Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2688 The agreement with the ancient demons

Chapter 2688 The agreement with the ancient demons

"What? Jun Jiuyuan was instantly killed? Is it true?"

"It's still false, it's absolutely true, don't you see all the major forces pouring into the Soul Clan, tell you, the Soul Clan is completely over now!"

"That's right, not only Jun Jiuyuan, but even Patriarch Wuxu has fallen, and the Immortal Formation has passed away!"

"What? How is this possible? The old man Wuxu is..."

"What's impossible? I was at Soul Gathering Star that day, and I witnessed everything, tsk tsk! I never thought that Fang Yi would be so powerful, it's simply unbelievable."



Several days have passed since the battle of Soul Gathering Star, but the sensation caused by that battle has just begun.

Once the news spread, all major forces frantically poured into the Soul Clan, obviously wanting to get a piece of the pie. As the crowd said, once Jun Jiuyuan died, the Soul Clan would be completely over.

How could those forces that were oppressed by them miss this opportunity.

However, they have a very tacit understanding, with the Soul Gathering Star as the center, no force in the surrounding star field dares to step in, even if they step in, they dare not make any changes.

Just kidding, there is an existence here that can instantly kill Jun Jiuyuan and the Wuxu Patriarch, who dares to be presumptuous?


In the battle a few days ago, Fang Yi not only killed Jun Jiuyuan instantly, but also did not let Patriarch Wuxu escape. Although he was not a bloodthirsty person, he never showed mercy to the enemy.

As for the strength of Patriarch Wuxu.

To be honest, in his opinion, he is much worse than Jun Jiuyou.

Jun Jiuyou was easily killed by him, let alone Patriarch Wuxu.

His dominance undoubtedly shocked everyone, including Mo Lao, Shi Zhongtian and others, which was not difficult to see from the expressions of everyone at the moment.

"Back to the young master! Everything has been done as the young master said, and all the disciples have withdrawn."

In the main hall, Shi Zhongtian replied respectfully, his brows were full of excitement.

Fang Yi's return, as well as Fang Yi's strength, undoubtedly made him extremely excited.

In contrast, Elder Mo's complexion is not very good-looking, because for hundreds of years, he has hardly taken care of anything, mostly taken care of by Shi Zhongtian and Chiyan Zhenzu.

Even in his heart, he always wanted to get out of Fang Yi's control, but he couldn't get rid of it because he didn't have a cohesive Dao body.

But now, Fang Yi has returned so forcefully, he is naturally a little guilty in his heart.

Fortunately, Fang Yi didn't make things difficult for him.

"Young master, such a great opportunity is the best time to completely destroy the soul clan, let's just let it go..." Chiyan Zhenzu interrupted at this time, hesitant to speak.

Back then, when Fang Yi first entered the Cyanwood Pagoda, he was only at the seventh level of the body, but in a short period of time, it was already a world of difference.

After that, the battle of Chixiao Palace made him feel grateful to Fang Yi.

It is also because of this that he and Scarlet Heaven Palace have always been on the same side as Mu Shenzong. Now that the soul clan is about to disappear, Fang Yi's actions somewhat surprised him.

"It's okay!"

Fang Yi looked up at him and nodded slightly, "The annihilation of the soul clan is irreversible, let them go!"

These words are undoubtedly the truth, and the fate of the Soul Clan is already clear without even thinking about it.

Today, Fang Yi has no interest in these so-called top forces in Tianshan. Compared with the underworld, the forces in Tianshan are undoubtedly far behind.

But now, he only wants to solve everything here as soon as possible, and then fly to the fairyland.

As for Mr. Mo, he naturally wouldn't have the same knowledge as the other party.

Wanting to get rid of the control of others is the dream of every martial artist. Isn't training to change one's fate against the sky and get rid of the constraints of fate?

Moreover, Mr. Mo once had a lot of credit.

Even if he didn't make a move afterwards, it also played a deterrent effect.

Immediately, he had a thought.

Moan! !

Immediately, two shocking dragon chants roared to the sky, and Elder Mo felt his heart tremble. The three-color dragon that had been imprinted deep in his soul finally soared into the sky at this moment.

Involuntarily, Boss Mo was overjoyed.

Subconsciously, he looked at Shi Zhongtian who was also branded.

However, the difference is that there is no three-color dragon rushing out of Shi Zhongtian's sea of ​​consciousness, what is there is only the terrifying aura surrounding him, which is getting more and more prosperous and rising steadily.

In an instant, Shi Zhongtian's cultivation seemed to be instantly elevated, reaching the peak of the Heavenly Soul.


Seeing this scene, Elder Mo's heart sank. He knew that he had not been able to gain Fang Yi's trust after all, but Shi Zhongtian was not.

Finally, the hall returned to calm, and Shi Zhongtian opened his eyes suddenly, full of ecstasy.

"Thank you for your success, son!"

Immediately, he hurriedly saluted with an extremely respectful expression.

Elder Mo also saluted, but the corners of his mouth were somewhat bitter.

Fortunately, what Fang Yi said next made him startled, as if he had regained his confidence.

"The agreement between you and me is still valid. I will help you condense your Tao body, but how much you can comprehend is up to you."

"And you!"

With that said, Fang Yi turned his head to look at Chi Yan Zhenzu and the others.

Several of them were the strong ones who chose to stay later. Among them, Fang Yi may not be loyal, but they were trapped for too long. Everything in the past has changed, and they can't go back, so they chose to stay.

Of course, Mo Lao's reasons were indispensable.

But no matter what the reason was, Fang Yi would not be stingy when they fought for the Wood God Sect.

"Thank you sir!"

Everyone quickly thanked them. Although they didn't know what was so special about Fang Yi's inner world, Fang Yi's tyranny and Mo Lao's excitement undoubtedly showed one thing.

This is definitely a rare opportunity.

"My lord, there is the latest news that it is..."

At this time, a disciple of Mu Shenzong rushed to report, hesitant to speak.

"What's the matter? Tell me now!" Shi Zhongtian turned around, looked at the disciple and shouted.

Hearing that, the disciple didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and hurriedly said: "It's the Fairy Spirit Clan. It is rumored that the Fairy Spirit Clan has united with the ancient God Clan, Ancient Demon Clan and other top forces in Tianshan Mountain, and is preparing to attack the young master."


As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone in the hall changed drastically.

In the Soul Gathering Star battle, although Fang Yi showed unprecedented strength, the overall strength of Wood God Sect and Chixiao Palace combined is similar to that of the former Soul Clan, and he is definitely the overlord in Tianshan Mountain.

However, the fairy clan, ancient god clan, ancient demon clan, etc. are also the overlords of Tianshan Mountain.

Faced with so many strengths at once, no matter how strong they are, they will inevitably be shocked.

"Has the news been confirmed? How can the fairy clan be able to convince the major forces? This is unreasonable." Someone retorted.

This is undoubtedly very reasonable. In the battle of Soul Gathering Star, Fang Yi killed Jun Jiuyuan and Patriarch Wuxu. Who would dare to be so unafraid of death and touch Fang Yi's brow?

The anger of the fairy clan was predictable, after all, Patriarch Wuxu died in Fang Yi's hands.

But what about other forces?Can they take such a big risk to offend such a ruthless person as Fang Yi?Is that necessary?

Such doubts undoubtedly filled everyone's mind.

But there are many exceptions, such as Mo Lao, Shi Zhongtian, Chi Yanzhenzu and others, they seem to have thought of something.

It seems that the only ones that can make the major forces not hesitate to take risks are...

With the strong men in the Cyanwood Pagoda walking out, the whereabouts of the Wooden Temple is no longer a guess, so... the behavior of these people is also understandable.

Or maybe, Fang Yi is too powerful, so powerful that they can't sleep and eat, making them want to find out the truth.

Unfortunately, all this is doomed to be in vain, Fang Yi didn't even lift his eyelids.

He just muttered in his mouth: "Ancient Demon Race!"

He vaguely remembered that he and the ancient demons seemed to have an agreement.


(End of this chapter)

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