Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2689 Return to the original owner

Chapter 2689 Return to the original owner

"I've seen your son!"

In the main hall, Gu Changqing looked excited.

It turned out that he was not on Soul Gathering Star, but on Jupiter, and came here in a hurry when he learned of Fang Yi's return.

Fang Yi has disappeared for more than 200 years. During these 200 years, he has been fearful and trembling.After all, it is already quite reluctant to rule the former Mu Shenzong with his strength, and with the emergence of a strong man in the Qingmu Pagoda, let alone how he is not as good as walking on thin ice.

Fortunately, when Fang Yi finally returned, a boulder weighing on his heart was finally let go.

"You have worked hard these days!"

Fang Yi smiled and nodded, naturally understanding Gu Changqing's difficulties.

Gu Changqing has only just stepped into the Earth Soul Realm. With such a cultivation level, he is naturally considered a good player in the outside world, but facing those strong men in the Qingmu Pagoda, he is undoubtedly nothing.

One can imagine his days.

"By the way! Is there any news about the blood demon ancestor recently?"

Thinking of the agreement with the Ancient Demon Clan, Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

Today, he would naturally not pay attention to the agreement of the ancient demon clan, but for the sake of the ancestor of the blood demon, he might as well take a trip to the ancient demon clan.

However, to his surprise, Gu Changqing's expression couldn't help but change.

"Master Hui, the ancestor of the blood demon still had contact with his subordinates at first, but after that, there was no news from him."

"The subordinates sent people to search for his whereabouts in secret, and even bought many disciples of the ancient demon clan, but they didn't know anything about it, as if the ancestor of the blood demon suddenly disappeared overnight."


Is there such a thing?

Fang Yi couldn't help frowning. The matter of Hua Lian'er made him feel extremely guilty. Now, the blood demon ancestor has disappeared, which is undoubtedly what he doesn't want to see.

"Then have you ever inquired about any abnormalities in the ancient demon race?"

The ancestor of the Gorefiend is extraordinary in strength, even above Gu Changqing.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for such a strength to disappear for no reason, and he was born in the ancient demon clan, who dares not give some face, at least there will be no news.

The only possibility is, what happened inside the Ancient Demon Clan,

Could it be because the ancient demons learned about the relationship between the blood demon ancestor and themselves, so...

But it doesn't seem to be the case!The purpose of the ancient demons is very clear, that is, the book of Shimo, the book is still in his hands, even if the ancient demons really have a plan, they will not kill the ancestor of the blood demon.

So... what could be the reason?

"Master Hui! After the blood demon ancestor disappeared, the subordinates sent people to inquire about it, but they didn't find anything unusual about the ancient demons."

Gu Changqing replied like this, "Could it be that they angered the blood demon ancestor, so..."

Obviously, Gu Changqing also had similar worries as Fang Yi.

Fang Yi shook his head.

This matter does not seem to be so simple, but there is no point for him to guess here.

"Okay! You go down! I know about this matter, I will go to the ancient demon clan to ask for clarification."


Gu Changqing saluted respectfully, and then retreated.

In the silent hall, only Fang Yi was left at this moment.

"Come out!"

Fang Yi didn't lift his head, as if he was talking to himself.

"It's boring!" A boring voice sounded, the voice was crisp and agile, and then, a touch of bright color flashed across, and a pink figure appeared in the hall.

The person who came was the Lord of Ultimate Bliss.

"I thought you wouldn't be able to bear it and came on the first day, but it took so many days, it's rare!"

Fang Yi smiled and said.

Hearing the words, the Taoist Lord of Bliss couldn't help but pouted. Why didn't she want to come earlier, but Fang Yi's strength made her far beyond her expectations, which made her feel a little guilty.

In the past, she could joke with Fang Yi unscrupulously, but now...

"Did you really go to the underworld?"

She tried her best to maintain the previous state, because in this way, she could feel that the distance between the two was not that far away.

"Naturally!" Fang Yi nodded.

"Then sister Shenmeng, you? Did you see her? Where did she go?"

Unexpectedly, the first question asked by Taoist Bliss was Fengshenmeng, which made Fang Yi's expression dark.

When mentioning Fengshenmeng, he felt a little helpless and frustrated.

"She's gone! She went to the Immortal Realm, which is what you call ascension!"


A look of longing appeared on the face of Taoist Bliss, "Sister Shenmeng is really amazing, she ascended to the fairy world so soon, what a pity..."

In addition to yearning, the Lord of Bliss seems to have some regrets.

"Then..." Turning around, she looked at Fang Yi again, with a look of hesitation.

How could Fang Yi not understand, and said: "You want to ask about the stone of rebirth? It is true that the stone of rebirth is in my hands, but do you know what the stone of rebirth is?"

Fang Yi was not in a hurry to take out the stone of rebirth, although his inner world had already engraved everything, it didn't matter to him whether he had the stone of rebirth or not.

But, no matter what, this stone is no small matter. Once the truth of it is known to the world, I am afraid that the Bliss School will usher in another bloody storm.


The master of blissful Taoism's pupils brightened, revealing the color of longing.

Then he took a deep look at Fang Yi, and said, "I know, it's called the Great Dao Relic, and it was transformed into the Dao body when the first generation Taoist master of the Bliss Sect fell, and it contains the power of the rules of rebirth."

"you know?"

Fang Yi was undoubtedly surprised by this answer.

In Fang Yi's mind, the Bliss School might not know anything about this matter, otherwise, they definitely wouldn't engage in double cultivation.

This is totally against the rules of rebirth.

If it weren't for this, the previous generation of blissful Taoist masters would not have died at the hands of Jun Jiuyou.

Taoist Bliss seems to have seen Fang Yi's doubts, and hastily added, "I only found out later, sister Shenmeng told me."


Fengshenmeng told you?

These words undoubtedly shocked Fang Yi, how could Fengshenmeng know?She has never even seen the Stone of Rebirth, so how could she know this?

Even Jun Jiuyuan discovered it after entering the underworld.

Because the rules of reincarnation act on the soul, it is not intuitive in the spiritual world, but after entering the underworld, it is quite different.

But Fengshenmeng didn't have much entanglement with the Bliss School, so how could she know?

The one related to the Bliss Sect is the former Great Dream Immortal Venerable. Could it be...

Thinking of what Emperor Jianyi had said, and Fengshenmeng's challenge to the Sanshengshi, Fang Yi seemed to understand something. Perhaps in Fengshenmeng's mind, two different memories were entangled.

And whether she is still Fengshenmeng, I am afraid that only she knows.

"Since you know it, it's good, then keep it! Don't tell anyone, just pretend that I didn't give it to you!"

With that said, Fang Yi tossed it casually, and the Stone of Rebirth went towards the Lord of Ultimate Bliss.

The reason why he is so generous is naturally not because of the Lord of Bliss, but because of Fengshenmeng. He vaguely felt that Fengshenmeng seemed to have expected something long ago.

Otherwise, why would she let the Lord of Bliss come to find her?

Since this is the meaning of Fengshenmeng, he will naturally not refuse, not to mention, the Stone of Rebirth has no effect on him.


(End of this chapter)

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