Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2675 The Dust Settles

Chapter 2675 The Dust Settles


Seeing this scene, not only Jun Jiuyou was full of despair, but the pupils of King Shura and others were also full of horror.

Because everything in front of them undoubtedly exceeded their expectations.

If a strong man like Jun Jiuyou wanted to escape, under the Immortal Realm, almost no one could stop him.

Unless the number is dominant.

Just like the three of them at this moment, each occupying one side, maybe there is a chance to stop them.

It's just a chance, no one dares to be 100% sure to stop such a strong man, but now, before the three of them make a move, Jun Jiuyou has been captured alive.

How dare they believe it?

In this way, doesn't that mean that I and others are in the hands of the other party...

You know, their strength is almost the same as that of Jun Jiuyou, and no one is absolutely sure that they can defeat Jun Jiuyou, but Fang Yi did it, and not only that, but also captured Jun Jiuyou alive, how could they not be surprised?

At this moment, several people looked at Fang Yi with a trace of fear in their eyes.

Those who are tall can't help but retreat, far away from the big formation.

"No! Don't kill me!!"

Compared to them, Jun Jiuyou's face was undoubtedly ashen, and his eyes were full of fear and panic.

Maybe he never dreamed that the existence he regarded as an ant at the beginning, but now, his own life is in the hands of the other party.

"Not to kill you? Do you think it's possible?"

Fang Yi grinned at the corner of his mouth, revealing an evil smile.

"No! No, I can give you the Stone of Rebirth, and I can give you everything else." Jun Jiuyou begged, and took out the half of the Stone of Rebirth.

He even tried to save his life.

It's a pity, how could Fang Yi let him go, and the evil smile on the corner of his mouth became even thicker.

The next moment, Jun Jiuyou's majestic figure burst open, turned into countless dust, and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

A majestic generation of peak powerhouses who manifested their sages just fell away.

The surrounding crowd watched this scene, all of them dared not breathe, and the whole world seemed to have fallen into a deathly silence.

It was not until a moment later that a voice broke the silence.

"Your Excellency is really good at it!"

The voice came from the King of Shura. At this moment, his face was ashen, his eyes were like knives, and he looked at Fang Yi coldly.Like him, there is undoubtedly the Lord of Hell, and the messenger of the black wind.

"However, should your Excellency explain the matter of the Twelve Grade Blood Lotus?"

It has to be said that Fang Yi's dominance shocked everyone.

Even the King of Shura and the others were full of fear at the moment. Fang Yi was able to kill Jun Jiuyou, which meant that their lives would be threatened if they faced each other.

But for the sake of the twelfth grade blood lotus, they naturally wouldn't give up so easily.

Not to mention being in public.

The majesty of the two peak powerhouses cannot be challenged, let alone retreat.

The Lord of Slaughter naturally saw this, and his heart also recovered from the excitement of Fang Yi beheading Jun Jiuyou just now, but his face was full of worry.

The two peak powerhouses are no better than Jun Jiuyou, they have profound backgrounds, and once they fight.

Moreover, there are more than two people.

When Jun Jiuyou fled, the black wind messenger had already appeared. Once the three peak powerhouses really join forces, the consequences can be imagined.

Immediately, he quickly said: "Fellow daoists misunderstood, I can explain this matter, there is no twelfth grade blood lotus at all..."

The Lord of Slaughter hastily explained the matter.

He didn't say anything about the Kyushu disciples, he only said that the two had grudges with the ghost mother and Jun Jiuyou, so he made such a fuss.

At the same time, he didn't forget to transmit the sound to Fang Yi, for fear that Fang Yi would do something wrong, in that case...

Fang Yi naturally wouldn't mess around.

In fact, if he really wanted to mess around, he wouldn't wait until today.

Moreover, the strong man in Youdu has already appeared, and in order to find out the whereabouts of Fengshen Meng, he still has to ask the other party, so...

Of course, the most important thing is that he has already proved his own strength. Not to mention that the twelfth-grade blood lotus is not in his hands, even if it is in his hands, the two peak powerhouses would not dare to do anything.

With the big formation below, even if the three join forces, although he cannot win, it is easy to escape.

In the current situation, the two opponents just want a step.

The facts are undoubtedly as he guessed, Jun Jiuyou's death undoubtedly deterred the two peak powerhouses, once the two sides really perish, the consequences will definitely be unbearable for the two powers.

Unless they can kill Fang Yi on the spot, what awaits them is a nightmare.

But is this possible?

With that large formation and the opponent's strength, they hesitated.

"Lord of Slaughter, do you think I will believe you when you say this? What happened to Karma Red Lotus? You should explain clearly first."

The hell lord scolded.

Obviously, although he was full of fear, the temptation of the twelfth-grade blood lotus was too great, which made him still unwilling.

"You want to know? Then I can give it to you, and I'll pick it up, the twelfth grade blood lotus!!"

Fang Yi chuckled, and a cold breath erupted from his body, heading towards the Lord of Hell.

As the breath passes by, the fire of karma evaporates, and blossoming red lotuses bloom accordingly.

This this! !

The crowd was dumbfounded, is this Karma Red Lotus?Obviously, it is very different from the legend.

"Red Lotus Messenger!" The King of Shura blurted out, obviously recognizing the chill and these phantom red lotuses, the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch.

Feelings, the twelfth-grade red lotus that everyone has been looking for, turned out to be just a phantom condensed by the other party.

The Lord of Hell was undoubtedly stunned, and at the same time a little angry.

The pupils shrank sharply, and the icy aura galloping towards him seemed to be swallowed by something, and disappeared out of thin air.

"The Eye of Hell?"

The crowd was amazed, and Fang Yi couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, but that was all.

"Sure enough, it's a good trick. It turns the world around and kills the ghost mother and Jun Jiuyou one after another. It's really admirable." At this time, the voice of the black wind messenger suddenly sounded.

There is also a little playfulness in the tone.

The crowd took it for granted when they heard it, and looked at Fang Yi with fear.

"But, your Excellency is teasing us like this, shouldn't you give an explanation?"

The Black Wind Messenger continued, his eyes fixed on Fang Yi.

Fang Yi was also looking at him at the moment, but instead of answering the other party's words, he asked, "Are you the strong man from Youdu?"

As soon as these words came out, those unaware crowd were shocked.

All eyes were also focused on the Black Wind Messenger almost at once.

The black wind messenger seemed to have gotten used to it, calm and at ease.

"Yes! For your sake, I will give you an explanation. This is Jun Jiuyou's storage ring, and I will leave it to the three of you. What do you think?"

Fang Yi didn't talk nonsense, flicked his index finger, and the storage ring went towards the black wind messenger.

The Black Wind Messenger was undoubtedly taken aback.

The same is true for the King of Shura and the Lord of Hell.

With Fang Yi's strength, they obviously did not expect the other party to make concessions so easily.

yes!In the eyes of everyone, this is undoubtedly Fang Yi's concession and compensation to the three peak powerhouses.

In fact, Fang Yi really had no intention of getting entangled with the three peak powerhouses, there was no need for that, and because of Fengshenmeng, making some compensation was irrelevant.

The most important stone of rebirth is already in his hands, and the others are not worth mentioning at all.

However, this move of his did give enough face to the three peak powerhouses, and it also made the Lord of Slaughter secretly heave a sigh of relief.


(End of this chapter)

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