Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2684 Wuxu Patriarch

Chapter 2684 Wuxu Patriarch

The loud and angry voice resounded through the world.

Jun Jiuyuan's icy eyes couldn't help looking somewhere in Soul Gathering Star.

Obviously, Mo Lao is the only one who can make him attach so much importance to the entire Soul Gathering Star. Apart from this, other people, including Chiyan True Ancestor, are probably not taken seriously by him.

After all, the gap between Dao Wen and Tianhun is not so easy to bridge.

The soul of the sky is only a warrior when it is strong.

However, Dao Wen has already been called the Earth Immortal, so it is conceivable.

Following Jun Jiuyuan's gaze, everyone also looked in that direction. Mo Lao had been in seclusion for a while, and they didn't know where he was.

until now...

Boom! ! !

There was a muffled thunder, and at the end of everyone's line of sight, a large piece of space peeled off, and an ink-like figure also appeared.

The figure is still the same as before, no major changes can be seen, only the aura seems to have completely merged with the surrounding world, and there is no distinction between them, which is extremely mysterious.

Even Jun Jiuyuan could not help but shrink his pupils at this moment.

Shi Zhongtian and the others were naturally overjoyed.

"Meet old Mo!"

A group of people hurriedly saluted.

Mo Lao turned a blind eye, and looked at Jun Jiuyuan with his faint eyes, showing no sadness or joy.

"You're finally willing to come out, Mo Feng. To think that you, a powerful Daoist of the generation, would take orders from an ignorant kid, it's just a joke in the world."

Jun Jiuyuan was full of sarcasm, laughed wildly, and immediately said: "I will give you a chance to leave the Wood God Sect. I will let the past go, otherwise..."

As he said that, Jun Jiuyuan's pupils shrank, revealing his killing intent.

This is of course a polite remark. Elder Mo is also a Dao Rune expert after all. If he really has no scruples, then the Soul Clan may not be able to live a happy life.

In this trip, it would be great to be able to kill the opponent.

But before that, it is necessary to paralyze the opponent.

However, what he didn't expect was that in the eyes of the other party, he actually saw a hint of impatience, as if he was tired of it.

yes!Elder Mo is indeed tired, he is not in the mood to care about these mundane things.

He just wants to condense his Dao body and ascend to the fairy world as soon as possible, that is his pursuit.

However, Fang Yi still has the imprint left in his soul.

Moreover, this brand has not weakened, but it has become more and more intense, especially in the past few days, that long-lost feeling has resurfaced.

Could it be?Fang Yi has returned?

He had some doubts in his heart.

If it was normal, he might not be interested in paying attention to everything here, but now..., he was startled for no reason.

He couldn't help saying: "Isn't it good to stay in Emperor Soul Star! Why bother to seek death."

His voice was still indifferent, as if he didn't care about anything.

But his tone seemed unusually domineering.


Hearing this, Jun Jiuyuan laughed wantonly, the laugh was extremely exaggerated, but then, the laughter stopped suddenly, and his whole face sank in an instant.

"Looking for a dead end? It's ridiculous, you are the one who is going to die today."

boom! !

As he said that, Jun Jiuyuan's breath surged like an erupting volcano, and then hit Mo Lao like a meteor.

With this smash, the heavens and the earth were torn apart, and a huge chasm was drawn in the vast void.

The Starfish Gathering below also seemed to have been greatly impacted, and it was on the verge of falling, as if it might burst at any time, and there were voices of despair on the planet.

kill kill kill! ! !

The two sides attacked and killed each other violently again.

The surrounding void completely exploded, and a strong man fell, like a gorgeous meteor shower.

The intensity of the battle was completely beyond the imagination of the world.

"Patriarch Wuxu, you still haven't made a move!"

Seeing that he could not attack for a long time, all the soul clan fell one after another, Jun Jiuyuan was in a hurry, and hurriedly drank something.

What?Patriarch Wuxu? ?

As soon as these words came out, the crowd all turned pale with shock, especially Granny Meng, Shi Zhongtian and others, because only they knew better what the words Wuxu Patriarch meant.

That is the super strong of the fairy clan, and it is probably not much different from the former Jun Jiuyou.

More importantly, he is in control of the Immortal Trapping Formation of the Fairy Clan. It is a grand formation that claims to be able to trap immortals. Once anyone is trapped in it, it is absolutely impossible to escape.

Therefore, although his strength is slightly inferior to Jun Jiuyou's, he is one of the most difficult characters in the entire Tianshan Mountains. Generally, Daowen strong people would rather provoke Jun Jiuyou than him.

But now, he has come to Soul Gathering Star, how can everyone not be surprised.

Even Mo Lao, his pupils couldn't help but change drastically at this moment.

Even faintly gave birth to the intention to quit.

However, everything seemed to be too late, and one after another inscriptions appeared in the surrounding void, like the power of endless rules intertwined, turning into a net that completely enveloped the entire Soul Gathering Star.

"Not good! It's the Trapped Immortal Formation!"

Granny Meng's old eyes were full of fear, even despair.

True Ancestor Chi Yan and others were similar, trying to break through the formation, but unfortunately, without exception, they were all ejected.

Seeing this, Jun Jiuyuan's face was overjoyed, and his expression became extremely ferocious, like an evil ghost from hell.

At the same time, majestic figures also appeared on the net covering the entire Soul Gathering Star, and the leading one was a white-haired old man.

The old man's aura was ethereal, like a descendant descending, his indifferent eyes looked down, without a trace of emotion.

Let everyone below tremble.

"Wuxu, do you want to take this muddy water too?"

Mo Lao's face became extremely ugly at the moment, if it was just Jun Jiuyuan, he would naturally not be afraid.

Even if there is one more, he is confident that he can entangle.

But this one is Patriarch Wuxu, which is completely different, and the other party's trapped fairy formation has been laid silently, obviously premeditated, and the situation has become more critical.

The two strong Dao patterns are assisted by the trapped fairy array.

At this moment, even Mo Lao couldn't help showing a pale look on his face.

"What? Are you scared?"

Before Patriarch Wuxu could reply, Jun Jiuyuan was the first to grin, the corners of his mouth were full of evil, as if he had foreseen Mo Lao's end.

In fact, Patriarch Wuxu's strength was close to that of Jun Jiuyou, let alone Jun Jiuyuan, and even if he didn't, it would be almost impossible to escape in the current situation of Mo Lao.

And whether he can save his life is also unknown.

As for other people, let alone, if it is only the soul clan, it will be fine, but now with the fairy clan, they must be doomed.

"Mo Feng, for the sake of our acquaintance, this old man doesn't want to make things difficult for you. As long as you get caught without a fight, this old man will let you live."

Patriarch Wuxu's gaze remained indifferent, as if in his eyes, Elder Mo was no different from those ordinary warriors.

The strong strength and the impenetrable formation undoubtedly gave him great confidence.

Confidence above all beings.

"It's a good one to catch!"

Mo Lao sneered, he was naturally not stupid, how could he believe such nonsense.

However, in such a situation at this moment, his face also became extremely gloomy.

"If you don't eat the toast and eat the fine wine, don't blame the old man for being ruthless!" Patriarch Wuxu's complexion darkened, and he seemed a little displeased. As he spoke, the power of endless rules gushed out from his body, turning into a torrential force Rolling towards Mo Lao.


(End of this chapter)

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