Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2691 Dao body

Chapter 2691 Dao body

"Okay! Since everyone has no objections, let's get ready to go!"

Ancestor Wuji's eyes turned cold, revealing his killing intent.

The crowd was also a little impatient.

Boom! !

However, at this moment, there was a deafening sound of thunder from nine days away, and the whole earth trembled and was on the verge of collapsing.

what happened?

The crowd looked at each other in blank dismay, and they couldn't help looking up at the void when they were flustered.

Among them, the ones with the Five Dao Patterns were the most powerful. All of them showed horror in their eyes, and looked in the same direction in disbelief, because there, they sensed a breath that made them terrified.

That aura is incomparable, as if it is above all living beings, including them.


Someone couldn't help shouting.

The next moment, as if in response to his words, a large area of ​​space fell away, and a stalwart figure with white hair and blue robes stepped forward, like a great emperor walking in the starry sky.

After the figure, another figure followed. Although it was equally majestic, it was undoubtedly much darker in comparison.

"Fang Yi, Shi Zhongtian!!"

The faces of the crowd were full of shock and disbelief.

In the battle of Gathering Soul Star, Fang Yi has already caused a sensation in the entire Tianshan Mountains. Everyone knows the legend about him, and he is naturally very clear about his appearance.

It's just that what they never dreamed of was that the other party would appear here, and it was at this time.

"you you……"

Ancestor Wuji's pupils also shrank sharply, as if he was caught off guard.

Although he was full of confidence and convinced that he would be able to completely suppress the other party this time, Fang Yi's sudden arrival and the thought of the other party's methods made him feel a little guilty.

"What? Is it surprising?"

Fang Yi ignored the crowd, "Don't you guys want to deal with me! It just so happens that I also want to meet the strong men of Tianshan Mountain to see if they are all waste like Wuxu and Jun Jiuyuan."

The voice was extremely contemptuous, completely ignoring the group of people.

Even if the people gathered in the main hall at this moment are the top group of existences in the entire Tianshan Mountains, for Fang Yi, it is nothing more than that.

"You! Your Excellency has such a big tone!!"

As a Daowen strong man, he has never been so humiliated, and some people can't help but speak out first.

Patriarch Wuji gritted his teeth and rattled.

But Shentianzong was unusually silent, looking straight at Fang Yi, as if he wanted to see through Fang Yi.

As one of the top powers in Tianshan Mountain, standing on Tianshan Mountain for countless thousands of years, no one knows better than them how terrifying the destructive power of a Daowen strongman is, what's more, that Daowen strongman can still Beheading the existence of Patriarch Wuxu, so even though he came, he would not act hastily if he was not fully sure.

As for the ancient demons, only one power demon came, so why not.

The two major forces just want to see the reality!

If it was possible, they would definitely take Fang Yi at all costs, but if there was anything wrong...

Therefore, he did not make the first bird.

The same is undoubtedly true of Lich Molly.

Of course, with his strength, it is not his turn to speak in the situation before him, but looking at Fang Yi, this young man who was not as strong as him has now reached such an unbelievable level. Frustrated from the bottom of my heart.

It also made him almost have no illusions about Shimo Tianshu, unless...

"Boy, today is the day of your death. You will pay in blood. I want to see how strong you are and whether you can withstand the attacks of so many of us."

Patriarch Wuji snarled and tied everyone to his front line.

While speaking, the situation in the surrounding world changed suddenly, and countless inscriptions emerged, like a net that blocked everything around.

Looking at this huge net, Fang Yi shook his head slightly, with disappointment on his brows.

"The fairy clan is really stupid. The trapped fairy formation, as the name suggests, is just a trapped formation. How can it be used in battle? If the strength is weak, it will be fine, and it will have some effect."

"But in the eyes of this gentleman..., isn't Patriarch Wuxu a lesson from the past!"

The voice was indifferent, but the dominance revealed was beyond doubt.

The crowd who were still full of confidence at the moment couldn't help showing a trace of uncertainty and even timidity in their eyes.

Especially Shentianzong, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

But Patriarch Wuji didn't take it seriously, instead he sneered and said: "Speak out loud, if you didn't underestimate the enemy, how could it have fallen into your hands, today is your death day, take your life!"

As the ancestor Wuji said, he motioned for several other Daowen experts to attack and kill Fang Yi together.

Suddenly, endless terrifying energy swept out, as if to completely crush Fang Yi into slag.

One can imagine the power of a few powerful Daowen experts attacking together.

The entire space turned into nothingness in an instant, and everything was annihilated in it, disappearing invisible.

Shi Zhongtian's pupils couldn't help changing drastically, full of anxiety, trying to help, but he was only at the peak of the Heavenly Soul, and although he was only one step away from the Dao pattern, there was a world of difference in this step.

In the face of the power of rules, he can't play much role at all.

What's more, it was a combination of several strong Daowen experts.

Therefore, he could only watch helplessly, watching the terrifying energy swallow Fang Yi like a tsunami, and watching Fang Yi's body, suddenly the golden light was shining, pieces of golden lotus bloomed, and a huge golden lotus platform slowly took shape .

Between heaven and earth, endless mysterious sounds came, and phantoms of Buddhas chanted nine days away.

That tsunami-like terrifying energy, as soon as it came into contact with the golden light, instantly turned into flying ash and was annihilated inch by inch.

How can it be?

Everyone's eyes widened, as if they had seen a ghost.

Patriarch Wuji was no exception, he couldn't help trembling all over his body, Fang Yi's strength had undoubtedly subverted his cognition, the terrifying golden light, and the lotus platform all foreshadowed one thing.

Like him, there is undoubtedly Shentianzong. At this moment, his pupils are also wide open, as if they are about to stare out.

As one of the oldest forces in Tianshan, they naturally know what this means.

However, everything is far from over.

On the golden lotus platform, a faint phantom slowly condensed. The phantom seemed extremely thin and had only one outline, but it fell into the eyes of Wuji Patriarch and Shentianzong, making them tremble and their expressions also changed. It became extremely pale, not because the phantom was extremely bright like a fairy.

It's because they know that the other party has already condensed the legendary Dao Body.

Although it has not yet fully formed, it is only one step away from legend.

At the same time, they also foresee their own fate.

Especially Patriarch Wuji, his face was full of unwillingness. At this moment, he no longer had the intention of confronting Fang Yi, but only wanted to escape, far away.

pity!Fang Yi never gave him this chance.

Now that he revealed his Dao body, he was going to kill the chicken to make an example to the monkey. Unfortunately, the ancestor of Wuji was the chicken.

Therefore, under the projection of the golden light, his body turned into ashes inch by inch, and his soul dissipated into the sky and the earth together, leaving no traces, as if he had never been in this world.

In addition to him, several other Daowen experts also blasted out like shells, with blood in their mouths like pillars, which was horrible.


(End of this chapter)

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