Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2677 3 Raw Stones

Chapter 2677 The Three Lives Stones

A strong ghostly atmosphere filled the air, and the surrounding area was dark.

In the distance, there is a huge city standing between the sky and the earth, looming in the mist, giving people an extremely unreal feeling.

"Is this the Youdu?"

Fang Yi looked at it, and stepped on it.

The fog seemed to gradually dissipate, and everything around him began to become clear.

It was a huge black city, like a kingdom of gods, with no boundaries at a glance. The high walls stood tall, separating the sky from the earth.

Anyone placed under the tower would probably feel extremely small.

The gate of the city was wide open, there was no one in sight, and the surrounding area was silent, like an empty city.

There is only the strong ghostly air, which is like the mouth of a giant beast.


Fang Yi murmured softly. What was so strange to him was not the scene in front of him, but the rich power of rules in this world, which was obviously very different from Huang Quanhai and the spirit world.

The power of rules here is more intense.

Even Fang Yi can clearly feel that if he understands the rules here, he will definitely get twice the result with half the effort compared to the outside world.

Could this be the reason why those strong men want to enter here?

So, what about Feng Shen Meng?

Why did she come here?

Boom! !

As soon as the front foot stepped into the city gate, a loud noise came from the depths of the city.

The whole world trembled slightly.

what happened?A look of surprise flashed in Fang Yi's eyes. The loud noise was obviously the sound of fighting. Could it be that someone made a move here?

With curiosity, Fang Yi headed towards the source of the sound.

Along the way, many strong men were alarmed and flew in that direction. Their strength was extremely extraordinary. Although they were not as good as Fang Yi, they were obviously higher than Huang Quanhai's strong men.

"Where is the Sansheng Stone, who is it? It's rare to challenge the Sansheng Stone?"

"Impossible! Can't the Sanshengshi challenge succeed at all?"

Mixed among the crowd, some discussions followed immediately.

Sansheng stone?

what is that?Fang Yi became more and more curious, and at this moment, the scene ahead finally appeared in his sight.

It was a bright blue space, and there were several figures fighting in it. Outside the space, there were countless people watching the battle inside.

"Wind God Dream?"

Fang Yi's pupils shrank sharply. It turned out that in the blue space, there was a figure that was Fengshenmeng.

As soon as he entered Youdu, he found Fengshenmeng, which undoubtedly made Fang Yi happy.

But, the situation in front of me...

Just as he was about to help, suddenly, Fengshenmeng's opponent also turned around, and Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help staring round, because it was suddenly another Fengshenmeng.

what happened?

How could there be two Fengshen Meng?

Fang Yi was completely stunned, and his figure couldn't help but froze, he stopped in place and didn't know what to do.

What made him even more unbelievable was that in the blue space, besides the two Fengshenmeng who were fighting fiercely, there was actually another person standing silently at this moment, watching everything in front of him.

And that person suddenly had the same face as Fengshen Meng.

hell! !

At this moment, Fang Yi was completely dumbfounded.

Fortunately, his doubts did not last long. At this time, various discussions from the crowd had already come.

"Tsk tsk! Who is this person? He is really challenging the Sansheng Stone, is it possible?"

"It is said that when you challenge the Sansheng Stone, you are challenging the past body and the future body. If you succeed in the challenge, you will have insight into your past and future, and you will not know whether it is true or not."

"Who knows, I've never heard of anyone succeeding in the challenge anyway."


From the crowd's discussion, Fang Yi probably understood what was going on.

It turns out that in Youdu, there has always been a legend of the Three-Life Stone. According to the legend, as long as you can successfully challenge the Three-Life Stone, you can know your past and future.

However, no one has ever succeeded.

Because the object of the challenge is the past self and the future self.

challenge yourself?

No one knows yourself better than yourself. You will, and the other party will also, and even stronger, especially the future body, which is simply impossible to defeat.

After figuring this out, Fang Yi became more and more confused.

Fengshenmeng traveled thousands of miles, regardless of hardships, and came to this Youdu, could it be to challenge the Sanshengshi?

But what is the purpose?

Know the past and communicate the future?

But what's the point?The past has passed, and the future has not yet come. If you know it, you may not be able to do anything.

Even if he was a little curious, he wouldn't have gone through so much trouble to come to Youdu.

This is not Fengshenmeng's character at all.

With her character, she would never do such a boring thing, but she has already done it, so does it mean that this matter is extremely important to her?

But why?

Fang Yi was puzzled, but he could only watch patiently.

With such a challenge, no one can help.

In the blue space, the battle is getting more and more intense. Fortunately, that space seems to have some kind of magical power, and any fluctuations cannot be transmitted to the outside world.

The two Fengshenmeng had the same expressionless and frosty faces, Fang Yi couldn't tell which was real and which was fake.

The only thing that can be distinguished is that both of them are extremely powerful.

No less than himself, even faintly surpassed.

For this, Fang Yi was not too surprised. The magical Great Dream Heart Sutra and the Great Dream Astrolabe are the real inheritance of immortals.

It is not difficult to understand that Fengshenmeng has such strength.

Moreover, Fengshenmeng's progress has always been slightly ahead of him.

"Tsk tsk! It's too powerful! I'm afraid this is only a short distance away from the achievement of immortality?"

"Who says it's not! This girl doesn't need a thousand years, and she can definitely achieve immortality. It's enviable."

The crowd was amazed and full of envy.

However, millennium?If you let them know that Fengshen Mengshura is only a few thousand years old, I don't know how they will feel.

Of course, with the existence of the Great Dream Heart Sutra, it's hard to say how long Fengshenmeng has practiced, and time doesn't seem to mean much to her.

Maybe a thousand years, maybe a moment, she will be able to achieve immortality.

"Look! She's gone!"

At this time, in the blue space, one of Fengshen Meng was blown away, with a look of pain and stubbornness on his face.

Fang Yi couldn't be more familiar with this expression, it was Fengshenmeng.

And the other, without the slightest expression from the beginning to the end, is like a fungus, obviously the past body of Fengshen Meng.

"Sure enough! No one can challenge successfully. This is the past body, and the future body is said to be stronger."


The crowd shook their heads one after another. They seemed to be full of curiosity about the legendary Sansheng Stone, and they also wanted to see what would happen after the challenge was successful.

Unfortunately, no one was able to challenge successfully after all.

Even if it is as tyrannical as Feng Shenmeng.

At this moment, Feng Shenmeng's face was as white as paper, and it seemed that she had suffered a lot of injuries, while her opponent, who was not injured at all, was looking at her indifferently.

Fang Yi's heart also tugged, Fengshenmeng's past body was so powerful that it was outrageous.

But he couldn't tell what level he had reached.

Because every shot of Fengshenmeng is like a child's play in the opponent's hands.

Such a powerful strength is definitely an existence beyond the Immortal Realm, but what is this strength based on?What happened in the past?


(End of this chapter)

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