Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2672 1 to 2

2672 One-to-two

Huang Quanhai's two top powerhouses gathered together.

At this moment, everyone was shocked. It would be great if they could hear the relevant legends, let alone meet such legendary characters.

But now, and there are still two people, standing in front of them together, how can they not be surprised?

The crowd, who were still a little ready to move, completely gave up their thoughts at this moment. Just kidding, the two top powerhouses are here, how dare they have any unreasonable thoughts.

Even, many people have already fled in a hurry, hiding far away.

Obviously learned well.

Of course, there are exceptions, but those are very few, and they just stay to watch the fun. If they are really allowed to join the battlefield, it is obviously impossible.

Perhaps, there are only two exceptions, that is, the messenger of the black wind and Jun Jiuyuan.

At this moment, the black wind messenger's eyes were bright, and he looked at Fang Yi with surprise.

Jun Jiuyuan, on the other hand, was full of viciousness and cruel pleasure, as if he had foreseen Fang Yi's end.

No wonder, those are the two top powerhouses of Huang Quanhai, facing these two at the same time, who dares to say that he still has his life?Jun Jiuyuan also didn't dare.

Therefore, the smile on the corner of his mouth became stronger.

"Your Excellency, you have a good plan. Unexpectedly, there is such a strong person as you in Huang Quanhai. It's really surprising!"

The King of Shura looked at Fang Yi with surprise in his eyes.

Undoubtedly, Fang Yi's appearance and the strength he displayed also shocked him. After all, this Huangquanhai can be said to be their territory, and it is conceivable that such a strong man suddenly appeared.

"That's right! I'm also very surprised, Huang Quanhai and Huang Quanhai, the two most powerful men, are they going to join forces?"

Fang Yi said indifferently, the corners of his mouth still twitched with amusement.

It's no wonder that he said this, because at this moment, the King of Shura and the Lord of Hell seem to have a very tacit understanding. One person guards one side, and they have already blocked all Fang Yi's escape routes.

Of course, Fang Yi never thought of leaving.

"Hahaha!! Your Excellency is so amazing, dare to set up today's situation, is it also afraid?"

The King of Shura laughed wildly, seemingly extremely presumptuous.

"Stop talking nonsense, hand over the twelfth-grade blood lotus, and I can save your life, otherwise..." The hell monarch's eyes turned cold at this moment, and killing intent surged, obviously a little impatient.

Fang Yi ignored it at all, but smiled lightly and said, "If I agree to hand it over, who should it be handed over to?"

The voice was extremely playful, as if he didn't pay attention to the two of them.

Moreover, when the words fell, his majestic figure suddenly became one piece, and directly attacked the hell monarch.


Facing the two peak powerhouses, dare to take the lead?

The crowd only thought they were dazzled, one by one, speechless in astonishment.

The Lord of Slaughter was undoubtedly startled, maybe he didn't expect Fang Yi to act so forcefully, it was simply..., for a while, he didn't know whether to help.

Contrary to him, Jun Jiuyou was very happy. Fang Yi was so domineering, in his opinion, it undoubtedly exacerbated the process of death.

Although Fang Yi is tyrannical, he never thinks that the opponent has the strength to compete with the two peak powerhouses.

Yes!Even Fang Yi himself was not sure.

If he faced one of them, he would not care, but facing two at the same time, this is not just talk, no one can predict the result.

That's why he acted first, the so-called first strike is the strongest.

The bright three-color sword light tore apart the heaven and the earth.


The Lord of Hell was furious, and Fang Yi's actions undoubtedly made him feel that his majesty was being challenged. Moreover, his failure to take down Fang Yi in the previous blow had already made him feel ashamed.

At this moment, Fang Yi attacked again, and the anger in his heart can be imagined.

At the same time as he spoke, the terrifying energy all over his body exploded, and he went straight to Fang Yi.

At the same time, the body of King Shura's Wei'an also left with a monstrous evil spirit, and the entire space was instantly shattered by three terrifying energies.

A terrifying battle ensues.

The crowd was all scared and backed away again and again, joking, the three peak powerhouses duel, the spread can be imagined.

A radius of hundreds of thousands of miles almost turned into chaos.

There are very few people left in the arena who can watch this battle, at least they must have the cultivation base of Dongtian Realm.

"So strong!"

At this moment, not only the crowd was extremely shocked by the battle in front of them, but even the attendants of the Black Wind Messenger were the same, watching all this in horror, their faces turned pale slightly.

"Who is he? Why has he never heard of it before? Huang Quanhai has another such strong man?"

The black wind messenger's eyes were also extremely deep at this moment, he shook his head, and said: "The underworld is vast, crouching tiger and Zanglong, there are not a few places that even I can't explore, let alone such a strong man, I am afraid it will be immortal The environment is not without it.”

This? ?

When the attendant heard this, his face was full of disbelief, and he looked at the black wind messenger in astonishment.

Is there an immortal powerhouse in Huangquanhai?

This is too exaggerated, why have I never heard of it.

However, the Black Wind Messenger obviously didn't intend to continue. Seeing this, the attendant didn't ask any more questions, but instead asked: "But why is he so good? Under the siege of the King of Shura and the Lord of Hell, is he still able to sustain himself? "

This is undoubtedly the doubts of the crowd.

Because of the situation on the field, they completely subverted their cognition.

In their view, Fang Yi faced the two peak powerhouses at the same time, no matter how tyrannical he was, he was bound to be vulnerable, at least he would retreat steadily, and he was in danger of dying at any time.

But the fact is that it is not as imagined at all. Fang Yi resisted the two peak powerhouses, and he showed no signs of failure except for being slightly below.

"Son of a bitch!"

Seeing this scene, Jun Jiuyou couldn't help cursing secretly, gnashing her teeth.

Others may not be able to see anything, but how can he, who is also at the peak of the Holy Spirit, not be able to see it? This is clearly because both of the two peak powerhouses have reservations and did not go all out.

In fact, this is not surprising, if the twelfth grade blood lotus is really in Fang Yi's hands, once Fang Yi is defeated, then there must be a struggle between the two of them, so...

But this undoubtedly made Jun Jiuyou very unhappy, so Fang Yi's chances of escaping were undoubtedly greater.

At that time, it would be almost impossible to kill Fang Yi.

Thinking about this, the energy in Jun Jiuyou's body was ready to move, and it seemed that they all burst out of his body.

Finally, he couldn't help it anymore, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

Perhaps in his opinion, once he joins, the combined power of the three of them is enough to defeat Fang Yi in an instant, leaving Fang Yi with no chance to refute.

and so……

At that moment, his whole body was full of breath, and he didn't hide it at all, as if he had transformed into a demon god of heaven and earth in an instant. At the same time, a bright sword shadow fell and cut towards Fang Yi.


The voice seemed to come from hell, revealing the meaning of killing.

Jun Jiuyou's strength is so strong that he has already reached the peak of the Holy Spirit. This sword can be imagined, and it is done mentally or unintentionally. If it is someone else, I am afraid that it will be turned into ashes before it even has time to react.

The crowd obviously didn't expect it, and they all looked at all this in horror.

The Lord of Slaughter was no exception, his face changed drastically, but it was too late to make a move.

However, how can Fang Yi be compared to ordinary people?What's more, he had been waiting for Jun Jiuyou to show up for a long time, and at this moment, the corner of his mouth couldn't help evoking a cold smile.


(End of this chapter)

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