Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2694 End of the Sea of ​​Suffering

Chapter 2694 End of the Sea of ​​Suffering

"I didn't know the son was coming, and my subordinates were far away to welcome me. I deserve death!"

The Sea of ​​Bitterness is close to a sea area where starfish are gathered, King Qingjiao is terrified, but there is excitement and excitement in the depths of his eyes.

Although he is a creature in the sea of ​​bitterness, he is naturally no stranger to the information of Tianshan Mountain.

What's more, after the death of the True Monarch of the Four Seas, he ruled all the starfish. How could he not know the rumors about Fang Yi.

A few times he even almost went after Fang Yi.

Now that Fang Yi is here, one can imagine his excitement, and the flattery and flattery on his face.

At the same time, he was extremely shocked in his heart, shocked by Fang Yi's changes. Once upon a time, he doubted those legends, until now when he saw Fang Yi in person, the invisible powerful aura swept away all doubts in his heart.

Naturally, Fang Yi didn't know what was going on in his heart, nor did he know it psychologically.

And the reason why he came here was naturally because of that sword.

"Do you know this place?"

As he said that, with a thought in Fang Yi's mind, a magnificent picture appeared in front of him. It was an endless dark void, and the silence was terrifying, as if nothing existed.

Including time and space.

Only in the near corner of the picture, there is a dark ocean rippling slightly, which seems to be the sea of ​​suffering in front of me.

This picture is exactly the place where Sikong Jianming told Fang Yi that the ancient ruins of the wooden sword were found, but he was vague and the exact location was not very clear.

But the sea of ​​bitterness could be discerned, so Fang Yi came here.

Ascension is imminent!

Before leaving, Fang Yi also wanted to find out what is so good about this sword, because he faintly felt that this sword is not simple, the most important thing is the power of rules contained in it, what exactly is it, and why? It seems to be able to condense time, which is really amazing, so he couldn't help but be curious.

Time is one of the most wonderful laws in this world, and he has an incomparably deep understanding of this.

If it weren't for that time fragment, he would definitely not be able to achieve such an achievement so quickly.

Therefore, he will not give up anything about time.

Like that wooden sword.

"Master Hui, this seems a bit like the edge of the sea of ​​suffering, the edge of the sea of ​​suffering." Looking carefully, King Qingjiao said with a trace of uncertainty in his eyes.

"The End of the Sea of ​​Bitterness?"

Does the sea of ​​bitterness have a limit?Didn't it mean that the sea of ​​suffering is boundless and can never be crossed, why...

A look of surprise flashed across Fang Yi's eyes.

King Qingjiao clearly saw Fang Yi's doubts, and hurriedly said: "Young Master Hui, the so-called margin, strictly speaking, is not actually the margin of the sea of ​​bitterness, but the name of the creatures in the sea of ​​bitterness."

"On the other side of the endless sea of ​​suffering, there is a boundless void. In that void, nothing exists. There are no planets, no creatures, no matter or even light, and there is only absolute nothingness. According to legend, as long as you step over that The area will be able to enter the other eight mountains and seven seas."

"However, no one has ever been able to cross that area. It is said that the area is endless and vast. Even if the strongest warrior enters it, he will get lost. Even if he does not get lost, the energy in his body will not be replenished until he dies."

"It is said that only by achieving a legend can one pass through that area."

The Qing Jiao King looked solemn, as if he was full of fear for that area.

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed, there was such a place, which surprised him a bit.

However, Emperor Jianyi did not ascend to the fairy world, but entered the eight mountains and seven seas. Could it be that he passed through this area?

Fang Yi was a little curious, and also had the urge to find out.

But soon, he put a stop to such thoughts. Eight mountains and seven seas must be going, but not now. Before that, he must first enter the fairyland and find Ji Wuxian.

But this time, the purpose is only the sword and the ancient ruins.

"Interesting! Then you can accompany me for a walk!"

Fang Yi said slowly.

"Yes!" King Qingjiao replied, seeming to be ready to move. Any creature is full of curiosity about the unknown, and King Qingjiao is no exception.

He used to be afraid because he was not strong enough, but now that Fang Yi is with him, it is naturally different.

What's more, this is a good opportunity to pledge allegiance.


The vast sea of ​​suffering is boundless!

How big is the sea of ​​bitterness, Fang Yi used to have no exact concept, until this time, he deeply realized that even if he is only a step away from the legend.

But in front of this boundless universe, he still has a feeling of incomparable insignificance.

There are all kinds of creatures in the sea of ​​bitterness, all kinds of strange things, and their strength is not inferior to Tianshan, and there are even creatures that are comparable to human beings.

If it was normal, he wouldn't dare to go deep with the help of Qingjiao King's ten guts.

Even if it is, he has already reached the earth soul state.

"Son, it's almost here!"

At this time, King Qingjiao let out a long sigh of relief, faintly impatient.

"Hmm!" Fang Yi nodded, then asked, "You seem to be quite familiar with this place?"

Seeing the question, King Qingjiao couldn't help but smiled awkwardly, and hurriedly replied: "Master, I was joking, this subordinate just sneaked here once when he was young and couldn't suppress his curiosity, but that time he almost died, after that..."

Fang Yi smiled and nodded. The depths of the sea of ​​bitterness are undoubtedly more dangerous than the outside world.

If it wasn't for his breath, if it were the Qing Jiao King alone, he would have been torn to pieces by other bitter sea creatures long ago.

"Huh? Are there any creatures that dare to approach?"

While the two were talking, Fang Yi couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed across his eyes.

Along the way, he didn't completely restrain his aura, not to show off, but to avoid unnecessary troubles, he didn't want to get too entangled with these bitter sea creatures.

In fact, this really played a huge role. Those bitter sea creatures with bad intentions sensed Fang Yi's breath and avoided it.

But at this moment, it seems that something is different, there are creatures coming towards them.

King Qingjiao also noticed this later, and his expression looked a little strange, curious and full of anticipation.

Perhaps, he also wanted to know who was not afraid of death and dared to touch Fang Yi's brow.

At the same time, I also want to see the means of the legendary powerhouse.


A gust of turbulent waves swept in, and a huge monster appeared in sight. It was a creature similar to a seahorse, but its size was many times larger. A pair of eyes stared at them like a bright moon, revealing a faint There was a hint of surprise in the cold light.

"Damn humans, this is not the place for you to come."

The creature let out a roar like thunder, causing the sea around it to boil like a tsunami.

"You are bold! Don't allow the other son to be disrespectful!"

King Qingjiao reprimanded.

"Huh?" The creature was obviously a little surprised, and glanced at the Qingjiao King, "The little reptiles from the outside are actually working together with humans? They are courting death!!"

The creature glared angrily, and two faint blue rays of light burst out from its pupils, exuding a terrifying aura.

not good!

As soon as King Qingjiao's expression changed, the other party attacked at the slightest disagreement, which undoubtedly caught him by surprise.

The faint blue light also arrived in an instant, as if it wanted to penetrate him completely.


(End of this chapter)

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