Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2690 Ants Shaking the Sky

Chapter 2690 Ants Shaking the Sky

"My lord, the Prayer Star is ahead."

In the vast void, two majestic figures are strolling towards, and within sight, a huge planet slowly appears in the nothingness.

Shi Zhongtian couldn't help showing a look of worry on his face.

"Young master, is it just the two of us..."

"How about, wait for the subordinates to gather the number first, and then fight them to the death."

Prayer Star was originally an ordinary planet belonging to the Soul Clan, but with the decline of the Soul Clan, this planet has already become a chaotic planet like the Soul Gathering Star, where major forces are entrenched.

However, if it was just like this, it would not be able to attract Fang Yi.

The reason why Fang Yi came here was because the ancient gods, ancient demons, and top powerhouses of all major forces gathered by the fairy clan gathered here.

Intended to discuss strategies against Wood Shenzong.

"Why, are you scared?" Fang Yi looked sideways, glanced at Shi Zhongtian and said with a smile.


Shi Zhongtian's eyes were firm, "This subordinate is not afraid, but, my lord, I don't want to fight these people hard. The so-called two fists are hard to beat four hands, we..."

Obviously, although Shi Zhongtian said he was not afraid, he was still extremely worried.

No wonder, after all, there are countless powerful people in Tianshan Mountain gathered here, and they are all the top ones.

No matter how strong Fang Yi is, there is always a limit, and it is impossible to fight against everyone with one's own strength.

Therefore, it is definitely not a wise move to break in so rashly.

Fang Yi couldn't see Shi Zhongtian's worry, smiled, and said: "Don't worry! A group of collapsing dogs, I really hope that they can make some noise, so that I can see, Is Tianshan really lonely this day?"

After leaving such a sentence, Fang Yi strode towards the Prayer Star.

Shi Zhongtian seemed a little distracted, but quickly followed.

Gradually, the figure of the two became farther and farther away.


"Golden Spirit True Ancestor, are you telling the truth?"

Somewhere in the main hall of Prayer Star, the top powerhouses of all major forces gathered together. They were invited to come, and they all wanted to see what the fairy clan would say.

Moreover, Fang Yi's strength also made them feel a great threat.

In the past, in Tianshan, Daowen powerhouses meant the top existence, even if there was a gap between them, it would not be fatal.

However, the appearance of Fang Yi undoubtedly broke this balance.

Fang Yi was not only able to instantly kill Jun Jiuyuan, but even the Wuxu Patriarch who controlled the Immortal Formation. Such a character made it difficult for them to sleep and eat, as if their lives were in the hands of others at any time.

Plus the legendary wooden temple.

Therefore, the fairy clan did not spend too much effort to gather them together.

"Everyone, everything I said is true. I have been trapped in the Greenwood Pagoda for tens of thousands of years. I dare not say with 100% certainty, but I still have a [-]% certainty. The Wooden Temple is in Fang Yi's hands."

"Yes! And I can also prove it."


In the main hall, many voices echoed.

If Fang Yi was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that the person known as the True Ancestor of the Golden Spirit was exactly the same person as the True Ancestor of the Golden Spirit who was once in the Cyanwood Pagoda, who was comparable to the True Ancestor of Chiyan.

Besides him, those who agree with him all come from the Qingmu Pagoda.

"Really? No wonder this kid is so good, so it's because of the Wooden Temple."

"That's not true! I think he has grown to such a degree in just a short time since he entered Tianshan. If he is allowed to go down, there is still room for us to breathe."

"Yes! We must remove this threat..."

The crowd echoed one after another, their eyes full of greed.

Above, a majestic old man had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions, and the corners of his mouth could not help but evoke a sinister look.

He is the top powerhouse of the fairy clan, the ancestor of Wuji, and the initiator of this incident.

"Everyone, listen clearly! I think you all have an idea. This old man hereby promises that after this matter is completed, our Fairy Spirit Clan will not take anything, only the relics of ancestor Wuxu will be taken back."

"Other things will be shared by everyone here."

These words undoubtedly played a great role.

All the eyes of the crowd were bright.

It should be noted that once the action is confirmed, not only Fang Yi will be impacted, but the Mushen Sect, Chixiao Palace, and Bliss Sect will all be taken down.

Once the three major sects are won, the benefits can be imagined.

How can everyone not be ready to move.

"Wuji, your fairy family is really willing." At this time, another man who looked like a god and demon spoke up. He was glowing with a faint golden light, so magical that people dare not look directly at him.

It is the Daowen strongman from the ancient gods, Shentianzong.

Shentianzong glanced at Patriarch Wuji slightly, with a hint of playfulness and a hint of sarcasm.

As one of the top forces in Tianshan, he naturally wouldn't trust Patriarch Wuji's guarantee, it was just to confuse everyone.

Of course, he will not expose it, because this is undoubtedly his purpose.

Instead, he looked at the representative of the Ancient Demon Clan, Li Mo, on the other side.

"Heh! Could it be that the ancient demons were afraid, so they sent a few juniors here, and there wasn't even a Dao Rune expert. Are they going to give up?"

"If I remember correctly, the Shimo Heavenly Book seems to be still in the hands of that person."

Shen Tianzong said playfully, with a strong sense of irony.

Patriarch Wuji also nodded approvingly, and looked at Li Mo with a somewhat unfriendly gaze.

Originally, he thought that the ancient demons would definitely respond to this action, because the Shimo Heavenly Book was a must-have for the ancient demons, but the fact...

"Don't bother the two adults. Since the patriarch has agreed, there are naturally other arrangements."

Li Mo was obviously displeased, but facing a group of strong men, naturally he didn't dare to make a mistake.

It should be noted that there are no less than five Daowen experts present, among them the ancestor of Wuji and Shentianzong are the best among them, crushing him will definitely not be more laborious than crushing an ant.

"I hope so!"

Shen Tianzong said contemptuously, and immediately withdrew his gaze.

There are five Daowen strongmen, they are confident that they will be able to defeat Fang Yi, so they don't take it too seriously.

"Okay! At that time, I hope that everyone will not hold back and make a full shot. Once he escapes, I don't need to say the consequences, you all know it!"

Ancestor Wuji finally said.

Everyone is not stupid, if a Dao Rune expert escapes, if he turns around to take revenge, then...

"But you don't need to worry, as long as we work together, we will be able to completely suppress it. He can't break through the trapping formation of my fairy clan, and it is enough to trap him to death."

In the battle a few days ago, Fang Yi did not break through the trapping immortal formation, because it was not necessary, but directly blasted and killed Patriarch Wuxu with lightning speed.

Once Patriarch Wuxu died, the Trapped Immortal Formation naturally collapsed and returned to the hands of Patriarch Wuji of the Fairy Spirit Clan.

It is precisely because of this that they have given them great confidence.

He thought Patriarch Wuxu just underestimated the enemy to death.

But this time, with the assistance of the Sleepy Immortal Formation, there are also experts from the Five Dao Patterns, and even experts from the Ancient Demon Clan. They are confident that they will win this battle.

It's just a pity that they never imagined what kind of existence would be waiting for them.


(End of this chapter)

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