Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2692 The Living Legend

Chapter 2692 The Living Legend

At this moment, the vast world seemed to have fallen into a deathly silence.

The crowd was like stone sculptures, staring blankly at this scene.

one strike!Just one hit!

Who would have thought that Fang Yi's mighty Patriarch Wuji and several Daowen powerhouses would not be the enemy of Fang Yi in one blow, one death and many injuries. What a proud record this is, can you find a second one in the entire Tianshan Mountains? ?

Do not!

Can't find it, if there is such a person, he would have been the Lord of Tianshan long ago.

Or maybe, has already ascended to the fairyland.

The world is so big, no one dares to make even the slightest sound, including Shentianzong and the remaining Daowen powerhouses. At this moment, they only have regrets in their hearts. Regrets for wanting to fight against Fang Yi, against a person who has condensed the Dao body. His existence is simply asking for a dead end.

But compared to their extremely frustrated expressions, Shi Zhongtian's heart was beating wildly.

Although he had already looked at Fang Yi infinitely, he never dreamed that Fang Yi had already condensed the Dao body, and most of his body had stepped into the legend.

The living legend, the real legend, the legendary being, stood before his eyes at this moment.

At this moment, he was extremely grateful for his original decision.

My whole body couldn't help trembling with excitement.

"I, I..., thank you Mr. Fang for not killing me!!"

Finally, a pale Daowen expert stood up and broke the silence.

It's just that it was different from what he had expected before, but he saluted Fang Yi respectfully. Apart from the deep fear on his face, he turned out to be grateful.


The ancestors of Wuji were not enemies with one blow, so how could they survive.

But in fact, they survived, so the answer is obvious.

Seeing this, the others followed suit, lowering their heads and facing Fang Yi.

Only the crowd was left looking at each other.

Perhaps, they haven't realized what happened. What happened just now was so flashy, and the golden light covered everything, blinding people's eyes and ears.

"Because it's not easy for you to practice, I will give you a way to survive this time, and if you dare to do it next time, you will definitely not let me go."

The cold voice was like a death sentence.

As if several Daowen powerhouses were granted amnesty, "Thank you, Young Master, for being lenient."

After throwing down a word, several people left in a hurry, like a dog in mourning, how could they have the same prestige as before.

The crowd all looked at each other in blank dismay. Rao, no one thought that a crusade conference that gathered all the top forces in Tianshan would end in such a way in the end.

Everyone seems to have forgotten about the Wooden Temple and Shimo Heavenly Book.

Shentianzong is no exception.

Just kidding, compared to these, life is always the most important.

However, without Fang Yi's permission, even Shentianzong would not dare to make any changes at this moment.

Especially Jinling Zhenzu and others who testified against Fang Yi before, at this moment, they all prostrated on the ground, trembling all over, and dripping cold sweat on their foreheads.

"I won't kill you, but from today onwards, you will obey Shi Zhongtian, do you have any objections?"

Tianshan obviously won't be able to stay for long. After dealing with everything here, it's time to try to enter the fairyland.

And after he left, Fang Yi would leave some capital for those who had been loyal to him so that they could live well.

At the same time, it can be regarded as a chance for Jinling True Ancestor and others.

Fang Yi is not a bloodthirsty person, otherwise, as long as he is willing, none of the people here today would want to live.

"Thank you, my lord, for your kindness!"

A group of people were overjoyed, how could they dare to be unwilling in the slightest.

Just kidding, excluding the inevitable death situation, being able to surrender to a legendary powerhouse is something that countless warriors dream of.

Dao pattern and legend are only one step away, but this step is the gap between immortals.

"You! Come with me!"

Finally, Fang Yi looked at Li Mo again.

Li Mo couldn't help being stunned, and a paleness appeared on his face. If in the past, facing Fang Yi, he could at least maintain an equal posture, but now, he dare not lend him ten courage.

"I, me! Go...where?"

He said fearfully.

"Where are you going? Have you forgotten our previous agreement? I said that after I solve the Soul Clan, I will definitely go to the Ancient Demon Clan to give you an explanation."

Fang Yi replied lightly, but hearing Li Mo's words now made him almost cry.

Are you kidding me? With the existence of the Legendary Realm, the Shimo Heavenly Book, and the Ancient Demon dare to have unreasonable thoughts?Can you still have unreasonable thoughts?

But facing Fang Yi, he didn't know what to say.

And Fang Yi didn't give him this chance. When the words fell, his figure disappeared out of thin air. Fang Yi disappeared together, and the boulder that was pressing on everyone's hearts made them breathless.

"He...he actually condensed the Dao body and became a legend!!"

legend!The legendary existence.

At this moment, the hall was still extremely silent, only the hearts of the people were beating violently.

For the first time, Shentianzong felt his own insignificance. The top powerhouse of the ancient god clan was ignored by others, but for some reason, he didn't feel slighted, and some were just lucky.

And the joy of the rest of life.

There is also a trace of loneliness.

Because he knows that everything today will spread throughout the entire Tianshan Mountain, and Fang Yi will stand on the top of the entire Tianshan Mountain, the position he yearns for so much, and a position that he will never be able to touch in his life.


"Fang... Mr. Fang, I, I..."

In the nothingness, two figures headed towards the direction of the ancient demons.

Li Mo was trembling, not even daring to vent his breath.

Just kidding, I just saw Fang Yi's overbearing, at this moment he only feels that his life is in the hands of others at any time, this feeling fills him with fear.

Even if he knew that the other party would not take his life easily.

Because if the other party really wants to do this, they can't wait until now.

"Mr. Fang, no... why don't you forget it? I will go back and explain this matter to the patriarch, I believe..."

Li Mo said with all his courage.

Today, he really does not want this killing god to come to the ancient demons, because no one knows what will be waiting for the ancient demons. If one is not good, it is not impossible for the ancient demons to be wiped out.

If this is the case, then he will undoubtedly become a sinner of the ancient demons.

"Forget it? Don't you want the Shimo Heavenly Book?" Fang Yi gave him a slight sideways glance.

With the improvement of strength, he has long been accustomed to the difference in the world's attitude towards him, but he was a little surprised that the ancient demons were willing to give up the Shimo Tianshu.

But it's also right to think about it, what is more important than life.

"I ask you, where is the ancestor of the blood demon?" Immediately, Fang Yi asked directly.

This! !

Hearing this, Li Mo's face paled slightly, and he had a vague premonition, but he still hurriedly replied: "Young Master Hui Fang, where is the ancestor of the blood demon? Li also wants to know. During this time, Li also I have been looking for his whereabouts, but unfortunately, I found nothing, he seems to have evaporated from the world."

"Really? Could it be that you, the Ancient Demon Race, attacked him?"

Fang Yi's pupils shrank, and although he realized that this possibility was extremely small, he still did not forget to yell.

But his scolding really frightened Li Mo, who quickly denied it, and at the same time did not forget to tell the truth about the disappearance of the blood demon ancestor.

Unfortunately, from what he said, Fang Yi didn't find any clues or flaws.

It was as if the blood demon patriarch just disappeared out of thin air.

Involuntarily, Fang Yi suddenly thought of Hua Lian'er.

Hua Lian'er also disappeared inexplicably. Is there any connection between the two?Or is it just a coincidence?


(End of this chapter)

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