Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2698 Eternal Sword

Chapter 2698 Eternal Sword

Amidst the dark ruins, desolation was everywhere.

Suddenly, bright lights flashed one after another, and a majestic figure emerged. The leader was a man in a blood robe. His eyes were like knives, sweeping the world like a god and demon.

"Strange! How could Longling be opened in advance?!"

Behind him, the rest of the people quickly gathered together, and someone said puzzledly.

"It doesn't matter so much, as long as it is turned on, it is said that there are countless dragon treasures in Longling, and you can use it for life if you get it."


The crowd also echoed one after another, all with greedy eyes.

"Master Xianzun once said that the opening time of the Dragon Mausoleum cannot be wrong, unless someone interferes, and the only thing that can control all this is the Eternal Sword."

At this time, the blood-robed man interjected.

What?Eternal Sword?

When the crowd heard this, the greed in their eyes became stronger.

"Master Xue, do you mean Eternal Immortal Monarch?" Someone asked.

"No!" The blood-robed man shook his head, "Eternal Immortal Monarch has been missing since the exposure of the Eternal Sword. It is rumored that he is retreating somewhere in the Immortal Realm to attack the Dao Realm."

"So, it can't be him!"


Assault on the Great Realm! !

A look of longing appeared in the eyes of the crowd.

Daojing, who is a well-known figure in the entire Three Realms, how could they not desire it.

"That's not right! Condensing the Dao? Although the Eternal Immortal Monarch is powerful, it's not enough to hit the Dao! It's just the way of eternity..."

Some people questioned.

"Who said it is the way of eternity, the way is three thousand, although the immortal king of eternity is named after eternity, but the way of eternity is so easy to condense."

The blood-robed man smiled contemptuously.

The so-called eternity, eternal existence, is an extremely top existence among the three thousand ways.

Otherwise, they would not have entered here.

"Not Eternal Immortal? Then who else?"

The crowd looked at each other, and they all saw deep shock and longing in each other's eyes.

Of course, there are more doubts, and the man in the blood robe is no exception. Isn't the sword of eternity in the hands of Immortal Eternity?Why did Longling open early?

What Master Xianzun said cannot be wrong.

Then, there are only two possibilities.

The first one is that the Eternal Immortal Lord did not retreat, he opened Longling, but this possibility is undoubtedly extremely small, if he obtains the Eternal Sword, it is too late for the other party to hide, so how could...

The second type is that there is more than one Eternal Sword, and someone else opened Longling.

Real people are so...

Involuntarily, a hint of greed appeared in the eyes of the blood-robed man.

"Okay! Don't make wild guesses! Seize this opportunity, and if you gain something, it will be enough for you for life. At the same time, be careful of other forces, and find suspicious people."


People take orders.

Afterwards, the man in the blood robe led a group of people and disappeared into the depths of the ruins.

In other corners of the ruins, there are also rays of light flashing at this moment, which adds a bit of life to the already dead ruins out of thin air.


"This is the legendary Longling? Why do I always feel like an ancient battlefield?"

In the same ruins, King Qingjiao looked around with bright eyes, curious, and a little doubtful.

Beside him, the King of Darkness is undoubtedly much calmer, because he has been here once, "Whether Longling is just a legend, this king is not sure, but this place is extremely strange, and the pervasive aura has great influence on the monster race." benefit."


Hearing this, Qingjiao King's pupils changed, and he began to breathe immediately.

The next moment, he was overjoyed, and there was no doubt that the words of the Lord of Darkness had been confirmed.

However, when the two demon kings were extremely excited, Fang Yi kept groping for the wooden sword in his hand, trying to swing it, but there was still no response, as if everything before was an illusion.

strangeness!What is that white light?

Will it be related to Canglong?Is it the way to survive?

Fang Yi secretly speculated that what can compete with the way of destruction represented by the dark dragon seems to be the way of survival represented by the blue dragon.

Just, is this the way to survive?Why didn't he feel much breath of life?

Or is this simply not the way to survive?

And what the Canglong represents is the way of survival?

Fang Yi couldn't help being a little suspicious. It wasn't that he was aimless. The white light and the meaning of destruction in the wooden sword had diametrically opposite auras, and they were equally domineering. It was very possible that they came from the Canglong.

And the so-called way of survival is just what people assume because of the opposition to the meaning of destruction, one death for one life.

But whether it is true or not, no one is sure.

But Fang Yi has no way of knowing what the white light represents, and it's only because he knows too little about the Three Thousand Ways.

He even had an urge to try again with the intent of destruction.

However, right now is obviously not the right time, the land of relics has already been opened, let's talk about it after exploring first.

After making up his mind, he put away the wooden sword.

"My lord, shall we set off now?" The Dark King tentatively asked although he couldn't wait.

King Qingjiao also stopped cultivating at this time, although the aura here has great benefits for him, but it is obviously not the right time now, and the so-called aura is actually just mixed with a little dragon energy.

"Yeah!" Fang Yi nodded, "You've been here once, let's lead the way!"


The King of Darkness was overjoyed, and immediately headed towards the depths of the ruins.

Along the way, the Dark Lord did not forget to please, and summed up his experience of entering last time, just like a tour guide.

Under his leadership, the group of three people was safe and sound. During the period, they also encountered many obstacles. They were some giant beasts transformed from spirits. As King Qingjiao said, this is more like a place. On the ancient battlefield, those undead who died in battle, their spiritual world collapsed here and turned into giant spirit beasts here, which is extremely amazing.

Of course, compared to King Qingjiao, it is naturally not worth mentioning in Fang Yi's eyes.

Even the Dark Lord can face one or two at the same time, no more.

But with Fang Yi's presence, the two of them hardly had to work hard.

"That's it!"

At this time, a huge canyon appeared in front of him. In the canyon, huge skeletons came into view, each of which was like a mountain, which was extremely shocking.

And a group of three people are standing on the giant peak outside the canyon at this moment, overlooking all of this.

"Be good!!"

King Qing Jiao was stunned when he saw this scene. He had never seen such a magnificent scene. Although there were only a pair of skeletons left, he could still feel the suffocating breath from those skeletons.

It seemed to be the nobility of the soul, which made him dare not look directly at it.

Fang Yi's pupils also flashed a touch of disbelief, not only these skeletons, but also...

"I only came here last time. When I wanted to go down, I met another group of people, so..." The Dark King said regretfully.

At the same time, I am also glad that this regret can finally be made up today.

But what he didn't expect was that Fang Yi's voice had already sounded, "Really! It seems that your luck is not very good, and someone came again. I don't know if it is the one you met last time."

Fang Yi said with playfulness in the corner of his mouth.


(End of this chapter)

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