Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2686 Rolling

Chapter 2686 Rolling

How can it be?

At this moment, Patriarch Wuxu and Jun Jiuyuan's pupils were wide open, filled with inconceivable words.

No one knows better than them the strength of the two of them and the power of a joint attack. In the entire Tianshan Mountains, there is not only one person who can take a joint attack from the two, and I am afraid that there will be no two.

Not to mention directly smashing the attack of the two like this moment.

This made them a little dazed, as if everything in front of them was not real.

And the crowd, not to mention, are all stunned at this moment, looking at all this in horror, looking at the incomparable real dragon's claw, as if the hand of God can erase everything.

of course there are exceptions!

For example, Mo Lao and Shi Zhongtian.

The two have been with Fang Yi for the longest time, and Fang Yi's aura is also the most familiar. Although the real dragon's claw in front of them has become so powerful that they cannot understand it.

However, that familiar aura cannot be faked at all.

Involuntarily, the bodies of the two also trembled slightly, and their eyes were full of anticipation.

There is no doubt that it was Fang Yi who made the move.

After leaving the emperor's house, he originally planned to go straight to the Wood God Sect, but he changed his route and came here after learning about the Soul Clan and the Wood God Sect along the way.

To be honest, if he hadn't heard the news, he would have almost forgotten about it.

Jun Jiuyou is dead, and the soul clan is no longer worth mentioning in his eyes.

It's just that he didn't expect that the Mu Shenzong was here all the time, and the great battle at the beginning was still not over until now.


Bang!Bang! !

Between the heaven and the earth, there was a loud bang, and the whole heaven and earth trembled, and everyone's heartbeat seemed to move with it.

Even Patriarch Wuxu was no exception. At this moment, his face was full of solemnity, and his eyes became extremely sharp, staring closely at the source of the voice Fang Yi.

The same is true for Jun Jiuyuan, even with fear written all over his face.

Fortunately, the ancestor Wuxu was by his side, which gave him a lot of confidence.

And Taoist Bliss seems to have thought of something at this moment, and his bright eyes became brighter and full of anticipation.

The next moment, under the horrified eyes of everyone, a tall and straight figure, like a great emperor roaming the void, stepped out of nothingness.

The figure with white hair and blue robe was extremely majestic, like a king who ruled the world.

"It's him! It's really him!!"

Daoist Bliss couldn't help trembling all over his body, his face was full of ecstasy.

"Young master!" Shi Zhongtian did the same, his expression extremely excited.

Others have different expressions, some are afraid, some are curious, and so on.

The instigator of the battle back then was Fang Yi. Although he disappeared in the end, the whole story of the incident has been spread, and Fang Yi's name has already been spread.

You can see it now, you can imagine it.

It can be said that there is no one who can turn the soul clan into what it is today in one night.

"It's you!" Jun Jiuyuan's pupils also shrank sharply at this moment, and his sharp eyes swept towards Fang Yi like two sharp swords.

Fang Yi, on the other hand, didn't even look at him. Instead, his eyes turned to Mo Lao.

At this moment, Mo Lao looked a little scared.

yes!Fear, he looked at Fang Yi with fear in his eyes.

Because there is a mark left by Fang Yi in his soul, the stronger Fang Yi is, the more terrifying the mark will be, and he can clearly sense it, unlike Jun Jiuyuan, who doesn't seem to be aware of it at all, still a picture of The killing intent was burning, as if he wanted to tear Fang Yi's body into tens of thousands of pieces.

In contrast, Patriarch Wuxu was obviously much smarter, his eyes were deep, and he stared at Fang Yi coldly.

Obviously noticed something.

It's a pity, that's all. Instead, the corner of his mouth raised a hint of disdain, and there was a hint of playfulness.

"You are Fang Yi?"

He seemed a little curious, looked Fang Yi up and down, and asked: "I heard that you and Jun Jiuyou entered the underworld together, did you?"

This is undoubtedly the crowd's curiosity.

Especially for the soul disciples, Fang Yi's appearance at this moment can't help but make them daydream.

"Master Jiuyou, where is he?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"What? Is his life card still broken?" Fang Yi was taken aback by these words, and asked back.Of course, he just asked subconsciously, whether Jun Jiuyou is dead or alive, and whether the Soul Race knows, he is not interested at all.

But just such a sentence made everyone in the Soul Race change their expressions.

Patriarch Wuxu is no exception.

Who is Jun Jiuyou, you are still above him, and he died like this, how could he not be surprised.

"How did you die?"

he blurted out.

"Want to know? Don't worry, I will know when I send you to see him." Fang Yi replied lightly, his face gradually turning cold.

"Eh?" Ancestor Wuxu was taken aback, and then burst out laughing, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world, "Boy, it's up to you? I'm afraid you don't know who this old man is!"

The corners of Patriarch Wuxu's mouth was full of amusement, and he looked at Fang Yi as if he were looking at an idiot.

In the entire Tianshan Mountains, no one dared to say that he was going to die.

The existence of the trapped fairy formation made him invincible against all the peak powerhouses.

"If you are a fool, this old man might as well tell you that this old man is the Wuxu ancestor of the Immortal Spirit Clan. Have you ever heard of the Trapped Immortal Formation? You are in the formation right now, and life and death are under the control of this old man."

"The reason why you can come in is because the old man let you in, and if the old man wants you to die, you will die too!"

The corner of Wuxu Patriarch's mouth twitched ferociously, full of confidence.

Hearing this, Jun Jiuyuan was also overjoyed. Originally, Fang Yi's appearance really surprised him. After all, there is a trapped fairy formation around here.

How Fang Yi easily broke through really surprised him.

But now...

"Little thief! Today is your death day, take your life!"

Jun Jiuyuan let out a loud cry, and the killing intent burst out of his body, like an erupting volcano, and a huge hand crushed away in an instant.

Boom! !

Before the palm wind fell, the surrounding void had already exploded first.

This palm, with the meaning of killing, destroys the world.

"My lord, be careful!" Shi Zhongtian and the others all changed their expressions greatly, trembling with fear, but with their strength, they obviously couldn't do anything, they could only watch helplessly.

Fortunately, the previous palm had already filled them with anticipation for Fang Yi's strength.

Although this is unbelievable, it must be known that Fang Yi was only in the Earth Soul Realm when he left, just 200 years...

However, in Shi Zhongtian's view, any unthinkable happened to Fang Yi, it was a matter of course, and the Taoist Lord of Bliss seemed to have the same opinion, his bright eyes were full of anticipation.

However, what the two of them didn't expect was that Fang Yi turned a blind eye to the palm that was about to fall.

It was as if he hadn't seen that palm at all.

It also seemed that that palm didn't interest him at all.

Finally, he shook his head, slowly raised his palm, and just touched it lightly.

There seemed to be no energy fluctuations in this probe, and there was no astonishing momentum. Even Jun Jiuyuan's palm was not hindered at all, and it still fell with an irreversible trend.

Seeing that Fang Yi was about to be smashed into meat sauce by this palm.

The ferocious look at the corner of Jun Jiuyuan's mouth also became thicker. At this moment, a dragon chant came again, as if it exploded in Jun Jiuyuan's ears, causing his expression to change drastically.

But before he could react, a real dragon's melon was already hanging on his leader.


(End of this chapter)

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