Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2679 Great Dao Relic

Chapter 2679 Great Dao Relic

"Then do you know Karma Roulette?"

Di Jianyi asked again.

"I've heard of some." Fang Yi nodded. He also learned this from the Lord of Suicide. The movement of the Three Realms, but what does this have to do with the Sansheng Stone?

"You are right! It is said that the karma roulette is in Youdu, but no one knows where it is."

"Only the three life stones have been here. It is said that it is a part of the karma wheel."

Dijian said again.


Fang Yi was startled, and looked at the stone in horror.

"Don't be surprised. Although this stone is placed here like this, no one can move it. Didn't you try it just now?"

"Actually, don't talk about you, even if you are in the Legendary Realm or the Great Dao Realm, you can't touch him at all."


These words undoubtedly made Fang Yi feel a little unbelievable, such an unattractive stone, actually...

"Isn't it hard to believe? But it's true!"

Emperor Jianyi smiled playfully, and continued: "This stone is similar to the Dao relic, and it is different from the general Dao relic. It probably contains the law of cause and effect, one of the legendary six top laws."

"Unfortunately, I can't enter it, otherwise..."

As he said that, there was still a hint of longing faintly in Dijian's eyes.

"What is the Great Dao relic?"

However, Fang Yi's face was full of bewilderment, he didn't understand what Di Jianyi said at all.

He had heard the other party say about the law of cause and effect, but Dao Dao relic...

"The so-called willingness to give up the Dao is actually the relic that was condensed after the collapse of the Dao body after the fall of the legendary powerhouse. It contains the power of rules comprehended by its master before."

"Whoever can obtain it, with a thorough comprehension, can control the power of these rules, and become a legend."

As soon as Di Jian said, he gave Fang Yi a deep look, which was quite meaningful.

Fang Yi couldn't help but move in his heart. Subconsciously, he thought of the Stone of Rebirth. Could it be that the Stone of Rebirth is a relic of the Great Way?

Not to mention, there is really such a possibility, otherwise, Jun Jiuyou would not pay so much attention to it.

Do everything possible to occupy it.

"The Dao relics are strong or weak, and the power of rules contained in them depends on the cultivation level of its owner. If the master is in front of a strong Daoist, it is likely to contain a complete Dao."

"Of course, the probability of this is extremely small, and more of it is only a part, but it is more than enough to achieve a legend."

"Unfortunately, this kind of thing is extremely rare! Very few people know about it."

Di Jianyi seemed to be intending to remind, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth all the time.

How could Fang Yi not see it.

"Of course, the Sansheng Stone is not comparable to the general Dao relics, it's just similar, not to mention the power of rules it contains, the legendary law of cause and effect, tsk tsk!"

"Speaking of which, I am really envious of her. She was able to get in touch with the law of cause and effect."

Di Jian's eyes were full of longing.

"Why are you so sure?" Fang Yi couldn't help looking at Di Jianyi deeply at this moment. The current Di Jianyi is undoubtedly very different from the Di Jianyi he knew back then.

Sure enough, in Qingming Mountain, he just had some doubts.

So at this moment, he can almost be sure that the person in front of him is not the Emperor Jianyi he once knew.

At least not quite.

"Of course!" Emperor Jian said, "Because I watched her condense the karma order with my own eyes, and now she has entered the Three Life Stone, what do you think?"


Fengshen dream condenses cause and effect order?Doesn't this mean that she has already comprehended a trace of the power of cause and effect?

The Lord of Slaughter once said that the only way to enter Youdu is the order of cause and effect.

It has also been stated that, in addition to the karma order issued by Youdu, if one can comprehend a trace of karma power, one can also condense it by oneself.

In the past, he wondered how Fengshenmeng entered Youdu. He never thought that Fengshenmeng could condense the causal order with his own ability. This is simply...

"Didn't you say that the six top laws are extremely difficult to comprehend?"

At this moment, Fang Yi couldn't help feeling suspicious, looked at Di Jian and asked.

"Not bad!"

Emperor Jian nodded, "It's not just that it's extremely difficult to comprehend. Among the six top laws, except for the ubiquity of space, the other five are almost impossible to comprehend."

"Even if it is space, the world's comprehension is only the most superficial, and she can comprehend a trace of the power of cause and effect, which can only explain one problem."

"What's the problem?" Fang Yi asked anxiously.

Di Jianyi smiled, "It means she has an extraordinary background."


This seems like nonsense.

No one knows the origin of Fengshenmeng better than himself. Fang Yi was about to refute, but then he thought, do I really know Fengshenmeng?

Since Fengshenmeng entered the spirit world, it seems that it is no longer the Fengshenmeng it used to be.

Fang Yi even had some doubts...

"Just like you?"

Taking a deep look at Emperor Jianyi, Fang Yi asked.

"Hahaha!!" Hearing this, Emperor Jian burst out laughing. He looked at Fang Yi after a while and said, "What do you think? Why did she challenge the Sansheng Stone?"

These words are a bit intriguing, but Fang Yi vaguely seems to understand something.

yes?Why did Fengshenmeng challenge the Sansheng Stone?

For the so-called power of cause and effect?

Do not!This is absolutely impossible. At the time of Tianshan Mountain, Fengshenmeng probably hadn't comprehended the power of cause and effect, let alone for this. Then, the answer seems to be obvious.

Challenge the three life stones, know the past and communicate with the future.

What will happen in the future is still unknown, but in the past...

It is rumored that many of the talented people in this world are the reincarnations of former superpowers.

Did Feng Shenmeng notice something, she wants to know about the past?

Perhaps, this is the reason why she challenged the Sansheng Stone.

Fang Yi's expression seemed a little downcast. In fact, he had already been mentally prepared for this. The strangeness of Fengshenmeng and the feeling of drifting away gave him a vague premonition.

It's just a little hard to accept for a while!

"Why? Reluctant?"

Di Jianyi obviously saw something, smiled and said: "No need, no matter who she was in her previous life, she is still her, she was her in the past, and she is her now."

"And, her challenge didn't work out."

Emperor Jian played with taste.

"Really? Then I can still treat you as Emperor Jianyi?" Fang Yi asked back.

"Why not? I am." Emperor Jian said with a smile.

yes!Di Jianyi is still Di Jianyi, because the two just met by chance, but what about Fengshenmeng?Is it still Fengshen Dream?

Maybe, but that feeling, I'm afraid it has already faded away.

"Okay! My business has been done, and I will leave the underworld in a few days. I'm will have to wait a little longer!" Di Jian looked at the Sansheng Stone and said with a smile.

"No problem! I've already opened the passage, if you want to leave, go directly to Qingming Mountain."

"I'll take a step first, see you in Kunlun!"

Emperor Jian left.

Fang Yi still stood there blankly, yes!He still has to wait, at least until Fengshenmeng comes out.

Because he really wanted to know whether Fengshenmeng was Fengshenmeng as before.


(End of this chapter)

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