Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2682 Crisis

Chapter 2682 Crisis

Soul Gathering Star, the war 200 years ago turned this place into a place of chaos.

Various forces are intricate.

Among them, the Wood God Sect is naturally the most important.

Because the great war hundreds of years ago was initiated by the Wood God Sect, the tyrannical strength of Mo Lao and the strong men in the Qingmu Pagoda shocked everyone.

No one expected that so many powerful people would emerge from the unknown Wood God Sect in the past.

Coupled with the forces behind these strong men.

Although they did not fully participate in this battle, one can imagine the sensation caused behind it, and no one with any strength dared to make a mistake.

Of course, many people left one after another.

But there were also people who persevered.

Chiyan True Ancestor, one of the two Great True Ancestors, was one of them, and the Chixiao Palace behind him also joined the battle.

Coupled with the Bliss Sect, Soul Gathering Star is almost ruled by these three major forces.

However, for other forces, they did not expel them, but let them go, because Gathering Soul Star is not their territory, and it is more appropriate to say that it is a battlefield.

The more people flooded in, the more chaotic the soul clan would be, which was undoubtedly a good thing for the three of them.

In fact, it is more than just this soul-gathering star.

Compared with 200 years ago, the territory of the Soul Clan has shrunk by an immeasurable amount.

The so-called beating the dog in the water, those small forces around who had been bullied by the soul clan did not miss this opportunity.

Gradually nibbling away at the soul race.

Fortunately, the Soul Clan reached some kind of deal with those big forces, otherwise, if they also joined, the consequences would be disastrous.


"My lords, there is the latest news that Jun Jiuyuan is leading countless soul clan powerhouses towards Soul Gathering Star, I'm afraid..."

In a certain hall of Soul Gathering Star, a disciple quickly reported.

In front of him was a man with a stature like an iron tower, with blood like an abyss, like a real demon god.

It was Shi Zhongtian.

Compared to before, Shi Zhongtian's aura at this moment is more majestic, as majestic as prison.

"Hmph! Can you finally bear it? That's good! This time, we will kill them all." Shi Zhongtian's eyes shot fiercely, like an ancient beast.

Since the battle of the Stone Clan, Fang Yi has been loyal to him.

For the past 200 years, he has been sticking to the soul clan, waiting for Fang Yi's return.

Although there were rumors from the outside world that Fang Yi had fallen, he didn't believe it at all, and firmly believed that Fang Yi would return.

"Has the news been confirmed?"

"The soul clan is no longer as good as before, dare to move out at this time?"

On the opposite side of Shi Zhongtian, a look of surprise and suspicion flashed across the face of True Ancestor Chiyan.

After 200 years of entanglement, they know each other very well. Jun Jiuyuan is not a reckless person, and denying the soul clan can't survive today, and the soul clan doesn't have that kind of strength to regain the soul-gathering star.

Then, Jun Jiuyuan's actions are somewhat intriguing.

"Could it be a bluff? Pretend to show those small forces?"

someone asked.

"Probably so!"

It has to be said that in the past 200 years of war, the Wood God Sect is no longer comparable to what it used to be, and even ordinary disciples have become extremely confident.

In fact, the current Wood God Sect also has such strength.

Although it is not as good as the former Soul Race, Fairy Spirit Race, etc., it is almost the same as the current Soul Race.

Of course, all of this is based on Mo Lao's foundation.

And those strong men in the Cyanwood Pagoda.

When Mr. Mo released those people back then, he didn't force them to stay, they could choose to leave voluntarily, but because of Mr. Mo's relationship, many people still stayed.

And these people are now the backbone of the Wood God Sect.

Among them are Chiyan True Ancestor and Shi Zhongtian.

"It's not good! There are a large number of strong people from the fairy clan coming..." At this time, another disciple rushed to report, with a flustered expression.


As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall couldn't help being shocked.

"Fairy Clan? Why did they suddenly join in? And it's such a coincidence, are they coming for us?"

"It must be, I have heard it a long time ago..."

The crowd talked a lot, and their expressions became extremely dignified.

They are naturally not afraid of a soul race.

But if you add the fairy clan, then...

"What a Jun Jiuyuan, in order to reorganize the soul clan, he really went all out!" Chiyan Zhenzu couldn't help shrinking his pupils at this moment, and a touch of paleness flashed across his face.

As the previous sword-wielding elder of Akasaka Palace, he naturally knows the strength of the fairy clan.

In fact, with the strength of the Wood God Sect, coupled with the Akasaka Palace and the Bliss Sect, they don't really care too much about the Immortal Spirit Clan.

But, that is relative to the middle and high-level.

But the real peak powerhouse is far behind.

On my own side, only Mo Lao is a strong Daoist. Once the Soul Clan and the Fairy Spirit Clan join forces, then...

Even Mo Lao, he has hardly made a move in the past 200 years, he has been in retreat all the time, almost everything is presided over by him and Shi Zhongtian.

This time, I'm afraid...

Shi Zhongtian was undoubtedly aware of the crisis, and his face became a little ugly.

At the same time, in the other main hall of Gathering Soul Star, the Lord of Bliss also frowned.

Although the three major forces act independently and do not usually discuss matters together, they are extremely tacit and face the same enemy, the soul clan.

"Miss, this time is not optimistic. From the perspective of old age, we still..."

Granny Meng looked worried, trying to dissuade her.

However, before she could finish speaking, Daoist Bliss directly interrupted her, "No! Don't say similar things anymore. Today, even if we back down, do you think the Soul Race will let us go?"

The Lord of Bliss asked back.

"Yes! Miss is right! But it's better than dying, isn't it? As long as we get out of here..."

Granny Meng hesitated to speak.

It seems that he has already seen the determination of Taoist Bliss, so there is no need to go on, but after thinking about it, he still added, "Although there is Mo Lao in the Mushen Sect, except for the original battle, he almost never showed up. .”

"It's inconceivable that a Dao Rune expert can obey orders from an Earth Soul Realm."

"Right now, Mr. Fang has entered the underworld, and there has been no news. It is unknown whether he will still protect the Wood God Sect, maybe..."

No wonder Granny Meng had similar suspicions.

Elder Mo obeyed Fang Yi's orders, not only her, but everyone in the world was full of curiosity.

But now, Fang Yi has long since disappeared, and Mo Lao has never shown up. Even at the beginning, he did not stop those strong men in the Cyanwood Pagoda from leaving.

All of this, it seems that the other party is not very concerned.

It has to be said that Granny Meng is extremely sensitive, perhaps because she has experienced too much, how could a Dao Rune expert willingly surrender to an Earth Soul Realm.

If it wasn't for the power of the rules, how could Mr. Mo be restrained by Fang Yi.

For him, the most important thing right now is to condense the Dao body as soon as possible and get rid of Fang Yi's imprint on his soul.

"Take a ten thousand step back, even if Mr. Mo does his best, with the participation of the fairy clan, I'm afraid..."

Granny Meng shook her head, obviously not having any hope.

How could Taoist Bliss not know, but she always had a trace of fantasy in her heart, and her bright eyes couldn't help looking in the direction of Emperor Soul Star.


(End of this chapter)

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