Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2687 Instant Kill

Chapter 2687 Instant Kill

what's the situation?

The crowd was completely stunned at this moment, because from the beginning to the end, they did not see Fang Yi make a move.

Could it be that seemingly ordinary palm?

But that palm didn't arouse the slightest ripple, as if it was poked out casually, and there was no change in the surroundings, so how could it suddenly appear in the sky above Jun Jiuyuan?

Even faster than Jun Jiuyuan's palm.

This is simply not possible.

Obviously, all this overturned their cognition, only Mo Lao and Wu Xu's ancestors shrank their pupils suddenly, full of horror.

Ordinary warriors can't understand, and the two of them are naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

This weird scene seems so unbelievable to outsiders, but to them who understand the power of rules, it is not so unacceptable.

This is the control over the rules of space, almost an existence of teleportation.

Of course, this is not real teleportation. The legend of real teleportation is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you may be crushed into pieces by the power of space.

It is only possible after achieving a legend.

And this, although not real teleportation, is the same as teleportation. The attack is transferred in an instant, across endless space, and lands directly on the leader of Jun Jiuyuan.

With such supernatural powers, the entire Tianshan Mountains may not be able to do more than two.

Even more incredible.

This palm came so mysteriously and silently, I am afraid that the opponent is not far away from the real teleportation.


Jun Jiuyuan's pupils suddenly dilated, full of unwillingness. The terrifying real dragon's claw undoubtedly exceeded his expectations. He wanted to avoid it, but the surrounding space was locked, so it was too late.

It seems that there is only a dead end waiting for him.

"Bastard, let's die together!"

Knowing that he couldn't hide, Jun Jiuyuan went all out at this moment, and he didn't hold back any energy in his body. He pushed out with all his strength, and that giant hand became more and more terrifying, as if he was going to crush Fang Yi completely in the next moment. scum.

In contrast, the falling speed of the True Dragon's Claw seemed much slower.

This also made Jun Jiuyuan seem to regain some hope.

But unfortunately, his hope was quickly shattered, because no matter how he did it, the speed of the palm falling became faster, but there was always a seemingly insurmountable gap between the two.

In the eyes of the world, that palm is only a few feet away from Fang Yi, but Jun Jiuyuan will never be able to touch this distance.

Because there is endless space between this close distance, layer upon layer.

His speed didn't slow down, but became faster and faster, but no matter how fast it was, it couldn't be faster than the space outlined by the power of rules.

"Do not……"

At this moment, he was completely desperate, trying to stop the real dragon's claw in the same way.

However, based on his comprehension of the rules of space, those spaces have not yet been outlined, and they are annihilated inch by inch under the claws of the real dragon, turning into fly ash and disappearing invisible.

The True Dragon Claw is indeed much slower, but it has an irreversible momentum, as if nothing can stop it.

"Patriarch Wuxu, save me!"

When Jun Jiuyuan was in despair, he finally pinned his hope on Patriarch Wuxu.

But it's a pity that Patriarch Wuxu seemed to be in shock at this moment and didn't recover. He woke up suddenly when he heard the sound, but it was too late.

The real dragon's claw turned into a huge real dragon, and Jun Jiuyuan swallowed it directly.

Moan! !

At this moment, the sound of the dragon's chant was loud, accompanied by Jun Jiuyuan's voice of despair.

The crowd was stunned one by one, until the world returned to calm, they seemed to come back to their senses, and looked at each other in disbelief, as if they couldn't believe their eyes, thinking that everything they saw just now was an illusion.

However, Jun Jiuyuan had completely disappeared.

Everything indicates that everything they see is extremely real.

Everyone was shocked from ear to ear, including Mo Lao, Shi Zhongtian and others. They seemed to have forgotten to cheer, but were completely stunned by the scene in front of them.

It's no wonder that anyone would have thought that in just 200 years, Fang Yi had grown from an earth soul warrior to what he is today.

Even Jun Jiuyuan is not a one-shot enemy in his hands.

It's just...

At this moment, Daoist Blissful Daoist's eyes were full of sparks, but after that, she felt lonely for a while, because Fang Yi's strength made her clearly aware of the gap between the two.

That was the difference between heaven and earth, and the corner of her mouth twitched involuntarily.

As for Patriarch Wuxu, at this moment, he no longer had the calm and breezy feeling before, as if everything was under control, a paleness appeared on his old face, and his eyes became extremely gloomy.

"How did Jun Jiuyou die?"

Suddenly, he asked inexplicably.

At least in the eyes of the crowd, at this time, no matter what the purpose is, it seems that such a question should not be asked.

But Mo Lao knew why, because the other party was scared!

yes!The dignified Patriarch Wuxu, the strongest Daoist at the peak, controls the existence of the Trapped Immortal Formation, and at this moment he is actually afraid.

In fact, Mo Lao is not like that.

Among the people present, I am afraid that no one knows Fang Yi's strength, past, and present better than him.

In the past, he had been comprehending the power of rules in Fang Yi's inner world. He knew how much Fang Yi weighed, but now, in a short period of time, Fang Yi gave him only fear.

Apart from fear, facing Fang Yi, he could hardly think of anything else, which came from the crushing of his soul.

"Killed by me!"

Fang Yi glanced lightly at Patriarch Wuxu.

Although the sound was faint, it was no less than a thunderclap to the ears of the crowd.

Patriarch Wuxu's pupils also had a flash of astonishment, as well as deep disbelief, yes, he couldn't believe it, but Fang Yi's indifferent expression seemed to explain everything.

The contemptuous gaze made him tremble even more inwardly.


The heavy footsteps came again step by step, and the hearts of the crowd seemed to be beating accordingly.

Patriarch Wuxu was no exception, his eyes were like hooks. Finally, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's all! Jun Jiuyuan is dead, and the deal between the old man and the soul clan is over."

Saying that, Patriarch Wuxu seemed to be about to retreat.

It seemed to him that everything was over, and as for his own invasion, he didn't take it seriously at all.

Maybe it's because the trapped immortal array has given him great confidence all the time, so that he doesn't pay attention to anyone at all, even Fang Yi, it just makes him think that he has the qualifications to be equal to himself.

As for the others, it is simply impossible.

At least he thought so.

It's a pity that his arrogance doomed his tragic ending. Strictly speaking, the ending was already doomed when he got involved in this matter.

Today, let alone Patriarch Wuxu, even in the Legendary Realm, Fang Yi dares to fight.

As for the Immortal Trapping Formation, if it can trap others, it may not be able to trap him. What's more, he doesn't need to break the formation at all. Wouldn't it be easier to kill the other party?


sorry!The outside of the trapped immortal formation has been shrouded by the four major sword formations, so...

"I just thought of leaving now? Isn't it too late?"

Fang Yi grinned like a god of death from hell.


(End of this chapter)

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