Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2721 Awakening

Chapter 2721 Awakening

Whoa whoa whoa! !

The power of rules is like a tide, flowing endlessly.

The entire Water God Temple was almost completely shrouded in regular thin lines. Nine days away, there was the sound of the Great Dao, and the phantoms of Buddhas were looming, singing solemnly.

And Feng Yiyi's expression became extremely ferocious, as if she was enduring great pain.

Veins popped up on his forehead and he was dripping with sweat.

Around her, countless regular thin threads were entwined, wrapping her like a silkworm cocoon.

And she is the colorful butterfly waiting to break out of its cocoon.

Unfortunately, Fang Yi's expression became paler and paler, obviously bearing a great challenge.

This is not surprising, after all, it is the mark of the way of heaven, if it can be erased so easily, it does not deserve to be called the mark of the way of heaven.

In fact, no one has been able to get rid of the way of heaven so far, not even the legendary world-level powerhouse.

Although Fang Yi has achieved a legend, there is no doubt that there is a world of difference compared with the world-level powerhouses.

And he wanted to erase the mark of heaven, the difficulty can be imagined.

It can be said that it is almost impossible.

However, he didn't realize this at the moment. In his eyes, there was only Feng Yiyi. His goal was to hope that Feng Yiyi would recover as soon as possible, no matter how high the price was.

Just like at this moment, the mark imprinted deep in Feng Yiyi's soul is as if she was born with it.

Fang Yi still refused to give up, and the rules of rebirth kept flowing, baptizing Feng Yiyi's soul.

But the result...

"Why is this? Is there really no way?"

Fang Yi shook his head, looking at the imprint, a little at a loss.

In his eyes, that imprint has become less powerful, but it has become one with Feng Yiyi, and if that imprint is to be erased, Feng Yiyi will also fall together.

This is obviously not what he wants to see.

"No! Impossible. The rules of rebirth have the effect of purifying the soul, and they must also be able to purify the mark of heaven."

Fang Yi gritted his teeth and tried again.

But obviously, the result has not changed in the slightest, and the mark of Heavenly Dao cannot be erased.

Strictly speaking, the two have merged into one.

"It should never be like this!"

Fang Yi shook his head desperately, thoughts running through his mind like lightning.

Reminiscent of his own experience back then, his thoughts moved again, and the monstrous flames all over his body evaporated, like a giant of flames.

The nine-color sea of ​​fire incinerated the world and everything, and the original water protected Feng Yiyi's soul, penetrating it bit by bit.

Coupled with the purification of the rules of rebirth.

The situation seems to have undergone some changes, and the mark of the way of heaven is showing faint signs of shrinking.

Fang Yi was overjoyed immediately, and made more decisive moves.

And Feng Yiyi also seemed to be slowly waking up from the previous state of madness.

Her eyes gradually focused, they were no longer so empty and pale, and began to be a little dazed and confused.

"Junior Sister!!"

Realizing this, Fang Yi called repeatedly, full of expectation, but he didn't dare to relax his hands at all, and the nine-color sea of ​​flames all over his body became more and more vigorous.

As if hearing a call, Feng Yiyi's eyes began to recover, and finally fell on Fang Yi.

"Master...Senior brother!!"

The whispering sound seemed to exhaust all the strength in his body.

At this moment, Feng Yiyi looked extremely weak, her soul was sluggish, as if she might dissipate at any time.

But, no matter what, she finally regained some sanity.

"Junior Sister, you finally woke up!!"

Fang Yi was overjoyed, but behind this joy, there was more pity and bitterness, because he had clearly realized at this moment that he could not completely erase the mark of heaven.

The retreat of the mark of heaven is only temporary.

Being able to do this is already his limit, and this is still due to the three great temples, otherwise, even if he has the ability to reach the sky, it will be in vain.

"Master... senior brother, I... what's wrong with me?"

Feng Yiyi obviously didn't understand why.

For her, the past may just be a dream.

But after a while, she seemed to recall everything in her dream, and her expression became extremely painful. Perhaps, she remembered those Kyushu disciples who died in her hands.

This is undoubtedly an unacceptable thing for her.

Tears rolled down uncontrollably.

The always strong Feng Yiyi, even Fang Yi, has never seen her cry, but at this moment...

"Junior Sister, don't think wildly. All this has nothing to do with you. The most important thing right now is to work together with the two of us to erase the imprint of the Heavenly Dao. Only in this way can we get rid of the control of the Heavenly Dao."

Fang Yi shouted like thunder, and called Feng Yiyi back from his grief.

Feng Yiyi is a strong woman who knows when to do what, so she nodded vigorously.

It's a pity that her cultivation base has not improved in these years, and she can't help at all in the face of the mark of heaven.

In fact, no matter how strong her cultivation is, even if she is comparable to Fang Yi, it is impossible to completely erase the mark of heaven.

Fang Yi obviously also realized this, and a trace of unwillingness flashed deep in his eyes.

In the end, his eyes turned sideways, and the flames all over his body disappeared in an instant, and what was replaced was a huge palace, which was completely outlined by the nine-color sea of ​​fire, and it was the Fire Temple.

"Master... Brother, what are you doing?"

Feng Yiyi seemed to realize something, and hurriedly asked.

"In the battle of Tiankuixing, I reshaped my body and soul, all thanks to the Temple of Fire and the Temple of Water. If these two temples belong to you, maybe you can also get rid of the control of Heaven..."

The meaning is already very clear, Fang Yi is planning to integrate the two temples into Feng Yiyi's soul.

So that the other party can get rid of the control of heaven.

Although Fang Yi is not sure whether this method is effective, but in any case, for Feng Yiyi, let alone the two temples, no matter how much you pay, it is worth a try.

and so……

However, Feng Yiyi did not agree, and hurriedly said: "No! Without the two temples, you will have no guarantee, absolutely not."

Feng Yiyi looked extremely determined.

But she was still slow after all, the Fire God Temple was already heading towards her soul.

"No way!!"

She strongly resisted, although the Fire Temple was integrated into her soul, but the Water Temple was excluded by her.

A strange scene also happened. After the Fire God Temple was integrated into Feng Yiyi's soul, there was a faint sense of resistance from the Heavenly Dao Seal, and even a hint of oppression.

Even without the suppression of the rules of rebirth and the protection of the water temple, the imprint of heaven will no longer expand.

Feng Yiyi remained awake.

"It's done?"

Fang Yi was in a trance, and then he was ecstatic, not at all reluctant to lose the Fire God Temple.

On the contrary, it was Feng Yiyi, who seemed to blame herself a bit, and even tried to strip the Fire Temple, but with her ability, she couldn't do it at all.

"Senior brother, you!"

She wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't know what to say.

She has always been reticent.

"Okay! A mere Fire God Temple is not worth mentioning."

"Besides, do you think that without the Fire God Temple, I don't even have the ability to protect myself?"

Fang Yi smiled.

"Go! Get out and get some air!"

With that said, Fang Yi pulled Feng Yiyi up and disappeared into the water temple.

When it reappeared, it was already a vast sky, but Feng Yiyi's eyes, which had recovered their spirits, became empty and indifferent again, as if without a trace of emotion.


My father was seriously ill before and has been in the hospital for about a month. Now that the funeral has been completed, there are still many funeral affairs to be dealt with. Taijiu will try to restore and update as much as possible, but if it is unstable, I hope everyone will not be offended.

(End of this chapter)

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