Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2699 Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 2699 Buzhou Mountain

Shuo Shuo! !

As if in response to his words, figures shot from all around.

The faces of the King of Darkness and the King of Green Jiao could not help but change drastically, especially the King of Green Jiao, he was the weakest among the three, followed by the King of Darkness. However, the last time he entered here obviously left an indelible impression on him. He also seemed extremely nervous at the moment.

Fortunately, Fang Yi was by the side, which gave the two of them a lot of confidence.

"Hey! There's even an Earth Soul Realm."

The voice is full of playfulness and irony.

Several figures also fell immediately, the leader was a man with a hooked nose, a pair of eyes shining with cold light, staring at the three of them tightly like a falcon.

His aura is like an abyss, giving people a feeling of unfathomable, and the power of rules is surging around him. It is obvious that he is at least a Dao Rune strongman.

And behind him, there are five or six people. Although two of them are not as breathable as him, their bodies are also filled with the power of rules.

The rest, without exception, are all Heavenly Soul powerhouses.

Seeing this battle, King Qingjiao's expression undoubtedly became even uglier.

But the group of people on the opposite side were all like wolves.

"Hahaha!! I really don't know how to die, even a mere earth soul dares to break into Longling."

"Don't say that. Although it is dangerous here, there is only an upper limit and no lower limit. Maybe he is lucky, right?"

"Oh! Good luck? It's a pity that he met us."

Hahaha! !

There was a sudden burst of laughter among the crowd.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" The Dark King couldn't help but shouted.

This is not the first time he has come here, and his own strength is very strong. As long as he does not meet a super strong like Fang Yi, he will not be afraid.

Although the group in front of him was impressive, only the hooked-nosed man at the head could make him a little afraid.

But there is still Fang Yi here, this group of people is nothing to worry about at all, so...

As for Fang Yi, he didn't speak at the moment, but looked at the group of people with interest.

Guessing the origin of this group of people.

The hooked-nosed man had obviously reached the late stage of the Dao pattern. He was extremely powerful. If he was in Tianshan, he would at least be at the level of Patriarch Wuxu.

However, Fang Yi has never heard of such a person in Tianshan.

Coupled with the group of people behind him, such a force, if it is in Tianshan, it is impossible to be an unknown person.

Well, the answer is already obvious, this group of people probably did not come from Tianshan.

Since it is not from the Tianshan Mountains, where would it be?

Other eight mountains and seven seas?

In this way, in the other eight mountains and seven seas, the legendary realm is not Chinese cabbage, which is undoubtedly good news for Fang Yi.

"What do you want to do?" The sharp eyes of the man with the hooked nose had already landed on the Dark Lord.

"You are the leader! Not bad! You have some strength, but it's a pity that there are two wastes on the table. If that's the case, then you all go to die!"

As soon as the words fell, the eyes of the man with the hooked nose turned cold, and a terrifying aura permeated the air instantly.

The Dark King's complexion couldn't help changing. He obviously didn't expect this group of people to attack directly without asking indiscriminately.

Undoubtedly, King Qingjiao was even worse, his face changed drastically.

"You...what do you want? We have no grievances..."

"No injustice, no enmity? Hahaha!! Idiot boy, being weak is the original sin, and it is an even more unforgivable crime for being weak if you dare to covet the treasures in Longling."

"Hahaha!! Well said! First ransacked what they said, two less competitors, an eyesore!"

A group of people laughed wildly and pressed forward step by step.

"Weakness is the original sin? Makes sense!!"

Fang Yi nodded slightly, his indifferent tone made the whole group cast their eyes on him.

Obviously, this group of people only had the King of Darkness in their eyes, and they ignored King Qingjiao and Fang Yi. Fang Yi's strength was completely beyond their perception, so how could they discover it.


"Boy! You know you're wrong! It's important to have self-knowledge, don't be whimsical."

"Although it's too late for you to know this truth now, you might be able to use it in your next life, hahaha!!!"

A group of people laughed loudly, looking at Fang Yi, it was like looking at a dead person.

But unfortunately, the next moment, the laughter stopped abruptly.

Everyone seemed to be locked in place.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment, only that domineering figure with white hair and blue robe was stepping towards the group of people step by step.

Every time he took a step, the hearts of the crowd trembled.

what happened?Why can't I move?

This is the question in the hearts of everyone present at the moment, and then it slowly turned into fear.

The hooked-nosed man was no exception. His face was pale, and he looked at Fang Yi as if he had seen a ghost. Maybe he never dreamed that this person he ignored before would actually...

"You're right, being weak is the original sin, so I decided to send you on your way first!"

The voice was still indifferent, but to the ears of the group at this moment, it was like the call of death.

Accompanied by these words, in nothingness, a sharp sword pierced through the man who spoke before without a sound. From the beginning to the end, he didn't react in the slightest. He just stood still, watching the sword pass through his body. head.

Only the pupils are full of despair and unwillingness.

It's a pity that no one can help him, and everyone has a look of fear on their faces.

The man with the hooked nose was the same, his expression was terrified, his whole body was trembling, and a few words came out with difficulty between his teeth: "The Immortal of the Legendary Realm!!"

Hearing this, the rest of the people were even ashamed.

His body was also like sifting chaff, trembling unceasingly, and bean-sized sweat dripped down his forehead like rain.

Not to mention them, both the Dark King and the Qing Jiao King were trembling in their hearts.

In the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness before, Fang Yi's superb means of capturing the King of Darkness tens of thousands of miles away has already shocked them to heaven. Now, with so many strong men, they have no power to resist in front of him. How could they not shock?The heart is also beating wildly.

"You are probably their leader. Tell me! Who are you and where are you from?"

Fang Yi also glanced at the man with the hooked nose and asked.

The hooked-nosed man couldn't help trembling all over his body, even though he had sensed that the restraining force had disappeared, he still didn't dare to move, and said with chattering teeth, "I...we are from Buzhou Mountain, Xuanming Sect. "

Not Zhoushan?

Is it one of the other eight mountains and seven seas?

Immediately, Fang Yi asked again.

Sure enough, as guessed, Mount Buzhou is one of the nine mountains and eight seas, and Xuanming Sect is just one of the sects.

Moreover, Fang Yi also learned from the other party that there are many entrances to Longling, all over the world.

In other words, they were not the only ones who entered this Longling, but also other powerful people.

Moreover, Longling has an upper limit, those who are strong in the Great Dao Realm cannot enter, and anyone below the Great Dao Realm can enter it without any restrictions.

In other words, there must be a lot of legend-level powerhouses among them.

"Why are there only a few of you? Xuanming taught other strong men? Could it be that you don't even have a legend?"

Fang Yi paused and asked again.

Judging from the strength structure of this group of people, the so-called Xuanming Sect doesn't seem to have no legend-level powerhouses, but the fact...

The hooked-nosed man was slightly taken aback, but he quickly replied: "Back... back to my lord, the entrance opened suddenly this time, we were just monitoring the entrance, and the strong people in the sect haven't arrived yet, so..."


(End of this chapter)

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