Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2700 The Way of Eternity

Chapter 2700 The Way of Eternity

According to the man with the hooked nose, the opening of Longling is every 5000 years.

When it was about to open, they searched nearby, because the location of each opening was not fixed, but probably the location would not change.

But this time the opening of Longling was a full hundred years earlier.

As a result, many forces are unprepared, and even many powerful people are still in retreat.

And they are just some 'ordinary warriors' who are monitoring the entrance.

There are many others who are similar to them, and most of the people who entered Longling this time are such a group of people, whose strength is not too terrifying, at least not many in the legendary realm.

From the mouth of the man with the hooked nose, Fang Yi already learned that even in other eight mountains and seven seas, the Legendary Realm is an extremely powerful existence, known as the Supreme Immortal, who truly transcends life and death.

"So, the strong men in your sect will arrive soon?"

King Qing Jiao couldn't help but blurted out a question.

His face also became extremely pale.

It's no wonder that these 'ordinary fighters' are already beyond his reach. If the so-called strong ones arrive again, then what awaits him... how can he not be afraid.

The Dark Lord's face also became extremely ugly.

Both of them couldn't help looking at Fang Yi.

Fang Yi didn't react at all. Instead, he was a little eager to move. Today, to be honest, these people in front of him really can't arouse his interest. Only the legendary realm can make him a little impulsive.

It's just that if there is one, that's all, but too many definitely won't work.

And according to the man with the hooked nose, once the powerful people from all major forces flooded in, the consequences would probably be out of his control.

The only good news is that those who are strong in the Great Dao Realm are subject to certain restrictions and cannot enter.

Also, is it related to me that the Dragon Tomb opened earlier this time, or is it because of the wooden sword?

This must also be clarified.

Immediately, Fang Yi asked again: "My lord asks you, Longling was opened earlier, do you know the reason?"


The hooked-nosed man showed a hint of embarrassment on his face, and said cautiously: "Small... I don't know, but there have been rumors in the outside world that whoever can control the sword of eternity can open Longling in advance."

What?Eternal Sword?

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking, and the King of Darkness and King Qingjiao couldn't help but look at each other.

The two demon kings had witnessed the previous scene, but they just didn't know what the Eternal Sword was, but after hearing it now, they undoubtedly understood something.

"What is the Sword of Eternity?"

Fang Yi immediately asked.

"Back... back to my lord, I just heard that the so-called sword of eternity is transformed by the way of eternity controlled by Canglong, and this Longling is exactly the tomb of Canglong."

The way of eternity?Canglong controls the way of eternity, not the way of survival?

Fang Yi's eyes shone with brilliance.

Do not!Isn't eternity a kind of existence?And it is eternal and eternal, the ultimate way of survival is eternity.


Fang Yi had a faint understanding in his heart. Sikong Jianming got this sword at the beginning, and when he was about to die, the sword entered his sea of ​​consciousness, allowing him to maintain the state at the moment of death.

He used to think that it was related to time, a fixed time.

But it's not actually, it's the meaning of eternity, so Sikong Jianming has been kept in that state as a last resort.

The effect is as if time stood still.

But the real time stands still, everything should stand still, not just this, so...

At this moment, Fang Yi finally understood the origin of that sword, eternity and destruction, Canglong and Helllong, these seem to be two opposing sides.

Involuntarily, Fang Yi became more and more curious.

At the same time, it is full of doubts.

When Sikong Jianming entered Longling, he was only at the peak of the earth soul. Judging from the current situation, if such a cultivation level can obtain the Eternal Sword, I am afraid...

Is it just because of luck?Or is there something else that the other party didn't tell me?

Deliberately conceal?This seems unlikely, the other party has already fallen.

Then there is no need to say it.

Right!Chance and luck are wonderful things, and if the other party is really lucky, it is not impossible.

Afterwards, Fang Yi asked a few more questions. The man with the hooked nose knew everything. Under the threat of death, no one would perform much better than ordinary people.

In fact, the stronger their strength, the more they cherish their lives, because they are willing to die when they see the legend in sight.

But unfortunately, Fang Yi will not let them go,

Because that is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

Once the strong man behind these people arrives, his behavior will be tantamount to courting death, so...

"These people are left to you!"

Fang Yi didn't intend to search for the group of people. Instead, he left the corpses and relics of these people to the King of Darkness and King Qingjiao.

The two demon kings were undoubtedly overjoyed.

You know, there are three Dao Rune experts here, and several Heavenly Soul experts, their wealth must be extremely astonishing, how can the two of them not be moved.

Especially King Qingjiao, after seeing the cultivation of the group, he was already timid about this trip.

Although Fang Yi is there, it is impossible for Fang Yi to take care of him all the time. Once there is a mistake, then...

Therefore, he already had other decisions in his mind.

"My lord, this Longling is much more dangerous than imagined, so I am going to find a hidden place to practice, and I will not explore further."

Needless to say, his decision was very wise.

Fang Yi couldn't help but nodded. In fact, he also had the same meaning. The strength of the Qing Jiao King is too low here. Not only can't help, but it may become a drag.


For the sake of safety, Fang Yi also deliberately found a hiding place for King Qingjiao, and set up a large formation.

And the King of Darkness was also extremely opportunistic, and left all the corpses and relics to King Qingjiao. Although it hurt him a little, but in order to win Fang Yi's favor, he had no choice but to do so.

What's more, he didn't make a move at all, and he didn't have anything to do, so how dare he take these things as his own.

Of course, the most important thing is that he hopes to be able to follow Fang Yi.

With his strength, he was naturally unwilling to let it go.

And binding Fang Yi is undoubtedly equivalent to adding a layer of protection, so...

In this regard, Fang Yi did not refuse. Although the King of Darkness was not worth mentioning in his eyes, he was also useful. After that, the two entered the canyon directly.

"Hey! The aura revealed by these skeletons is too powerful, I'm afraid it's no less than a legend!"

"There are so many powerful monster races and blue dragons, how could they fall?"

Looking at those skeletons, the Dark Lord showed doubts.

And this is undoubtedly Fang Yi's doubts. How did the Longling in front of him, and the Abyss of Nine Deaths before him, Canglong and Minglong, these monster races and those countless strong men fall?

Is it true that as Di Jianyi said, he fell during the small calamity of the world and the great calamity of the Three Realms?

If this is the case, isn't it true that the higher the cultivation level, the greater the danger?

What kind of existence is this world?

Why do you want to obliterate so many strong people?Are they affecting the operation of the Three Realms, or is there another reason?

And in this regard, do practitioners have a better way?Can we just wait to die?


(End of this chapter)

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