Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2696 Canglong

Chapter 2696 Canglong

It turned out that according to what the Dark Lord said, he had entered the so-called land of ancient ruins.

It's just that nothing was found, and he almost died.

According to what he said, it is extremely dangerous inside, and the specific origin is unknown, because he only wandered around the periphery for a while, and finally escaped.

After that, he never entered again.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but he can't. The entrance seems to have disappeared.

"Are you sure you checked? The entrance is missing?"

Fang Yi frowned.

From the words of the King of Darkness, compared with what Sikong Jianming said, the two should have entered the same place of ancient ruins, which is correct.

But if the entrance disappears, then...


The King of Darkness affirmed, "My lord...I have searched many times, but found nothing."

"Then how did you first find out?"

Fang Yi thought for a while and asked.

"Well, speaking of it, it was thousands of years ago, at that time..." The Dark Lord said immediately, it turned out that the reason why he discovered the ancient ruins was because someone entered it thousands of years ago .

And as the king of this sea area, he was aware of it, so he knew the existence of this ruined place.

According to what he said, and Fang Yi's speculation, that person is likely to be Zhenzu Onimu.

That is to say, the strong man of the Mu Shenzong who entered the site of the ruins with Sikong Jianming for the first time, and later imprisoned Sikong Jianming in the Qingmu Pagoda. Sikong Jianming suspected that he had entered the site of the ruins again.

as predicted!

"One more thing is very strange!"

After pondering for a moment, the Dark Lord said again with suspicion on his face, "According to my investigation afterwards, that person also groped for a long time before entering the ruins, and he didn't seem to know how to enter the ruins. The land of the ruins has time to open."

"And besides him, I also met many strong men in the ruins. Each of them is extremely powerful, and there are even some who are comparable to the young master."

The King of Darkness looked at Fang Yi in fear.

These words made Fang Yi's pupils shrink, comparable to himself?Isn't that legendary realm?

Although he has not officially stepped into the legend, but with his strength, he is confident that he is definitely not weaker than the general legend, and the king of darkness is not weak. If the other party can make such a claim, it must not be false.

But, isn't there no legendary realm in Tianshan?how……

"But the strange thing is that the aura of these people is extremely unusual. In addition, after the incident, I have been guarding the entrance, but I have never seen anyone enter."

"So, I suspect that there may be other entrances to the ruins."

Although the main body of the Dark Lord is a huge squid-like monster, his wisdom is extraordinary, beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Then did you find out?"

Fang Yi asked.

The King of Darkness shook his head, "No! I have touched all the surrounding sea areas clearly, and even farther away, but I have found nothing, so I suspect that those people may not come from the Tianshan Mountain or the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness."

What do you mean?

If it's not the Tianshan Mountains and the Sea of ​​Bitterness, what kind of place would that be?

Suddenly, Fang Yi couldn't help but think of other eight seas and seven seas.

Since this place is called the edge of the sea of ​​bitterness, I believe that even if it is not the real edge of the sea of ​​bitterness, it is not far from it, and that endless nothingness is likely to be the boundary separating the sea of ​​bitterness from the other eight mountains and seven seas.

If this is the case, it seems that it is not impossible for strong men from eight mountains and seven seas to enter the ruins.

Involuntarily, Fang Yi became more and more curious.


"Look, son, it's not far ahead!"

At this moment, the king of darkness has turned into a man in black, leading the way for Fang Yi, with an extremely respectful demeanor.

Fang Yi looked in the direction he said, where a silent and somewhat frightening void appeared in sight.

In the space, like an endless black hole, there is nothing, even time does not seem to exist.

And the water of the turbulent bitter sea stopped abruptly from there, as if an invisible wall separated them, forming an extremely strange picture.

"The End of the Sea of ​​Bitterness really deserves its reputation!"

King Qingjiao's eyes were full of astonishment, and he looked at this scene in disbelief.

A look of astonishment also flashed across Fang Yi's eyes, and the spiritual thoughts spread away. In the empty nothingness, the spiritual thoughts were not blocked by anything, but everything was nothingness, and nothing could be detected, only A sense of loneliness and a hint of fear rising deep inside.

"I have seen the Lord of Darkness!"

At this time, two huge monsters approached quickly in the distance.

"Yeah!" The Dark Lord nodded and asked, "How is it? Did you find anything?"

"Back to my lord, everything is the same as before, and nothing is different."


"Look, my lord, my people have been monitoring the surroundings for thousands of years, but unfortunately, there is still nothing." The Dark King said sincerely, as if to convince Fang Yi that he was not lying.

Fang Yi glanced at him slightly, and said: "You have achieved nothing for thousands of years, but you still haven't given up, Lord of Darkness, have you forgotten to explain to me?"

Fang Yi's voice was indifferent, as if he was talking about an unimportant matter.

But the King of Darkness clearly had a look of fear in his eyes.

Especially when he sensed Fang Yi's cold gaze, his body couldn't help but tremble slightly, and hurriedly said: "Young Master misunderstood, I...I didn't hide it on purpose, but because this matter has nothing to do with Young Master."

"About that relic, there are some rumors in the depths of the sea of ​​bitterness. The rumors say that it is a dragon mausoleum, where countless dragons are buried, and there are dragon treasures inside, which are of great benefit to the monster race, but to the human race..."

The King of Darkness was terrified, and he no longer dared to hide anything.

Fang Yi didn't pay much attention to it. On the contrary, it was the Qingjiao King. Hearing this, his pupils suddenly brightened, full of longing.

"Didn't you go in? Are the rumors true or false?"

Fang Yi paused slightly and asked.


Is it just the cemetery of the Dragon Clan?What about that sword?Treasures of the Dragon Clan?

But it seems that it doesn't seem to be on the same side as the Dragon Clan.

"This! I did enter, but the inside is too vast. I'm not sure if it's the legendary Dragon Tomb. However, I accidentally heard another group of people mention the Canglong in it."

What?Canglong! !

One of the three true dragons, symbolizing the world of rules, that is, the Canglong of the fairy world?

Among the three true dragons, the Canglong dominates life, the Underworld dragon dominates death, and Qianlong represents hope.

Fang Yi has already experienced the overbearing way of destruction inherited by Minglong, and is still in the process of comprehending it. Although he has not achieved much, his power is astonishing.

As for the hope represented by Qianlong, Fang Yi still doesn't know anything about it. This is also the most mysterious of the so-called three true dragons.

The real dragon in Kyushu is probably Qianlong, and he fused half of the real dragon's tail, but it is more likely that it is just an incarnation of Qianlong.

No one knows where the real Qianlong is hiding.

The way of hope is even more illusory.

As for Canglong, the existence that dominates the way of survival is now suspected to be related to this ruined place, Fang Yi is not surprised, and his heart is more and more looking forward to it.


(End of this chapter)

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