Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2683 The Great War

Chapter 2683 The Great War

"The trash of the Wood God Sect, don't come out and die!"

In the sky above the Soul Gathering Star, a loud sound suddenly exploded, like rolling thunder, and then, majestic figures appeared out of thin air, overlooking the entire Soul Gathering Star.

Oh no!

Immediately, the faces of everyone in Soul Gathering Star changed drastically.

Although the news of the attack of the Soul Clan had already spread, no one thought that they would come so quickly.

As if it was inevitable.


On the ground, another furious voice also sounded.

Following the sound, Shi Zhongtian's huge body also soared upwards, like a demon king in the world, with a tyrannical aura permeating his body, forming a storm around him.

Although it is only 200 years, Shi Zhongtian has already reached the Heavenly Soul Realm.

At the same time, there were still figures flying away with him.

They are all disciples of Mu Shenzong and Chixiao Palace.

"Jun Bupo, it's you! You've come to seek death again, and if that's the case, I will fulfill you.

Shi Zhongtian's pupils burst into fierce light, and his whole body's aura also rose sharply. The two sides have been fighting for hundreds of years, and they have already understood each other very well. It seems that there is no need to say anything about the situation in front of them.

However, the soul clan man known as 'Jun Bupo' was not in a hurry to make a move. Instead, he looked at Shi Zhongtian with a sneer and shouted: "It's up to you! Shi Zhongtian, today is your death day. Here's an opportunity for you to bring in reinforcements, people from Scarlet Heaven Palace and Bliss Sect! You can come here as much as you can, and I will wipe you all out today."

Jun Bupo was extremely arrogant, his indifferent eyes swept down to the people below, like a monarch who ruled life and death.

It seems that there is no emotion at all.

"You are bold!"

However, this undoubtedly angered Shi Zhongtian, his pupils shrank and his killing intent was revealed.

"Being a running dog of the fairy clan, do you think you can do nothing to win my Wood God Sect? Wishful thinking!!" Shi Zhongtian sneered, extremely sarcastic.

And these words undoubtedly made all the soul clans angry.

"you wanna die!"

Jun Bupo seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, his complexion turned cold, and a giant palm slammed towards Shi Zhongtian.

kill kill kill! !

At the same time, countless strong soul clans came to attack in the surrounding void, their arrogance soaring to the sky.

Obviously, Mu Shenzong and the others had anticipated that Chiyan Zhenzu led a group of strong men to meet him in an instant.

Immediately, there was a sound of killing shouts, and the entire Soul Gathering Star instantly turned into a Shura battlefield.

Outside of the battlefield, other small forces didn't seem too nervous, because such battles were not uncommon among the Soul Race for hundreds of years.

The power of the two sides is equal, and it is difficult for anyone to win the other.

Instead, it just brought them an opportunity.

In the past few hundred years, it was because of the big tree of the Wood God Sect that they had gained a lot of benefits. At this moment, it seems to them that it is probably the same.

Obviously not many people know about the joining of the Fairy Spirit Clan.

If not, I'm afraid...

"Strange! Didn't the Fairy Clan reach an agreement with the Soul Clan? Why didn't any of them see it?" In a corner outside the battlefield, the Taoist Lord of Bliss was looking at the battlefield with a puzzled expression.

Beside her, Granny Meng also stood quietly.

"The fairy race is not a good generation, and they will spare no effort to help the soul race. Looking at it from the old age, it is impossible for the soul race to survive. I am afraid they will not make a move."

Granny Meng seemed to pierce people's hearts.

Hearing this, Taoist Bliss couldn't help but look back at her.

Yes!How could the Fairy Spirit Clan be so kind, such a big battle would result in huge losses, and the Fairy Spirit Clan would probably only want to reap the benefits.

"Since that's the case, what are you waiting for, kill!"

As the Daoist of Bliss said, his figure suddenly flashed, and he entered the battlefield.


Granny Meng obviously wanted to dissuade him, but Daoist Bliss had already shot at him, and she immediately followed.

For a while, the battle became more and more exciting.

Because of the addition of the Bliss Sect, the scene has also undergone great changes.

The soul clan suffered a lot in the battle hundreds of years ago, and in the course of these hundreds of years, all the powerful people from all walks of life are eyeing each other, wanting to get a piece of the pie, it is conceivable.

Their forces guarding the borders are not small, and they have all been dispersed.

This time, there were not too many strong men attacking, at least not enough to defeat Wood God Sect, Chixiao Palace, and Bliss Sect.

Of course, they did not rely on these forces.

These ordinary strong men are just a foil, and the real battle is always on those extremely strong men.

At this moment, it was just them who drew all the rebels out.


Just as the great battle was raging, a heavy muffled sound came from the sky and the earth, and the whole world seemed to sink suddenly.


There was a muffled sound, and the world was shattered.

A majestic figure stepped forward from the shattering, and the bang bang sound was suddenly the sound of his footsteps.

The terrifying aura accompanied his arrival, sweeping across the entire space, and everything around him seemed to be under his control, unparalleled.

The expressions of the people who had been waiting and watching had changed dramatically at this moment.

Because that figure was none other than Jun Jiuyuan.

In the past few hundred years, although there have been many wars among the soul clan, Jun Jiuyuan has never fought since that battle, because a strong man like this is more of a deterrent and a symbol.

Having a Daowen strongman means that the Soul Race is still one of the top strengths in Tianshan.

Other big forces have to weigh carefully if they want to take action against the Soul Race.

But if there were no strong Dao Runners, then the decline of the Soul Race would be ten times, or even a hundred times, because by then, the major forces would no longer care about it.

So based on this, Jun Jiuyuan never made a move.

Until now, he has reached some kind of agreement with various forces, and got the help of the fairy clan, so he can't wait to revive the soul clan.

Of course, the bigger reason was also because of Mo Lao.

Because he was not sure of defeating Mo Lao.

It was different now, with the help of the fairy clan, he was confident in defeating Mo Lao in one fell swoop.

Although the price is a bit high, everything is worth it for the future of the soul clan.

"It's Jun Jiuyuan, let's go!!"

The crowd fled in fright.

Just kidding, Daowen strong, to them, is definitely like a god, such a person, wanting their lives can be said to be effortless.

This is indeed the case. Looking at those hateful crowds, these ants who used to only rely on the breath of the soul clan to survive for hundreds of years, dared to resist the soul clan, Jun Jiuyuan suddenly became angry, and the light in his eyes also followed. One of the cold.

Suddenly, there was a wave of waves in the space, and the bodies of the people who were trying to escape were split apart out of thin air, and the broken limbs filled the sky, which was a bloody and terrifying scene.

Ordinary warriors have never seen such a scene, such a supernatural power.

With a single look, countless warriors can be turned into pieces, which is simply a fairy-like method.

And only those who are strong know that this is the power of rules, the power of space rules.

But if you know it, you know it, and there are very few people who can avoid it.

In a short while, the surrounding crowd was already a sea of ​​blood and corpses, and the scene was like a Shura hell.

Everyone in the field changed their faces drastically, Shi Zhongtian and his party were no exception, they all looked at Jun Jiuyuan in horror, their eyes full of fear.

It's no wonder that although Daowen and Tianhun are both in the realm of transforming gods, they are vastly different, and energy cannot make up for it at all.

This is not difficult to see from Jun Jiuyuan's contemptuous eyes.

"Your Excellency hasn't come out yet, do you want me to invite you?"


(End of this chapter)

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