Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2680 Ascension

Chapter 2680 Ascension

Time flies, and the days are like this day by day.

Fang Yi didn't go anywhere, and simply practiced next to the Sansheng Stone.

One day, two days...

One year, two years...

I don't know how long it took, Fang Yi was completely immersed in the vast world of rules, and the aura around him became more and more ethereal and mysterious.

brush! !

On this day, the Sansheng Stone, which had been extremely quiet and had no abnormality at all, suddenly burst into a radiance.

The radiant light is like an aurora, soaring straight into the sky, extremely gorgeous.

Immediately afterwards, the ground began to tremble slightly.

Shake the earth! !

"What happened? What happened?"

"Look! It's the Sansheng Stone, there seems to be something changed!"

Crowds from a distance came one after another, showing a lot of curiosity.

Is it finally coming out?

Fang Yi also slowly opened his eyes, there was no excitement as imagined, only the calmness like the ocean.

The bright light became more and more intense, countless blue runes and regular thin lines poured out, the world trembled, and a purple figure also slowly condensed.

"It's the Dao body, who is condensing the Dao body?"

"Tsk tsk! Is this about to ascend?"

The crowd is desperate.

Because what outlines the figure is the countless regular thin lines, the Taoist body they dream of.

The purple figure was slowly condensed and completed, accompanied by countless stars, coupled with the mysterious rules and thin lines, exuding a sacred aura, making her like a nine-day goddess who came to the world.

She is naturally Fengshenmeng.

Fengshenmeng looked up at the sky, and there, five colors of sunlight burst out, and a huge portal slowly opened.

"The gate of the fairy world! She is really going to ascend!"

The crowd exclaimed.

The reason why Youdu is called the land of ascension is precisely because here, the gate of the fairy world can be opened after the achievement is immortal, but it is not the case in other places.

It has been many years since the gate of the fairy world has been opened, and the crowd has forgotten it.

Seeing it now, one can imagine the excitement.

A look of surprise flashed in Fang Yi's eyes. Although he had heard of the so-called fairy world, it was the first time he had seen such an ascension.

However, right now he obviously doesn't have the heart to pay attention to these things.

"Divine Dream!"

Seeing Fengshenmeng who was about to leave, he couldn't help calling out.

Feng Shenmeng turned her head, her eyes were as indifferent as water, but seemed incomparably complicated. At the same time, her body rose slowly and disappeared into the portal.

"Ascension! She has really ascended to the fairy world..."

The crowd erupted.

The corner of Fang Yi's mouth couldn't help but twitch bitterness. Looking at the gradually disappearing portal, he smiled self-deprecatingly.

Fengshenmeng left after all, without leaving a word, only an indifferent look in her eyes, has she found the past?Not Kyushu's past, but a longer past.

Or maybe, she found nothing?just forget yourself?

Fang Yi didn't know, maybe the answer could only be solved when he saw Fengshenmeng again.

The crowd was still cheering.

Fang Yi has gone away.

yes!Feng Shenmeng had already left, so there was no need for him to stay.

It's time to go back too!


"Dude, are you leaving?"

The Temple of Destruction, the Black Dragon, the two guardians, and the Scarlet Flame Ghost King all looked at Fang Yi in astonishment.

"That's right!" Fang Yi nodded, "I don't belong here, I just broke in by accident! Actually, I'm from the spirit world..."

Fang Yi didn't need to hide anything, he roughly told his own affairs.

After all, after I left, the Kyushu disciples had to rely on them to take care of me, so...

Everyone was amazed when they heard it.

"After I leave, this place will be handed over to you. If there is anything you can go to the Lord of Slaughter, I have explained to him." Fang Yi instructed.

Everyone was obviously a little reluctant. Fang Yi's words not only made the Temple of Destruction one of the top three forces in Huangquanhai, but also made their respective strengths improve by leaps and bounds.

Moreover, Fang Yi is also their reliance and backing.

With this backing, they are full of confidence in doing anything, but now...

Especially the black dragon.

It can be said that without Fang Yi, he would not be where he is today. One can imagine the mood at this moment.

"Well, it doesn't have to be, maybe I'll come back someday."

Fang Yi finally smiled.

When everyone saw this, there was no need to say anything, so they had to bow and retreat.

At the same time, Fang Yi also disappeared in the main hall, and when he reappeared, it was already the water temple, and as far as he could see, there were countless disciples from Kyushu.

The time spent waiting for Fengshen's dream in Youdu was almost a hundred years.

In addition, before and after nearly 2000 years, the strength of Kyushu disciples has been greatly improved.

Especially Meng Tiance and others, they have all reached the wishful thinking of the cave.

Although it is said that Dongtian Ruyi is vulnerable in Fang Yi's eyes, and there are Dongtian Guiyi, Xiansheng and so on, but in any case, with such strength, it can be regarded as having some self-protection power.

Besides, the strength of the other Kyushu disciples is not weak, and they work together. Fang Yi believes that they can survive in the underworld.

As for taking them away?

It's not that Fang Yi didn't think about it, but in that case, they would have to stay in the Water God Temple forever.

Condensing the physical body is far from being as simple as one might believe.

Moreover, there is no way to be complete in the underworld, and one must enter the spirit world.

With so many Kyushu disciples wanting to unite, I'm afraid...

In addition, after returning to the spirit world, I believe he will ascend to the ascension in a short time. At that time... Rather than this, it is better to let the Kyushu disciples stay here.

As long as the Kyushu disciples work hard enough, one day, they will meet again in the fairy world.

The Kyushu disciples also seemed to have sensed it at this moment, and opened their eyes one by one, looking up at Fang Yi.


"Sovereign, don't worry, we will keep looking for the whereabouts of the blood concubine after you leave!"

The abyss of the sea of ​​blood is still that huge trench. Fang Yi overlooked the bottom, with a hint of apology between his brows, an apology to Hua Lian'er.

Meng Tiance obviously saw this, and said firmly.

Fang Yi nodded, "You have to be careful yourself, this, take it!"

With that said, Fang Yi threw out a jade slip and something similar to a spar.

"This is?"

Meng Tiance was obviously puzzled.

Fang Yi glanced at him and said: "After I leave, the Red Flame Ghost King and others may leave the Temple of Destruction. You don't need to pay attention to what he thinks. As long as they don't invade the Kyushu disciples, let them go. If they want to Kyushu disciples are disadvantaged, and there are solutions to them."

The voice was indifferent, but if the Scarlet Flame Ghost King and the others were here, their faces would definitely change drastically.

Just kidding, Fang Yi knew he was going to leave, how could Fang Yi be unprepared.

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King can betray the ghost ghost mother, who can be sure that he will not betray himself?

Among the three great manifestations of the Temple of Destruction, the only one who can be trusted is perhaps only the Guardian of the Sun. When he is there, it is naturally not a problem, but once he leaves.

Therefore, he had to guard against it.

"There is also this spar, which contains the power of rules. Although it can't make you condense the Taoist body, it should be no problem to achieve the manifestation of the saint."

"From now on, it's up to you."

"Remember, if you want them to truly surrender, only your own strength is the foundation of everything."

Fang Yi finally asked.

"Thank you suzerain, this subordinate understands!" Meng Tiance respectfully said.

"En!" Fang Yi nodded, looked at the bloody abyss again, and drifted away.


(End of this chapter)

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