Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2681

Chapter 2681

Emperor Family, one of the oldest families in Tianshan.

In the past, there was Emperor Wuque, the lord of Tianshan Mountain, and now there is another Emperor Jianyi, and the Emperor's family has become more and more mysterious in the hearts of the world.

Of course, it's not only because of this, but also because people from the Emperor's family rarely appear in other people's homes, and they usually stick to their own planet.

However, once they appear, they are all extremely talented people.

At this moment, a bright light flashed across a certain square in the depths of the Emperor's House.

Immediately afterwards, from the light, a figure slowly emerged.

"I've seen Mr. Fang!"

In front of the square, several high-ranking members of the imperial family saw the figure and bowed respectfully.

Needless to say, the figure was Fang Yi who came from the underworld. At this moment, he closed his eyes slightly, sensing the extremely familiar and friendly atmosphere around him.

During this period of time in the underworld, he deeply realized the difference between the virtual world and the real world.

Now returning to the spirit world and merging with the physical body, the feeling made him extremely intoxicated.

Seeing this, several high-ranking members of the imperial family did not bother, and watched all this silently, but their eyes were full of surprise.

"Do you know me?"

After a while, Fang Yi slowly opened his eyes.

After thinking for a while, he said again: "Did Di Jianyi tell you?"

"Yes!" The leading high-ranking member of the imperial family was an old man in gray clothes with gray hair. "The patriarch told me that Mr. Fang may return from the underworld in a few days. Let me wait for a good reception."

The ancestor in gray has a respectful demeanor, if someone who knows him sees this, he will be shocked after all.

Because he is the great elder of the emperor family, the existence of Dao Wenjing.

But in front of Fang Yi, he was so humble.

"So, this is the emperor's house!"

Fang Yi nodded, "Emperor Jianyi has a heart, and I have a heart, what about others?"

"Master Hui! The patriarch has already left." The old man in gray replied.


Fang Yi was surprised, looked at the old man in gray and asked, "Where did you go? Could it be the fairyland?"

In Youdu, he sensed that Emperor Jianyi's aura far surpassed him, and at that time, he was already at the peak of the Holy Spirit, if he surpassed him, he might have become a legend.

After the legend, ascension is a matter of course.

But, contrary to his expectations, the gray-clothed patriarch denied it, "No! The patriarch did not enter the fairyland, but went to other eight mountains and seven seas, possibly Kunlun."


Hearing this, Fang Yi's eyes lit up.

right!When he was in Youdu, Di Jianyi had said something similar, but why didn't he ascend?Instead, go to Kunlun?

Kunlun is the center of the legendary nine mountains and eight seas, and the ancestor of ten thousand mountains.

"Didn't it mean that the sea of ​​suffering cannot be crossed? Why didn't he enter the fairy world, but entered Kunlun instead?" Fang Yi asked curiously.

"Master Hui, I don't know very well."

The gray-clothed old man replied, "However, the patriarch once said that if the young master asks, let the old man tell the young master that it is better to ascend to the fairyland in the case of the young master."


A look of surprise flashed across Fang Yi's face.

In fact, it doesn't need to be said by Dijian at all, he will naturally choose to ascend because of Ji Wuxian.

Why did he cultivate for so long?

Kyushu?Of course it was one of them, but Ji Wuxian was also one of the most important reasons, but what made him curious was why did Di Jianyi say that?But he himself went to Kunlun.

In the middle, there is something intriguing.

However, Fang Yi didn't understand, these things can only be discussed later.

"Thank you!"

Immediately, Fang Yi thanked, "Okay! I won't bother you, see you in the future."

"Congratulations to Mr. Fang!"


Emperor Soul Star, a battle hundreds of years ago, today's Emperor Soul Star is no longer what it used to be.

The huge area of ​​the Soul Clan has been eaten away by various forces.

Although Fang Yi left the spirit world, in that day's battle, Mo Lao led a group of strong men in the Green Wood Pagoda, almost turning the soul clan upside down.

Fortunately, apart from Jun Jiuyou, the Soul Clan also had Jun Jiuyuan, so the Soul Clan would not be wiped out.

However, it goes without saying that the major forces took the opportunity to add insult to injury.

"how is the situation?"

At this moment, in the main hall of the soul clan, Jun Jiuyuan had a gloomy expression on his face.

Although hundreds of years have passed, the grievances between the Soul Clan and the Wood God Sect have not weakened. On the contrary, the entanglement has become deeper and deeper, and wars broke out from time to time.

Just like now, the two major forces are fighting again on Soul Gathering Star.

The difference is that today's Soul Gathering Star no longer belongs to the Soul Race, but a land of chaos.

"Returning to Master Jiuyuan, our people have lost a lot. The Wood God Sect has the Bliss Sect to help, and there are some forces behind the scenes to fuel the flames, so..."

In the main hall, someone replied respectfully, with an extremely angry expression.

The rest of the people waited about the same.

No one can accept that the once invincible soul clan has now fallen into a situation where they are being restrained everywhere.

Not to mention them, how could the major forces in Tianshan think that in their view, the battle hundreds of years ago was just a joke, but in the end, it almost killed the soul clan.

So much so that the soul race has been declining until now, and it continues...


Jun Jiuyuan yelled angrily, "These damned things, I should have exterminated them a long time ago."

Everyone in the hall was full of anger, but it's a pity that with the strength of the Soul Clan and the backing of Mu Shenzong, those small forces are no longer something they can take down at will.

"Lord Jiuyuan, the soul realm has collapsed, can the patriarch really come back?"

At this time, someone couldn't help asking.

Everyone also looked at Jun Jiuyuan expectantly.

Obviously, the current state of the Soul Clan makes them very eager for Jun Jiuyou's return. Perhaps in their view, once Jun Jiuyou returns, it means the resurgence of the Soul Clan.

But the fact...

A deep helplessness flashed in Jun Jiuyuan's eyes.

Because only he knows that Jun Jiuyou's life card is fragile.

"Okay! The patriarch will definitely be able to come back, but when he will come back, it's hard to say right now, maybe he will directly ascend to the fairy world, or..."

"In any case, the soul race must not decline."

Jun Jiuyuan's eyes were firm, like two sharp knives.

"Then..." Everyone looked at Jun Jiuyuan with hope in their eyes.

Jun Jiuyuan seemed to have made up his mind, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "Tell the fairy clan that I agree with their proposal and let them act according to the agreement. This time, I will definitely return home with a big defeat for the Wood God Sect."


Everyone's expressions couldn't help but change when they heard the words.

Agree with the Faerie Clan's suggestion, that means...

"What are you still doing in a daze, why don't you do it? Today, we, the Soul Race, must show our momentum, no matter how great the sacrifice is."

"Otherwise, if this continues, the Soul Race will be in danger."

Undoubtedly, everyone knew the truth, and looked at each other with an extremely fierce light in their eyes.

"Yes! This subordinate will do it later!"

Several high-ranking soul clan members left quickly after speaking.

"Very good! You are also ready to go to Soul Gathering Star with me. This time, I will definitely pay the debt of Mu Shenzong."

Jun Jiuyuan's eyes turned sideways, revealing the killing intent in them.


(End of this chapter)

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