Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2695 Shocking means

Chapter 2695 Shocking means

The sea of ​​bitterness has extremely peculiar characteristics, the deeper it goes, the greater the pressure here.

Creatures are also undoubtedly more powerful.

Just like this creature in front of him, it came out of nowhere, its strength is already so amazing that even the Qing Jiao King's expression changed drastically.

That faint blue light exudes a breathtaking aura, fierce and fierce.

Fortunately, King Qingjiao is not an ordinary person, he is also a strong earth soul, and at the same time a creature of bitter sea, so he immediately rushed to meet him.


There was a loud noise, and a huge wave surged into the sky.

The Green Flood Dragon King and the creature fought fiercely in an instant.

For a time, the entire sea area boiled completely, and the river was overwhelmed.

And Fang Yi, just watching this scene with such interest, was not in a hurry to make a move.

It wasn't until King Qingjiao gradually lost his support that he raised his palm slightly. This palm seemed ordinary, and could hardly sense the fluctuation of energy. The lightning strike blasted out like a cannonball.

And from the beginning to the end, the creature didn't seem to understand what was going on, with blood dripping from its mouth, and panic in its eyes.

"Human, it's you!!"

Finally, as if he had discovered something, his cold eyes swept towards Fang Yi, as if anger was steaming.

King Qingjiao was also relieved, and gave Fang Yi a horrified look.

Because he also didn't know how his opponent flew out, but this did not hinder his admiration for Fang Yi, because the more this happened, the more it undoubtedly showed Fang Yi's strength.

"Damn human, go to hell!!"

The creature's huge pupils stared fiercely, with a murderous intent.

While speaking, the huge body was about to crush Fang Yi, like a mountain pushing across, crushing everything.

King Qingjiao's complexion couldn't help but change, he wanted to attack again, but finally stopped, because the creature also stopped.

Do not!It should not be said to be stopped.

On the contrary, his huge body seemed to be frozen, which was not difficult to see from his frightened eyes.

as if something incredible happened

No wonder, he has such a huge body, who can imprison him?But the facts in front of him are clearly there.

"The power of space rules, space confinement!!"

"Human, you..."

The creature seemed no stranger to the power of rules. It looked at Fang Yi in horror, and his body seemed to tremble slightly. Obviously, he had already realized the gap between the two.

His expression was also full of fear.

"Humans, even if you are a strong man of the rules, you are not allowed to break into this place without authorization. This is the territory of the Dark Lord. Anyone who dares to disrespect the Dark Lord will meet the Dark Lord's wrath."

The creature warned despite its fear.

Lord of Darkness?

A look of astonishment flashed across Fang Yi's eyes, and his spiritual thoughts enveloped the surrounding seas within millions of miles almost instantly.

Then, as if he had discovered something, he raised his palm again.

Suddenly, under the wind of the palm, a large space fell off, revealing a huge black hole.

Around the black hole, there is endless power of rules.

The next moment, his palm suddenly swelled and turned into a huge real dragon's claw. The real dragon's claw passed through the black hole, as if it had crossed endless space and landed in an unknown sea.

In that sea area is a huge pitch-black mountain range that stretches for tens of thousands of miles.

Suddenly, the space above the mountain range collapsed, revealing a huge real dragon's claw, covering the entire mountain range.

The entire mountain range also trembled violently as if sensing it. On the tallest mountain peak, two moon-like spheres lit up the void, and there was a faint look of fear inside.

good!Those two bright moon-like spheres occupy the entire mountain, but suddenly they are a pair of eyes.

And the entire mountain range is like its body.

At the foot of the mountain range, countless tentacles covered the ground, forming trenches. The size of the body was simply appalling.

However, at this moment, its expression was full of panic, and there was still a trace of bewilderment. Before it could react, the huge claw of the real dragon had already fallen, and the next moment, the entire mountain range seemed to be pulled up from the ground and disappeared.

What disappeared together with it was the real dragon's claw.

"How... how is it possible, black... the king of darkness!!"

At the same time, the imprisoned bitter sea creature in front of Fang Yi was completely sluggish at this moment, and there was nothing but panic in the huge pupils.

And like him, there is undoubtedly the Qing Jiao King.

Staring blankly at this scene, watching Fang Yi cross an endless distance and directly capture such a big monster, the eyes of King Qingjiao seemed to be falling out, and his face was also pale.

What kind of astonishing means is this?

To capture a big monster across an endless distance, although he doesn't know how powerful the so-called king of darkness is captured, at the very least, the one who can be king in the depths of this sea of ​​bitterness should be a strong Daoist .

Such a strong person, being caught like a chicken like this, is simply...

Undoubtedly, the scene in front of them completely overturned the cognition of the two of them. The legend is indeed a legend, the supernatural power of a real fairy.

"Human, who are you??"

The King of Darkness also looked extremely terrified at this moment, and his huge pupils were full of fear.

But soon, he discovered his men.

And the creature before, sensed the gaze of the King of Darkness, and his expression became extremely complicated. Maybe he never dreamed that just because of his own words, he would bring an indiscriminate disaster to the King of Darkness.

"You are the Lord of Darkness? You rule this sea?"

Fang Yi asked indifferently.

Originally, he didn't want to be so high-profile, but he wasted his time when someone asked.

"Yes!! I don't know what the Shangxian has ordered."

The King of Darkness is obviously not stupid. To become a king in the deep sea, his strength and knowledge are average. Fang Yi's supernatural powers made him understand the strength of the visitor almost instantly, and his demeanor became extremely respectful.

"I ask you, do you know where this area is?"

Fang Yi didn't talk nonsense, and unfolded the magnificent picture again.

King Qingjiao only roughly recognized the Ya of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, but he didn't know the exact location. The Yale of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness is infinitely vast, and even with Fang Yi's strength, the scope that can be covered is extremely limited.

If you want to find your destination, searching blindly is obviously a waste of time.

But the King of Darkness was different. He was such a king, so he was naturally more familiar with them than the two of them.

as predicted!

The King of Darkness recognized the location on the screen at a glance, and asked, "Could it be that the Shangxian also came for some ancient ruins?"

"Huh? You know what?"

Fang Yi's eyes lit up, but he wasn't too surprised, after all, this is his territory.

And the reason why he found the other party was not precisely because of this.

"Tell me! What's going on here?"

Immediately, Fang Yi asked bluntly.

"Yes! Hui Shangxian..." The King of Darkness didn't dare to neglect, and quickly told everything he knew.


(End of this chapter)

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