's a bit of progress."

The hell king's voice was indifferent, and his eyes turned cold, and he continued: "Unfortunately, it is not enough to dare to challenge the majesty of this seat."

Bang! !

As he spoke, he took a step forward, and the world trembled.

The large formation below also trembled violently, as if it was about to burst.


Immediately, he yelled again, and terrifying power burst out from his body, like a torrent pouring down thousands of miles.

His figure also seemed to be elevated in an instant, turning into a demon god of heaven and earth.

A demon god's palm fell down immediately, and slammed at the formation.

Boom! !

The heaven and earth collapsed in an instant, like stars falling from nine heavens, which clearly meant to break the formation forcibly.

In fact, with such terrifying power, it is absolutely impossible for an ordinary formation to resist. I am afraid that the formation will collapse before the giant palm falls.

However, the Four Great Sword Formation is not that simple.

Moreover, Fang Yi would sit idly by.

Now that Jun Jiuyou has behaved well, if he can't make a move, then he can only let it go!

groan! !

The formation was shaking violently, on the verge of falling, and it was about to collapse. Everyone's eyes were focused on it, as if they all wanted to see if there was a legendary Karma Red Lotus under the formation.

But at this moment, a shocking dragon chant shook the world.

Nine days away, there seemed to be thousands of dragons roaring, oppressing the heavens.

In that resplendent formation, a terrifying dragon claw also seems to have crossed endless time and space, coming from the endless abyss of the universe, exuding the aura of erasing everything.

The terrifying meaning of destruction swept across the entire world in an instant.

Boom! ! !

The crowd hardly reacted, they just felt that the world was shaking for a while, as if it was going to be completely broken.

The Lord of Hell is naturally different, his pupils shrank sharply, and a flash of disbelief flashed across his face.

Obviously, he did not expect that there would be such a strong person under the God of Killing Valley.

Like him, there is no doubt that there are Black Wind Messenger, Jun Jiuyou, and somewhere in the void, a majestic figure like a peerless Shura.

Unlike the pure shock of the other two, Jun Jiuyou's heart was undoubtedly even more astonished.

Because among those present, only he knew the strongest in the Valley of the Killing God best.

That person who he once regarded as an ant, entered the underworld with him, and every time he met, his strength soared like a rocket, at this moment, he felt a little scared.

It was also at this moment that he secretly made up his mind that he must kill the other party this time.


Boom boom boom! ! !

The loud noises between heaven and earth continued, and the center of the battlefield had completely turned into chaos, and the violent energy made everything invisible.

Of course, the crowd has also lost their attention to the battlefield, because they want to flee for their lives.

If you don't escape, I'm afraid few people will survive.

In fact, the surroundings are already in a mess, and many weak warriors have lost their lives.

And that berserk energy also slowly quieted down, revealing everything in the field, two figures stood proudly, one was naturally the Lord of Hell, at this moment his face was ashen, looking at the opposite person coldly, his eyes were full of disbelief .

The person opposite him was wearing a blue robe with flying white hair.

Needless to say, it was Fang Yi.

In contrast, Fang Yi's expression was also much calmer, just looking at the Lord of Hell indifferently.

"who are you?"

The Lord of Hell almost asked everyone's doubts.

Fang Yi has always been relatively low-key, not because he deliberately concealed it, but because he is not a person who likes to cause trouble unless he has to.

For example, the attack on the evil ghost is for the Kyushu disciples.

In addition, he has not been in Huangquanhai for a long time, so not many people know him.

Even if someone knew that the Temple of Destruction had changed its owner, no one would have thought that the new owner would be so overbearing that he could compete with the Lord of Hell.

Of course, there is an exception, and that is the night devil king.

At this moment, he looked at Fang Yi in disbelief and fear as if he had seen a ghost.

It turned out that he had also been retreating for the past year, and his strength had greatly increased. Originally, he wanted to get back to the scene of the day, but after hearing about the twelfth-grade blood lotus, he planned to take a look first and then take revenge.

But now..., looking at that figure, his legs could not help but tremble.

"He...he is Fang Yi who destroyed the temple!"


Is he the one who destroyed the temple?

The crowd couldn't help being shocked when they heard this, and so was the Hell Monarch.

"It's you!" His pupils shrank, and he said again: "I was a little skeptical about this matter at first, but from this point of view, it can't be wrong, you killed the ghost ghost mother, and the twelfth grade blood lotus is in your hands." in your hand, right?"

The Lord of Hell shouted, with greed in his eyes.

Obviously, after seeing Fang Yi's strength, he has already believed the rumors spread by Jun Jiuyou.

Although it was just one blow just now, that blow already explained everything.

But for this, Fang Yi was not in a hurry to refute, because no one would believe it, and he didn't want to waste his words. Most importantly, Jun Jiuyou hadn't shown up yet.

and so……

"Yes or no, what does it matter to you?"

"I'm doing something, so I still have to explain to you?"

The voice was still indifferent, but it was no less than thunder in the ears of the crowd.

In Huangquanhai, anyone who dares to talk to the Lord of Hell like this is probably not born yet, but at this moment... the crowd is not shocked.

"You are presumptuous!" Undoubtedly, the Lord of Hell was also furious. He, who has always been aloof, has never been able to bear Fang Yi's tone, let alone in front of the public.

However, he was not in a hurry to make a move, but looked somewhere in the void.

Said: "King of Shura, are you still not showing up? Could it be that you still want to reap the benefits of being a fisherman?"

What?King of Shura?

Hearing this, the crowd couldn't help but look together.

Huang Quanhai's two top powerhouses actually gathered together. At this moment, the face of the Slaughter Lord became extremely ugly.

"Oh! Whatever!"

In the void, a loud voice laughed lightly, and immediately, the entire void also collapsed, and a majestic figure slowly stepped out of it.

Speaking of the majestic figure, in fact he is not too tall, only a head taller than ordinary people.

However, it gives people a feeling of being tall and straight like a mountain.

Anyone who faced him seemed to bow their heads, and the incomparably powerful aura made everyone unable to lift their heads.

The evil spirit soaring into the sky stirred up the situation even more, making the surrounding world seem to have turned into his battlefield.

And he is the peerless Shura in this battlefield.


(End of this chapter)

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