Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2697 Entrance

Chapter 2697 Entrance

"Young master, this is it!"

Coming somewhere in the endless nothingness, the King of Darkness looked around and said affirmatively, "This is where I entered the ruins last time. At that time, there were some space ripples here, and you can enter them through the ripples, but now ..."

The Dark Lord motioned, and looked around helplessly and somewhat puzzled.

Fang Yi couldn't help but frowned. He had already sensed the surrounding area, but there was nothing unusual about it.

"you sure?"

"Sure! Right here, the man fumbled here for a long time, and then the ripples suddenly appeared. After he entered, I received the news and followed him in."

When the King of Darkness spoke of him, he was referring to True Ancestor Oniki.

But hearing this, Fang Yi frowned even tighter.

It's as usual here, there is no ripple at all, let alone an entrance.

But judging from the location Sikong Jianming told him, and comparing it with the words of the Lord of Darkness, it is true that the entrance is here, but the fact...

Where will the entrance be?

Fang Yi thought to himself, his sharp eyes swept every inch of space.

Unfortunately, still nothing.

"How often do you think this relic site might be opened?" Fang Yi asked thoughtfully.

"Yes!" The Dark Lord nodded, "But this is just my guess. I heard another group mention it vaguely in the ruins, but I don't know the exact time."

That's right!

Fang Yi fell into deep thought, and suddenly, his eyes lit up.

Why did True Ancestor Ghostwood pinch the time so accurately? Could it be that he knew when it would open?

Don't say it, it's really possible.

After all, they broke in once, and they also met other strong men inside, so it is not impossible to get some news about this ruined place.

But if this is the case, based on the time when True Ancestor Oniki entered the ruins, there is a gap of 5000 years between the two.

Of course, True Ancestor Guimu has not disappeared, and it is still unknown whether Sikong Jianming entered the ruins during the first 5000 years of imprisonment.

However, this possibility is extremely small.

For one thing, if he really entered, the Dark Lord should have found out, but in fact he didn't.

Secondly, it was extremely dangerous inside. Both of them almost died the first time. Fang Yi didn't believe that True Ancestor Onitaki had such good luck. He entered it several times and did not gain or suffer any damage. This possibility is undoubtedly very small.

That being the case, then the time interval between the opening of the ruins is likely to be 5000 years.

5000 years, this may not be too long for a strong person in the God Transformation Realm.

But for Fang Yi, it is undoubtedly extremely long.

He didn't want to wait so long.

Not to mention 5000 years, even though it has been nearly 5000 years since True Ancestor Guimu entered last time, maybe he only needs to wait a few hundred years, but Fang Yi still doesn't have that patience.

Hundreds of years are enough for him to do many things, and he doesn't want to waste time here.

and many more!

If it really opens every 5000 years, why doesn't the Lord of Darkness know?He may have ruled this sea area for tens of thousands of years, among which...

Immediately, Fang Yi stated his speculation.

The King of Darkness is convinced, and as for why he didn't find out, it's because this place is already some distance away from the sea of ​​bitterness, and even the creatures in the sea of ​​bitterness will not approach this empty space.

The reason why the Ghost Tree True Ancestor was discovered was because he wandered around for too long, so...

"So, we can open it after waiting for the entrance?"

"Do the math, the time shouldn't be much different."

The King of Darkness was full of excitement. Obviously, he was full of longing for the land of the ruins.

However, since Fang Yi was at the side, he still asked for instructions: "My lord, can you tolerate the little demon entering with you later?"

He obviously intended to please Fang Yi.

Maybe it's because it's too dangerous inside, so flattering Fang Yi will undoubtedly provide an extra layer of protection.

Fang Yi glanced at his mouth, a little speechless, he wasn't ready to wait any longer, it's not his style to waste time here, but...

Since this place is suspected to be related to the Canglong of the three true dragons, will there be any changes in the breath of the other two true dragons?

Fang Yi thought so, and with a thought, the dragon veins in his body suddenly flourished, and a shocking dragon chant came from his body immediately, and the majestic real dragon aura erupted, turning into a huge real dragon, soaring across the world.

Moan! !

The real dragon soared into the sky, the king of darkness and the king of blue dragons were all so frightened that they prostrated themselves on the ground, trembling with fear.

Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.

The real dragon is the king of all beasts, the oppression from the soul is too much for the two demon kings, of course, the more important thing is because of Fang Yi's strength.

Unfortunately, there is nothing abnormal around, and everything is still quiet.


Fang Yi was slightly disappointed, and the aura in his body suddenly changed, turning into a terrifying sense of destruction, sweeping all directions like a storm.

The huge real dragon also turned into a pitch-black appearance, like an endless abyss, as if it could annihilate everything.

The two demon kings were also shocked beyond measure.

Two completely different auras appear on the same person, and they are both so supreme, like the ruler of all things. What kind of person is this?

At this moment, the Lord of Darkness seemed to have made up his mind.

But King Qingjiao was extremely fortunate.

The surrounding area was still silent. Obviously, the aura of the two true dragons had no effect at all.

Of course, Fang Yi didn't have any hope at first, but just had the mentality of giving it a try. After all, this is just an entrance, and the opening of the entrance may have nothing to do with the breath of the real dragon.

Even if it is related, it is also related to the aura of the Canglong, and the Dark Dragon and Qianlong...

and many more!

That sword!The sword came from the land of the ruins, and it was extremely miraculous, would it be any different?

Thinking this way, Fang Yi opened his hand, and the wooden sword appeared out of thin air. The sword body seemed ordinary, just like a real wooden sword, so that the two demon kings looked at each other without fear, full of It is doubt.

In fact, Fang Yi was similar, he made a gesture with the sword, but found nothing strange.

Just like a child's toy.

However, Fang Yi naturally knows exactly how powerful this sword is, but he just suffers from being unable to exert its power.

After thinking about it, Fang Yi had a thought, and tried to infuse the spirit of a real dragon.

Didn't it mean that the land of the ruins is related to the dragon clan? Maybe this wooden sword can only be activated by dragon energy.

Fang Yi suddenly had a whim, and the terrifying meaning of destruction also spread along the sword inch by inch in an instant.

groan! !

However, a scene that Fang Yi didn't expect appeared. Inside the blade of the sword, there was faintly a shocking dragon chant, and a bright white light burst out from it, as if it had been violated, and angrily faced the destruction meaning.

The white light suddenly appeared, and everything in the world seemed to be imprisoned.

In an instant, two terrifying energies merged together, and the entire wooden sword seemed to be leaving Fang Yi.

what happened?

Fang Yi's complexion couldn't help changing, but from the white light, he sensed another supreme aura, which seemed to be the exact opposite of the meaning of destruction.

Boom! ! !

These two terrifying energies collided together, causing the world to tremble.

At the same time, as if a heavy bomb had been thrown into the surrounding space, a ripple slowly spread out.

"It's the entrance! The entrance is open!"


(End of this chapter)

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