Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2673 Cooperation

Chapter 2673 Cooperation


Seeing that the sword was about to fall, Fang Yi seemed to be split into two in an instant.

However, at this moment, a bright three-color sword light suddenly appeared, and slashed at Jun Jiuyou. At the same time, the King of Shura and the Lord of Hell looked at each other, and then they both retreated.

what's the situation?

The two peak powerhouses gave up?The crowd was dumbfounded.

Jun Jiuyou's pupils were also full of inconceivability, and he faintly had a bad premonition, but at this moment, how could he care about it, and that majestic sword fell immediately.

It collided with the three-color sword light in an instant.

Boom! !

Suddenly, the sky trembled, and the void was shattered. Two terrifying sword shadows almost shattered everything between the sky and the earth, and everything could not be spared.

The two figures also retreated at the same time.

"Jun Jiuyou, are you willing to show up at last!" Fang Yi grinned, looking at Jun Jiuyou with a horrifying gaze, which made the latter tremble.

The bad premonition in my heart became stronger and stronger.

"King of Shura, Lord of Hell, what are you doing? The Twelve Grade Blood Lotus is in his hands, why don't you kill him together."

Jun Jiuyou shouted anxiously.

To be honest, seeing Fang Yi's strange expression, as if he had expected it, he was really a little scared.

Because the other party is too cunning, he is not sure what conspiracy and tricks the other party has.

However, in fact, just as he was worried, the King of Shura and the Lord of Hell had no intention of making a move. Instead, they surrounded him and Fang Yi, blocking their retreat.

Even, the aura around the two of them was much stronger than before.

Obviously, the two of them didn't have the full strength of the army before.

what happened?

The crowd looked at each other, even the Lord of Slaughter. He also didn't understand what happened. Fang Yi didn't tell him what to prepare, but the situation in front of him undoubtedly exceeded his expectations.

In fact, Fang Yi didn't have any preparations, but at the beginning of the battle, he sent a voice transmission to the two peak powerhouses.

Dao Ming understood that all of this was Jun Jiuyou's conspiracy, deliberately framed himself and killed Dao.

Naturally, the two peak powerhouses would not trust Fang Yi credulously.

Fang Yi had expected this a long time ago, so he told the two of them to play tricks with him for a while, and lead Jun Jiuyou to make a move. By then, it would be clear who held the Twelve Grade Blood Lotus.

The two peak powerhouses may not care about other things, but the twelfth grade blood lotus has to care.

Although they didn't fully believe Fang Yi's words, if the Twelve Grade Blood Lotus was really in the hands of Jun Jiuyou, then this trip would undoubtedly be a waste of time.

And Fang Yi's proposal can not only attract Jun Jiuyou, but at the same time, it can also make Jun Jiuyou and the other party fight each other, consuming the strength of both parties.In this way, no matter who owns the twelfth-grade blood lotus at that time, it will undoubtedly benefit them.

And the only thing they have to do is to seal off the scene and prevent either of them from escaping.

They can't find a reason to refuse such cooperation.

Therefore, they are very tacit at the moment, and they line up on one side, surrounding the two of them.

If someone is careful, I'm afraid they will find something strange. There is a slight gap between the two of them, and the gap is the Black Wind Messenger.

"Surprised? I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Fang Yi still had a weird smile on his lips, and he couldn't help stepping forward step by step.

Bang!Bang! !

Every time he took a step, the world trembled, like a demon god walking in the void.

The crowd obviously didn't understand what happened at this moment, and they didn't understand why the two peak powerhouses stopped suddenly, and they were all at a loss.

However, Jun Jiuyou is not an idle person. He may have some doubts at first, but he has already understood from the positions of the two peak powerhouses.

"Don't believe what he said. The twelfth-grade blood lotus is on him. If you kill him, the twelfth-grade blood lotus is yours."

Jun Jiuyou tried to persuade the two, but unfortunately...

Wouldn't it be better to sit and watch the tigers fight, and wait until the two of them are both hurt to clean up the mess?

So...he is destined not to be able to convince the two of them.

"Jun Jiuyou, don't waste your energy in vain, it's time to make a break between you and me." Fang Yi's eyes turned cold, and his murderous intent was also aroused.

"That's right! Boy, I will kill you today!"

Jun Jiuyou knew that the situation could not be reversed, and there was a strong killing intent in his eyes.

Fang Yi, he can't wait to cut him into pieces. It's not known how the soul clan is now, even he has been plotted by the other party several times, and he has already avenged this revenge.

Even now!It was an opportunity. There were two peak powerhouses blocking the surrounding area, and it was impossible for the opponent to escape.

Take advantage of this opportunity to kill the opponent in one fell swoop, the rest will be discussed later.

After making up his mind, the terrifying energy in his body rose steadily, like an erupting volcano, out of control, not weaker than the two peaks.

so strong?

Everyone's eyes widened, and they turned out to be another peak powerhouse.

When did Huang Quanhai's peak powerhouses become so worthless, and they gathered so many at once.

Even the King of Shura and the Lord of Hell are the same, their pupils shrank sharply. Similar to them, there is undoubtedly the Black Wind Messenger.

"It's up to you? You couldn't kill me in the past, let alone today."

Fang Yi sneered, and as he spoke, a giant palm shot out directly.


Suddenly, as if the sky was turned upside down, under the palm of the hand, a large area of ​​space fell off, and the terrifying meaning of destruction annihilated everything, rolling towards Jun Jiuyou.

"Good job!" Jun Jiuyou's face also changed, and he quickly greeted him.

In an instant, the two extremely powerful men were entangled together.

Every collision is like a stone breaking the sky.

However, what Jun Jiuyou couldn't believe was that Fang Yi was so strong today that he felt extremely passive.

yes!The former Fang Yi was able to contend with him as soon as he stepped into Dongtian Guiyi.

More so now.

After thousands of years of retreat, not only has he greatly improved his comprehension of the rules, but his cultivation has also truly reached the late stage of Dongtian Guiyi.

A Jun Jiuyou is no longer a problem.

The scene became more and more obvious, and Jun Jiuyou was slowly suppressed.

But the Lord of Slaughter has long been stunned. Although he had expected Fang Yi to be so good, he never thought that it would be so good.

As tyrannical as Jun Jiuyou, in his hands, he is already exhausted.

The faces of the King of Shura and the Lord of Hell also became a little ugly at the moment, and they were unbelievable.

Because there are two of them, and they don't dare to think that they are much stronger than Jun Jiuyou. Their cultivation has reached this point, and their energy is almost the same. The difference is their comprehension of the rules.

But the energy and soul power in Fang Yi's body seemed endless.

How can they not be surprised.

Fortunately, they are not afraid, because the strength of the peak of the Holy Spirit is the confrontation of the power of rules, not energy.

Jun Jiuyou undoubtedly thinks so, even though he fell down and was extremely shocked in his heart, he didn't panic too much. Instead, he shouted: "Okay! Very good! Boy, I have to say that you are really a genius, and you have done so in such a short period of time. Great."

"But, unfortunately, you are still going to die today!"

Jun Jiuyou roared, his expression became extremely ferocious, and at the same time, countless regular thin lines invisible to the naked eye gushed out from his body.

With him as the center, the surrounding space is full of golden light, and there is a faint and mysterious sound.

Pieces of golden lotus petals slowly stretched from under his feet, forming a lotus platform, supporting him, like a fairy descending to earth.


(End of this chapter)

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