Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2674 The same lotus stand

Chapter 2674 The same lotus stand

The same avenue of rebirth, the same golden lotus platform, Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking.

The surrounding crowd were already stunned.

Even the two peak powerhouses, as well as the black wind messenger, are incredulous in their eyes, and they are also an existence that has reached the cohesive Tao body.

Although it was just the beginning, it was undoubtedly very different from ordinary manifestations.

This is a manifestation of the comprehension of the rules to a certain level.

"Boy! Are you surprised? Did you not expect to die soon? Hahaha!!"

Jun Jiuyou laughed wildly, extremely proud, as if he had already eaten Fang Yi, "Speaking of which, I have to thank you, if it weren't for the half of the rebirth stone, how could this deity be able to condense on the lotus platform so quickly."

"Now, go to hell!"

Jun Jiuyou grinned ferociously, and the golden light all over his body also flourished.

Wherever the light came, everything seemed irresistible, and the mysterious sound made people feel the urge to repent piously, as if the crime was a heinous one.

In the eyes of the world, Jun Jiuyou seems to have turned into a god.

The bright golden lotus platform supported him, making him look so divine.

As if anyone would crawl under his feet.

Fang Yi couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. Of course, he was not surprised by the golden lotus platform itself. No one knew this lotus platform better than him. He was surprised that Jun Jiuyou also condensed the lotus platform.

This was somewhat beyond his expectation.

In the past hundred years, under the pursuit of many strong men, the opponent still has time to gather the lotus platform, which is not bad.

But thinking about it is also true, the other party has comprehended the Stone of Rebirth for so long, the difference is only half of the Stone of Rebirth.

"Is this what you rely on?"

Seeing Jun Jiuyou galloping towards Jun Jiuyou with a ferocious face, the corner of Fang Yi's mouth slowly curled into a sneer, "Unfortunately, it's still far behind."

After the words fell, he stepped out step by step.

From his body, endless regular thin lines also gushed out instantly, condensing into pieces of bright golden lotus petals from under his feet.

After six steps, the same golden lotus platform has taken shape, which is exactly the same as the lotus platform under Jun Jiuyou.

This is? ?

Everyone stared wide-eyed, looking at this scene in disbelief, looking at the two god-like existences above the void, speechless in astonishment.

Even the King of Shura and others are the same, looking at each other in blank dismay.

Fang Yi and Jun Jiuyou's strength is so strong that they have been mentally prepared for a long time, but what they didn't expect was that they both comprehended the same way, and the progress was similar.

From this point of view, it is not surprising that the two of you die and I die.

This is not only their respective grievances, but also a struggle for the Dao.


The one who was most shocked at this moment was undoubtedly Jun Jiuyou, his pupils were wide open, full of disbelief, as if he had seen a ghost.

No wonder, how long has it been since Fang Yi obtained the Stone of Rebirth?

In a short period of time, it has been on par with his tens of thousands of years of enlightenment, how can he believe it.

However, how would he know that Fang Yi owns the water temple, which has ten times the time flow rate, and that the power of all rules is imprinted in the inner world space, which is of great benefit to his comprehension.

Therefore, he was able to condense the golden lotus platform in this short period of time.

"Are you surprised! Jun Jiuyou, this seat has already given you a chance. If you practice peacefully, you will never be an enemy of this king, and this king has no intention of haggling with you."

"But, you shouldn't frame me, so you must die!"

Fang Yi's voice was extremely cold, as if the death sentence was pronounced.

While speaking, a giant golden palm stretched out again, and the bright golden light was steaming like a scorching sun.

"Don't even think about it!" Jun Jiuyou yelled, and another round of scorching sun followed.

Immediately, the entire world was completely enveloped by bright golden light, the mysterious sound was vast, and above the endless void, there seemed to be phantoms of Buddhas.

It was a world of ultimate bliss, and people were trapped in it and couldn't extricate themselves.

Those who are unsteady will instantly turn into countless golden lights, blend into it and disappear.

What a great avenue of rebirth! !

At this moment, even the King of Shura and others, their pupils could not help but change drastically.

And above the void, the two rounds of scorching sun shine on the sky and the earth, so everything is covered by the golden light. The only thing that the crowd can perceive is the violent collision of the two rounds of scorching sun. .

Finally, finally, a round of scorching sun gradually dimmed.

It seems to have run out.

The next moment, it fell like a comet, and the pieces of golden lotus under his feet also burst, revealing his original face at the same time, no surprise, it was Jun Jiuyou.

yes!Today's Jun Jiuyou is no longer Fang Yi's opponent.

The soul and body re-condensed through the three major temples are not something Jun Jiuyou can compete with at all.

As for the comprehension of the Dao of Rebirth, the two are almost the same. Even if Jun Jiuyou is a little stronger, it is still very limited. What's more, Fang Yi also comprehended the same domineering meaning of destruction.

The ending can be imagined.

"No! This is absolutely impossible, you..."

Jun Jiuyou obviously couldn't accept all of this, his eyes were protruding, bloodshot inside, and filled with fear.

"I said before, you will die today!"

Fang Yi looked at him indifferently, and the huge dragon claw followed.

The terrifying power caused the whole world to crumble, and Jun Jiuyou's face was full of panic. At this moment, he was really scared.

escape!It was his only thought at the moment.

I saw his figure flashed suddenly, like a nine-day thunder, heading towards the gap left by the King of Shura and the Lord of Hell, which was where the Black Wind Messenger was.

Naturally, he had already sensed the existence of the Black Wind Messenger.

But in such a situation, he couldn't take care of so many things anymore, and compared to the King of Shura and the Lord of Hell, he believed that the Black Wind Messenger should be worse.

However, his thoughts were all on the Black Wind Envoy, thinking about how to break through the opponent's blockade.

But he ignored Fang Yi behind him.

Perhaps in his opinion, although Fang Yi is tyrannical, he is not an opponent, but if he wants to leave, Fang Yi will never be able to stop him.

In fact, with such a level of cultivation, it would undoubtedly be extremely difficult to completely kill a person.

However, that is only relative to the unprepared situation.

But Fang Yi was obviously not.

Everything in the Killing God Valley was planned by him, so how could he not be prepared, that brilliant formation is the best preparation.

shuttle! !

Seeing that Jun Jiuyou was about to break out of the blockade, the aura of the Black Wind Messenger suddenly exploded.

However, just at this moment, before he could make a move, the radiant formation trembled violently, and Wan Dao Jianguang came from nowhere, and instantly enveloped Jun Jiuyou.

"No!" Jun Jiuyou's complexion changed drastically, and he slashed out with a sword, trying to break through these sword lights.

However, almost at the same time, the void above his head collapsed instantly, and a golden dragon claw protruded from it, directly holding his head.


(End of this chapter)

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