Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2676 Fusion

Chapter 2676 Fusion

"Your Excellency is really generous, and in this way, this seat is a bit wrong."

The Black Wind Messenger looked at the storage ring in his hand, and smiled playfully. Fang Yi's generosity was obviously beyond his expectations, and he even saw a hint of goodwill in Fang Yi's eyes.

Naturally, he would not refuse the favor of such a strong man.

"Good talk!"

Fang Yi smiled faintly, "If fellow daoist accepts, Fang has a heartless request, and I hope fellow daoist can fulfill it."

Fang Yi cut to the chase.

The Black Wind Messenger smiled in astonishment, seemingly surprised, but he still said, "Why don't you tell me!"

"Fang wants to ask for a karma order, I wonder if it is possible?"

Karma order?

Everyone's eyes sparkled when they heard the words, because they had only heard of this kind of thing because of the cause and effect, and they were extremely eager for the legendary Youdu.

"Fellow Daoist, do you want the Karma Order?" The Black Wind Messenger glanced at Fang Yi in surprise, and nodded immediately: "Okay! With the strength of a fellow Daoist, he is naturally eligible to obtain the Karma Order."

The Black Wind Messenger arrived generously, spreading his hands as he spoke, and a mysterious token appeared in his hand.

The token is different from other items, as if it is completely outlined by the rules.

The crowd is eager.

Of course, I only dare to think about it, who dares not to know good from bad.

"Thank you!"

Fang Yi couldn't help but feel happy, he never expected that it would go so smoothly.

After receiving the karma order, I did not forget to say thank you.

"It's okay, then there will be a period later, maybe we will see you again in Youdu." The black wind messenger smiled indifferently, and then looked at each other with the king of Shura, the king of hell.

After that, the three floated out.

Seeing this, the others ran away in desperation, especially the night devil king.

A vigorous battle triggered by the twelfth grade blood lotus ended hastily like this.


Time flies, days pass by in a flash.

The details about the battle of Killing God Valley have also spread throughout Huangquanhai. Fang Yi's name is now known to everyone.

And the Temple of Destruction was elevated to the same existence as the Shura Dao and the Hell Dao in an instant.

Of course, this also includes killing.

In the eyes of the world, killing Dao and destroying the temple have been tied together.

Obviously, a temple of destruction alone cannot be compared with the way of Shura and the way of hell as a whole, but adding the way of killing is different.

And for this, the Lord of Slaughter is also extremely happy.

Just kidding, after seeing Fang Yi's dominance, he wished to be tied with Fang Yi.

In this way, Killing Dao can become one of the top three forces in Huangquanhai, why not do it?

As for Fang Yi, naturally he didn't care about these things, his thoughts were all on looking for Fengshenmeng and Hua Lian'er, with the help of Killing Dao, it undoubtedly saved him a lot of trouble.


"Reporting to Sir Three Killers, there is still no news from the Abyss of Blood Sea."

Killing Dao, the largest palace, a disciple of Killing Dao bowed to report, seemingly trembling.

Especially when he sensed the slight frown of the person above.

"Look for it! Keep looking for me and expand the scope!"

The Lord of Slaughter obviously sensed it, and shouted hastily.


The disciple heard the words and quickly took orders.

"Idiots! A bunch of idiots!" Looking at his subordinates who were leaving, the Lord of Slaughter still yelled and cursed a few words, then turned around slowly, and his face became more pleasant.

"Fang Daoyou, I'm afraid the blood concubine is hiding somewhere in seclusion, for a while..."

"But don't worry, I will definitely let the people below continue to search."

The Lord of Slaughter actually had more bad speculations, but he didn't say that he didn't want to get into trouble with Fang Yi at this time.

After the battle of Killing God Valley, not to mention his disciples, even he was a little scared when facing Fang Yi.

Just kidding, that is an existence that even Jun Jiuyou can kill.

And he is far inferior to Jun Jiuyou.

"You have a heart!"

Fang Yi nodded. In fact, he didn't order the Lord of Slaughter to do anything. All of this was done spontaneously by the Lord of Slaughter.

As for Hua Lian'er, although he didn't know the other party's whereabouts, he firmly believed that the other party was intact.

I just don't understand where the other party went.

At present, this matter can only be put aside for the time being. If it is Fengshen Meng, it cannot be said...

Subconsciously, he took out the karma order.

"Fang Daoyou is preparing to enter Youdu?" There is also a look of yearning in the eyes of the Lord of Slaughter. Youdu is a legendary existence. If he doesn't want to visit, it is obviously impossible.

"No! Just a few more days!"

Fang Yi thought for a while, and then withdrew the Karma Order again.

It's not that he's not in a hurry, but that the matter of the twelfth-grade blood lotus has just passed, and it's hard to say whether the major forces will react.

For example, whether the King of Shura and the Lord of Hell really believed what they said was unclear.

After all, that is related to the twelfth grade blood lotus.

At that time they chose to believe, perhaps because they knew they couldn't take themselves down, but it was hard to say whether they would do something behind the scenes.

Of course, there is another reason, and that is the stone of rebirth.

Now that the two stones of rebirth have gathered, it is time to try to condense them.

What is the origin of this rebirth stone, Fang Yi has not figured it out yet, but he always feels that it is not simple, maybe he can find some clues after condensing it.


In a void of space, countless regular thin lines are like a mess.

Two brilliant stones of rebirth float in the air.

The regular thin lines contained in each are also intertwined with each other, which is extremely mysterious and peculiar.

In front of these two stones of rebirth, Fang Yi's figure was sitting cross-legged. Under him, pieces of golden petals began to condense and turned into a golden lotus platform.

Numerous regular thin lines surged from the two birthstones, and the light around Fang Yi also flourished.

The golden light is shining like a god.

The mysterious sound reverberated above the nine heavens, and everything in the heaven and earth seemed to have been baptized, punishing evil and retreating.

And those two bright stones of rebirth slowly floated up and came towards Fang Yi, blending into the bright light. For a moment, in Fang Yi's perception, a golden road appeared in front of his eyes.

At the end of the golden road, there is a paradise where all the gods and Buddhas gather together.

But in just an instant, the golden road disappeared.

Instead, his body became a little hazy and transparent. In the end, it seemed that something was conceived in it, and the stone of rebirth slowly fell into his hands.

The difference is that the two have been fused together and turned into a complete stone of rebirth.

At the same time, the power of the rules originally contained in it seemed to have undergone a certain change. Fang Yi seemed to realize that the sixth-grade lotus platform under him slowly began to change, and finally there were more One piece, it became a seventh-grade lotus platform.

"It's such a mysterious avenue of rebirth. When the two are combined, the rules have changed?"

Fang Yi also opened his eyes at this time, and the golden light in his eyes was shining brightly.

He just fused two rebirth stones and didn't practice, but he clearly realized that his comprehension of the rules of rebirth had taken another step.

Even, he could vaguely perceive the method of cohesion of the Taoist body.

That feeling made him a little impatient.

However, he was not in a hurry to condense. This seemed to be close at hand, but it was still a long process to really condense.

But before that, he had to find Fengshenmeng.

"It's time to go to Youdu to have a look!"

As he spoke, he took out the karma order again.


(End of this chapter)

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