Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2678 Goodbye Emperor Sword 1

Chapter 2678 Goodbye Emperor Sword One

Fengshenmeng still refused to give up, was knocked into the air again and again, and got up again and again.

It fits her character very well.

But Fang Yi felt a little uncomfortable, but he didn't know what to do. After all, this was a personal challenge. He couldn't even enter the blue space, so he could only watch.

"It's really obsessive!"

The crowd couldn't help shaking their heads. If this continues, there is no hope at all.

In their view, Fengshenmeng is undoubtedly asking for trouble.

However, after being blasted away again, Fengshenmeng didn't rush to attack again. Instead, the corners of her mouth curled up in relief, as if she understood something.

Then, she poked her hand out, and the Dream Astrolabe appeared out of thin air.

Immediately, countless blue runes poured out, and the entire blue space seemed to blow up a blue storm, completely covered by runes, and everything became invisible.

"What happened? What happened?"

The crowd looked at each other.

Fang Yi's face was also full of doubts. He naturally didn't know what happened.

However, judging from Fengshenmeng's expression at the end, she seemed to understand something, or maybe, the so-called challenge was just a temptation?or something else?

At this time, the huge blue space also trembled violently.

As if about to break apart.

In the end, it disappeared out of thin air, as if it had never appeared before.

How could this be?

Fang Yi's eyes froze, and his figure also jumped up suddenly, and he went straight to the space before him. Unfortunately, there was nothing there, only a crystal clear stone below.

It is the legendary Sansheng Stone.

"What's going on here? Did the challenge succeed or fail? Why did the person disappear?"

The crowd was also bewildered.

Fang Yi was impatient, he was about to grab the Sansheng Stone with a giant palm.

"No!" At this moment, a voice shouted urgently.

It's a pity that the sound was a bit late after all, Fang Yi's giant palm had already been stretched out, but before the giant palm fell, Fang Yi felt a huge force coming.

That strength gives people a sense of irresistibility, as if human beings cannot do anything.

The next moment, Fang Yi's figure also jumped out directly.

So strong!

Fang Yi's eyes were shocked. With his current strength, no one could blow him away under the Immortal Realm, but this inconspicuous stone...

"Heh! It's beyond self-esteem, dare to touch the Three Life Stone, I'm afraid I don't even know how to die."

"Who said no!"

There was a burst of sarcasm from the crowd.

However, as another voice sounded, these sarcasm slowly disappeared, and turned into surprise and disbelief.

"Fang Daoyou is safe and sound."

The one who spoke suddenly was the Black Wind Messenger, who was walking towards Fang Yi with a smile on his face.

"It's Lord Heifeng! He actually knows this kid!!"

It can be seen that the Black Wind Messenger has a lot of prestige among the crowd.

Not surprisingly, he is also an existence on the same level as the King of Shura and the Lord of Hell, and he can be sent to Huangquanhai to find out about the Twelve Grade Blood Lotus. His status can be imagined.

"Black Wind Messenger!"

Seeing the person coming, Fang Yi couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Okay! Let's go!" The black wind messenger smiled, and then dispersed the crowd.

"Fellow Daoist, may I ask what's going on?" Fang Yi was a little anxious, and asked straight to the point. After all, it was related to Fengshenmeng.

The Black Wind Messenger was not in a hurry to answer, and asked with a smile: "Fang Daoyou seems to be very concerned. Could it be that he is very familiar with that girl?"

"Fellow daoist, the reason why Fang asked for the karma order was to find her."

Fang Yi didn't hide it either.

There was no need, the Black Wind Messenger gave him a good feeling.

Of course, he also understands that this has a great relationship with his own strength, but this is not surprising.

"I see!"

The Black Wind Messenger nodded, and suddenly said, "Fang Daoyou doesn't know, your companion will challenge the Sansheng Stone as soon as he comes to Youdu."

"And the current situation, this seat is not very clear."

The black wind messenger seemed to have doubts in his eyes, and continued: "Under normal circumstances, if you fail the challenge, you will be thrown out of the blue space directly, but now, your companion has probably entered the three-life stone."


Within the three life stones?

Fang Yi couldn't help looking at the seemingly ordinary stone, his face full of doubts.

"That's right!" Black Wind Messenger nodded, "It looks like this at the moment, but what happened, we can only find out when she comes out."

"Other than that, there is no other way."

The black wind messenger said.

Fang Yi frowned when he heard this.

"Not necessarily!" However, at this moment, another voice sounded.

"Emperor Jianyi!!" Fang Yi suddenly turned his head, and recognized the person at a glance. It was the Emperor Jianyi who entered the underworld with him.

"Fang Yi, stay safe!"

Di Jianyi also had a smile on the corner of his mouth at this moment, looking at Fang Yi lightly, his eyes were as deep as the sea.

"It's you!" Fang Yi's eyes were full of disbelief.

What made him even more unbelievable was that as soon as the Emperor Sword stood in front of him, he felt incomprehensible, as if he was far superior to him.

Just, how is this possible?

He clearly remembered that the opponent's strength was similar to his own, or even worse.

When entering the underworld, the other party was injured and had been cultivating in Qingming Mountain. How could it be possible that in a short period of time, he had already...

You know, during this period of time, Fang Yi's cultivation has improved extremely quickly, but in the end... how dare Fang Yi believe it.

However, what he is most concerned about right now is obviously not these, but Fengshenmeng, Dang even asked: "You know? What else can I do?"

Di Jianyi didn't answer in a hurry, but took a look at the black wind messenger. The black wind messenger seemed to be quite knowledgeable, so he said his resignation and retreated.

And judging by his appearance, he seems to be extremely afraid of Emperor Jianyi.

Fang Yi naturally also noticed this scene, and was a little surprised in his heart, but he didn't ask, but waited for Emperor Jianyi's answer.

"No!" However, Di Jianyi shook his head.

"I didn't say there is a way, but it doesn't matter whether there is a way or not, just wait patiently. There won't be any harm to her in it, but there may be great benefits."


Fang Yi's eyes moved slightly, and he asked anxiously, "Why did you say that?"

Di Jian smiled, and asked without answering: "Do you know what the Three Lives Stone is?"

Fang Yi shook his head honestly. Before today, let alone what the Sansheng Stone was, he had never even heard of it, so how could he know what it was.

However, from the words of the crowd, it must be an extremely remarkable thing to be able to know the past and communicate the future.

Another point is that the appearance of this stone seems to be very similar to the Dream Soul Dzi Bead in Fengshen Mengdameng Astrolabe.

Of course, he would not say such a thing, and he had a faint feeling that the two might have a great connection.

This is probably the reason why Fengshenmeng did not hesitate to venture into the underworld.

But, why did Fengshenmeng know about Youdu?Do you even know that you have a three-life stone?

All of this seems to be full of mysteries.


(End of this chapter)

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