Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2693 Wooden Sword

Chapter 2693 Wooden Sword

"Master Fang, this is it!"

The ancient demons, a certain blood-colored planet, in a red canyon, Li Mo said tremblingly.

"The ancestor of the blood demon disappeared here. According to Li's investigation after the incident, he should have been retreating here at that time, but I don't know what happened afterwards, so he disappeared inexplicably."

Li Mo spoke cautiously, as if he was afraid that Fang Yi's displeasure would kill him.

Fang Yi naturally had no time to argue with him, but his brows could not help but frown.

Everything on the bloody planet is in his induction, as Li Mo said, there is indeed a lot of blood demon ancestor's aura left here, but there is no trace of the blood demon ancestor.

"Does he usually like being here?"

Fang Yi asked.

"Yes!" Li Mo quickly replied, "This is the planet where the Gorefiends of the ancient demons lived for a long time, so he usually retreats here."

"The last time he disappeared, he was trying to break through the middle stage of the earth soul, and the result..."

Li Mo knew everything, and his eyes were full of doubts.

Fang Yi slowly closed his eyes, trying to find clues, but unfortunately, he found nothing.

Instead, he opened his eyes again.

"Besides that! Are there any other discoveries? For example, what is unusual about this planet, not limited to the present, but also what happened in the past."

Fang Yi thought for a while and asked again.

This! !

Li Mo couldn't help being startled, as if lost in thought, and asked instead: "Does madness count?"

"Crazy?" Fang Yi's eyes moved slightly, "Go on!"

"Yes!" Li Mo didn't dare to neglect, and said hastily.

According to what he said, among the blood demon powerhouses on this planet, in the endless history, many top powerhouses have fallen into the state of madness one after another. If you become an idiot, you will lose your life and death.

And they all have one thing in common when they are crazy, as if their souls have been invaded.

That is, it is as if another soul is vying for control of the physical body.

But in the end, without exception, all ended in failure.

So no one has figured out what is going on, and the probability of this kind of disease is quite low, so it has not been paid much attention.After all, it is not uncommon for warriors to practice madness.

It's just that when Fang Yi asked, Li Mo remembered it.

If this matter is told to other people, it will definitely not be taken seriously, even Fang Yi from the past is the same.

However, Fang Yi suddenly had a bad feeling when he contacted the Underworld and his party.

Hua Lian'er disappeared, and the blood demon ancestor also disappeared, and the place where Hua Lian'er disappeared is said to be the place where the ancestor Minghe was conceived.

Combined with the legend about the ancestor of Styx, mastering the blood way, refining hundreds of millions of blood god son clones, even the ghost mother and the Lord of Slaughter confirmed that Hua Lian'er had the breath of blood god son on her body, could it be that all this will be the same as the legendary Ancestor Styx related?

Thinking of this possibility, Fang Yi couldn't help being surprised.

The state of the powerful of these crazy demons of the blood demon clan is very similar to the awakening of the blood god's clone.

But, have they all failed?

What about Hua Lian'er?And the blood demon patriarch?Could it be that they are also related to the avatar of the Blood God Son? If so, then their future...

Fang Yi felt extremely palpitating when he thought about it. Does the legendary ancestor Styx who is above the top of the Three Realms really still exist?Scattered throughout the Three Realms?


Time is like water!

Everything that happened on Prayer Star spread throughout the Tianshan Mountains at the fastest speed.

The birth of a generation of legends caused a sensation in the entire Tianshan Mountains, and Fang Yi became the most peak existence in the entire Tianshan Mountains in one fell swoop, admired by thousands of people.

As for the Wood God Sect, Chixiao Palace, and Bliss Sect, it goes without saying that countless warriors dream of joining them.

As for the Fairy Race, it was the opposite. The decline of the two peak powerhouses was inevitable, not to mention the Soul Race, which almost collapsed in a short period of time.

But Fang Yi was indifferent to all of this.

yes!What he is most concerned about right now is undoubtedly to completely condense the Dao body and then ascend to the fairy world.

As for the disappearance of the blood demon patriarch, at present, it can only be put aside.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but that this matter is full of strangeness.

correct!Regarding the Ancient Demon Clan and his party, apart from finding out about the disappearance of the Blood Demon Patriarch, the Ancient Demon Clan did not even dare to mention the Shimo Heavenly Book.

Just kidding, today, who dares to beg for something from Fang Yi's hands?

Naturally, Fang Yi was not prepared to give it.

Knowing the legend about the ancestor Minghe, Yuantu, Abi, and the twelve-grade blood lotus are all innate spiritual treasures, and the primordial demon who exists on the same level as the ancestor Minghe, how can his magic weapon be Will it be easy?

Facts have also proved this point.

The seed left by Shi Mo transformed his inner world far beyond others.

Although Fang Yi is not clear about the value of this kind of seed, there is no doubt that it is absolutely astonishing. I am afraid that it is no worse than any innate spirit treasure, and it may even exceed it, because I can't see its limit, and it is just speculation right now. .

The same is true for Shimo's Heavenly Book. This Heavenly Book has been integrated with his inner world, which is absolutely extraordinary.

It's just a pity that his current strength is limited, and he still can't fully understand these two things.

Time passed like this!

Everything in the outside world has nothing to do with Fang Yi. At this moment, he is completely immersed in the cohesion of the Dao body. Although the rebirth stone has returned to its original owner, the rules of rebirth have been branded, and Fang Yi is refining it little by little.

On the bright golden lotus platform, the hazy body also began to become clearer and clearer.

The bright golden light made Mo Lao and the others who were in the inner world couldn't help but have the urge to pay homage to him. At this moment, in their hearts, Fang Yi was already a direct immortal.

Let them yearn for one by one.

Also at this moment, the bright body suddenly opened its eyes, two bright golden rays of light seemed to be able to penetrate the world, exuding a cold and supreme aura.

"I've seen your son!"

A group of people were shocked and hurriedly saluted.

The golden color dissipated, and Fang Yi returned to his original appearance, but there was an extra sword in his hand.

If Sikong Jianming were here, he would definitely be able to recognize that the sword originally belonged to him and had always been in his sea of ​​consciousness, but he gave it to Fang Yi in the end.

good!This sword is exactly the wooden sword that Sikong Jianming obtained by accident.

On his deathbed, he gave it to Fang Yi.

Because of this, Fang Yi also returned the Chixiao Sword to his daughter, Sikong Yan.

And after this sword entered Fang Yi's spiritual world, it has been unable to move an inch. Although it has been blessed by this sword several times, Fang Yi has never figured out what it is.

It wasn't until the Dao body began to condense that the sword changed again.

In Fang Yi's eyes, it turned into an aggregate of countless regular thin lines.

Even, he has been able to strip it out of the spiritual world, but it is still not enough to use it. What is this wooden sword that is suspected of being able to imprison time?

Which of the three thousand avenues will the regular thin lines contained in it be?

A hint of curiosity flashed across Fang Yi's eyes.

"Enlighten it well! It won't take long for me to ascend to the fairy world. How much you can comprehend depends on you."

After glancing at everyone and leaving a word, Fang Yi disappeared out of thin air.


(End of this chapter)

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