Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2722 Choice

Chapter 2722 Choice


There is no doubt that the facts at hand speak for themselves.

Even after being integrated into the Fire God Temple, Feng Yiyi still couldn't erase the imprint of heaven in Feng Yiyi's soul. As soon as he came into contact with the outside world, the imprint of heaven seemed to be awakened.

Only by hiding in the Water God Temple can Feng Yiyi stay awake.

No, it's not limited to the Temple of Water, but also the Temple of Fire.

After escaping into the Fire God Temple, Feng Yiyi was able to stay awake.

In short, she cannot appear in the outside world openly and aboveboard, and needs a barrier, a barrier that can cover the detection of the heavens.

In the Temple of Water and the Temple of Fire, the imprint of the Dao of Heaven imprinted on her soul seemed to be isolated, without the power of the Dao of Heaven to supplement, she could not control Feng Yiyi.

And once there is no such barrier, the mark of heaven will be blessed by the power of heaven, which is enough to break through the suppression of the temple of fire.

This is undoubtedly a frustrating thing.

Because this means that Feng Yiyi can only hide in the dark forever without seeing the light of day.

However, compared to her former self, this is considered a huge improvement, at least she has regained her sanity.


Fang Yi felt a deep apology in his heart.

The same is true for Ji Wumeng, the same for Ji Wuxian, and the same for Hua Lian'er. Now Feng Yiyi still has the same result. With the improvement of his cultivation, he originally thought that everything would get better.

But in the end, that was not the case at all.

It seemed that no matter how high his cultivation base was or how strong his strength was, the greater the difficulties before him would be.

It was like an unsolvable cycle that made him feel powerless like never before.

"No! It's not your fault!"

Feng Yiyi looked at Fang Yi very seriously, "And this is already very good."

When she said it was good, the light flickered in her eyes, and there was a faint feeling of relief.

Fang Yi vaguely saw something in it, saw her inner hesitation, at a loss, and gradually settled down. Perhaps, she hadn't figured out how to face the Kyushu people.

Although it was not her fault, after all, many Kyushu people died at her hands.

"Ascension with me! Go to the fairy world, maybe there you can completely get rid of the control of heaven."

After thinking about it, Fang Yi said.

Ascension is difficult, but with the water temple, Fang Yi believes that he can take Feng Yiyi away together.

However, Feng Yiyi shook his head.

"No! With the Fire God Temple, it doesn't matter whether you can get rid of the control of the Dao of Heaven. What's more, do you rest assured of Kyushu?" Feng Yiyi asked back.

Fang Yi was silent.

Yes, he was indeed a little worried about Kyushu.

No one knows what the Ascension to Immortal Realm will be like.

However, in the past countless years, there have not been many strong men above the legendary level, so you can get a glimpse of it. After ascending to the fairy world, it may be difficult to come back.

If this is the case, if there is any change in Kyushu, then he has nothing to do.

And this is undoubtedly what worries him the most.

"I'll stay, there is a fire temple, enough to guard the peace of Kyushu."

Feng Yiyi said.

Although she can't appear to the outside world openly, but controlling the Fire God Temple, her actions will not be hindered much, just like the former Immortal King, who has long appeared in front of people in the image of a copper coffin and a silver coffin.

With Feng Yiyi's strength and the Temple of Fire, it is more than enough to protect Kyushu, but...

"All right!"

Finally, Fang Yi nodded.

"Since that's the case, then I'll let you go back to Kyushu!"

This time, Feng Yiyi did not refuse, but nodded, with a long-lost smile on his face.


Tianchi is still the same Tianchi, the difference is that the elders guarding Tianchi have been replaced, however, Fang Yi did not alarm them, with Fang Yi's current strength, naturally they are not able to find out.

Maybe someone could find out, but no one came forward.

The two went smoothly and returned to the Divine Mirror space.

Of course, both of them are in the Water God Temple. Although Tianshan is not suppressed by the Dao of Heaven, the Divine Mirror Space and the spiritual world where Kyushu is located are extremely suppressed. Even Fang Yi has to cover up his aura.

Otherwise, no one knows what will happen.

Fang Yi even had a hint of impulsiveness, but not now, when Shimo and Patriarch Styx ended in a dismal end, let alone him.

However, he firmly believed that one day, he would have to see what this Heavenly Dao is.

The two walked all the way without disturbing anyone.

From the foot of Tianshan Mountain to the Realm of Fantasy and Dreams, and then to the Realm of Ten Thousand Monsters, after that, I left the Colorful Galaxy and came to the former Demon Realm.

Everything is so familiar, the past is vivid.

Bai Yingying has become the suzerain of the Wanmo sect, Wu Qiaojun has also succeeded the suzerain of the Fentian sect, and the chaotic star field is ruled by the Kyushu sect, everything is as Hades said.

Of course, they didn't know that Fang Yi had arrived at this moment.

Even if the 36th day will be passed on to others, Fang Yi looks down on Tiankui star and doesn't know anything about it.

They guard this planet, and that square monument has become a holy place.

On the holy land, there is a huge statue, the statue has white hair and blue robe, and is extremely majestic, just like a real emperor.

Looking at this statue, Feng Yiyi's expression became even more sad.

Maybe she remembered that battle back then.

In that battle, instead of being of any help, she killed an unknown number of Kyushu disciples. How could she have the face to face the Kyushu people below at this moment.

Fang Yi can naturally understand her mood, and gently holds her hand.

"Let's go! This place is left to them. Kyushu is not only your Kyushu, but also their Kyushu."


Feng Yiyi nodded numbly.

The two then disappeared into the sky.


Kyushu is still the same Kyushu, precarious, as if it will collapse at any time, but it has been tenaciously supporting it until now.

Looking at the extremely familiar planet, Fang Yi felt like a wanderer returning home.

That feeling is indescribable and cannot be given by any planet.

Because only here is home.

"Got home!"

Could it be that there was a smile on Feng Yiyi's face, and there was also a hint of timidity, the so-called timidity of being close to the hometown, Dali is like this.


Passing through the fog, Feng Yiyi couldn't help murmuring softly, because she suddenly discovered that there seemed to be some kind of barrier blocking the way of heaven in this Kyushu.

Fang Yi didn't seem surprised by this.

Undoubtedly, it is that big formation, that big formation is unpredictable, that has maintained Kyushu to this day, and Fang Yi has long known that it is not simple.

It was precisely because of this that he never agreed with Feng Yiyi to stay.

Because only here, Feng Yiyi is not restricted at all, and can show up at will.

Even if you follow him into the fairy world, you won't be free here, so...

"Okay! I'm leaving, you take care of yourself."

Overlooking the entire Kyushu, everything is in Fang Yi's induction, big mountains and rivers, small plants and trees, everything makes him feel very close, but leaving is inevitable.

"Why don't you go down and have a look?"

Feng Yiyi looked at Fang Yi and asked.

"No!" Fang Yi shook his head without saying why.

But Feng Yiyi seemed to understand, nodded, and said: "Don't worry, I'm watching here, find Eldest Sister as soon as possible, and bring her back."

"it is good!"

Fang Yi replied, when the sound fell, the person had already disappeared.


(End of this chapter)

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