Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2685

Chapter 2685

The terrifying energy exuded the aura of destroying heaven and earth, even Mo Lao, his expression couldn't help but change.

Boom! ! !

As for the others, under this terrifying power, they have almost no power to resist.

In addition to the great array of trapped immortals covering the world, everyone feels like falling into an abyss at this moment, with no hope in sight.

On the soul-gathering star, endless desperate howls also filled the sky and the earth.

It's like the end is here.

If it were Jun Jiuyuan, he might have some reservations about Gathering Soul Star. After all, this was the former territory of the Soul Clan, and he would be somewhat measured in his actions.

But Patriarch Wuxu has no scruples. Whether these people are dead or alive, they are like ants in his eyes, and they can't stir up any ripples in his heart.

He is like a god and demon who stands aloof and dominates all living beings.

"Wuxu, how dare you!"

Mo Lao let out a loud shout. At this moment, he has no way out, but a fight.

Immediately, his whole body exploded suddenly, and the majestic energy like ink poured away, like a mountain torrent breaking a bank, rushing for thousands of miles.

Compared with the original, it is really much stronger.

Unfortunately, he was facing Patriarch Wuxu, and there was Jun Jiuyuan who was not inferior to him.

The result can be imagined.

Under the siege of the two strong Dao pattern, Mo Lao retreated steadily.

As for the others, with the joining of the powerful members of the Fairy Spirit Race, the scene also changed 180 degrees. Shi Zhongtian and his group, who were still in awe, were defeated in an instant, causing countless casualties.

There are not too many strong people in the Wood God Sect, and the same is true for the Chixiao Palace and the Bliss Sect.

No one expected that the Soul Clan would be so aggressive this time.

What's more, he didn't expect that Patriarch Wuxu would be invited to move.

In fact, no matter how many strong people there are, it is in vain. Unless those super strong men stand on the top of Tianshan Mountain, no matter how many people come, they will die.

Under the Trapped Immortal Formation, Dao Rune powerhouses can't escape easily, let alone those ordinary warriors.

Only the portion to be slaughtered.

Other than that, before dying, as many people as possible should be buried with him, that's all.

"Fight with them!!"

Shi Zhongtian obviously saw this, his eyes were blood red, completely disregarding life and death.

The others are similar, although they are extremely desperate, but under the trapped fairy formation, the ending is already doomed, so why not fight to the death.

In this way, the group of people exploded with unprecedented combat power.

For a while, the scene unexpectedly fell into a stalemate, and no one could do anything to win anyone.

However, this is obviously temporary.

Moreover, Mr. Mo has not been defeated yet, and everyone's hopes are pinned on him.

Unfortunately, with a loud noise, Mo Lao's figure was blasted out like a shell, with blood in his mouth like a column, and his face was as white as paper.

Undoubtedly, under the siege of the two Daowen powerhouses, Mo Lao was already at a loss.

"Hahaha!! Mo Feng, you have today too!!"

Jun Jiuyuan smiled ferociously, sweeping away the gloom in his heart, feeling extremely happy.

For hundreds of years, he has always wanted to wipe out those who dared to invade the soul clan, but now, he finally got his wish, how could he be unhappy.

"Jun Jiuyuan, you!!!"

"Unexpectedly, you are a dignified Daowen powerhouse, a once invincible soul clan, and you are willing to be the dog of the fairy clan."

Mo Lao sarcastically.

Jun Jiuyuan was furious immediately when he heard the words. This was undoubtedly the scar in his heart that he was most unwilling to uncover. It was obviously not what he was happy to see that the dignified soul clan had fallen into such a situation, but in order to revive his prestige, he had to That's it.

"Bastard! You still have the leisure to care about these things when you are about to die. Let me tell you that life is the most important thing."

"This seat will cut you into pieces, and you..."

Jun Jiuyuan glanced at the crowd with cold eyes, "Mu Shenzong, Chixiao Palace, and Bliss Sect, I have solved you, and I want these three sects to be removed from Tianshan Mountain from now on."

Hahaha! !

Jun Jiuyuan laughed wantonly, extremely carefree, as if he had already won a complete victory.

In fact, in such a situation, everyone has no hope at all. Failure is only a matter of time.

"Smug ass! Damn, fight with them, kill one to earn money, kill two to earn one!!"

"Yes! Kill!!"

Knowing that they must die, the crowd went all out.

For a moment, the scream of killing soared to the sky.

"Idiot!" Jun Jiuyuan smiled ferociously, his cold eyes were like death, and the corners of his mouth were full of evil.

Although courage is important, it is obviously insignificant in the face of absolute strength, and this is the situation right now.

Elder Mo was seriously injured, and the others were not worth mentioning at all. Without Patriarch Wuxu's action, the defeat is already settled.

One after another figures fell, like stars falling from the nine heavens.

Jun Jiuyuan laughed wildly, echoing in the whole world, like an invincible god of killing.

"Patriarch Wuxu, take down Mo Feng yet!"

Before Mr. Mo was captured, Jun Jiuyuan still seemed a little worried, with a ferocious face like a ghost, as if he wanted to tear Mr. Mo's body to pieces.

"Mo Feng! The old man has already given you a chance, if you want to complain, blame yourself for not knowing how to flatter yourself!"

Patriarch Wuxu couldn't help showing a hideous look on his face.

It can be seen that although he said so, he actually didn't mean to let Mo Lao go, maybe it was just out of respect for his peers.

"Old man Wuxu, don't pretend to be so pretentious, you want to take down this old man just because of you, it's just a dream!"

There was a look of determination on Elder Mo's face.

Obviously, this is going to be desperate.

"Big words! The old man gave you some flair, and you really started a dyeing workshop! Die!"

Patriarch Wuxu was furious, his pupils shrank, and the giant palm went away with him.

Boom! !

Suddenly, the void collapsed instantly, and everything sank.

This palm was full of power to destroy the world, and a terrifying energy storm swept across the entire soul-gathering star. Suddenly, the soul-gathering star was on the verge of falling, as if it was about to be completely torn into pieces by the energy storm.

Mountains collapsed one after another, rivers flooded back, and the whole scene was doomsday-like.

Endless howls came.

Soul Gathering Star has become a hell on earth.

As for Mr. Mo, who was under this palm, his entire face was ashen ashes.

"Old Mo!"

The pupils of Shi Zhongtian and others also suddenly dilated, watching this scene eagerly. With their strength, it is extremely difficult to protect themselves. As for rescue, it is obviously impossible.

"Hahaha!! Die!"

Looking at this scene, Jun Jiuyuan laughed wantonly, and also slapped fiercely.

All of Mo Lao's escape routes were completely blocked.

Mr. Mo had already suffered heavy injuries, but now, under these two terrifying energies, he was almost powerless to fight back, and his face could not help showing a look of despair.


In this impenetrable fairy formation, there are two strong Daoist patterns. Anyone who changes it, I am afraid there will only be despair.

However, just when everyone thought that the overall situation was settled, and Jun Jiuyuan's ferocious smile became extremely happy, suddenly, a sound of dragon chant fell from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the void collapsed in an instant, and a huge real dragon's claw came from the void, traversing the sky and the earth.

In the huge sky, at this moment, it seemed that only this claw was left.

What the claw points to, everything dies.

Together with the giant palms of Patriarch Wuxu and Jun Jiuyuan, before they touched the claws of the real dragon, they exploded inch by inch, like gorgeous fireworks.


(End of this chapter)

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