Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2735 The Royal Dragon Art

Chapter 2735 The Royal Dragon Art

The world returned to calm, and Ling Feng and the flying dragon messenger fled in desperation. Of course, the price was to leave behind all the fairy pills.

Not only the two of them, but the other legendary experts who were ready to move also paid a corresponding price.

Although they didn't make a move.

However, Fang Yi naturally would not pay attention to these, what he wanted was the fairy pill.

And since these people want to play his idea, they must pay the price.

Of course, he didn't kill him, because there was no need for that, and his purpose was not to kill. Strictly speaking, Ling Xiaodian had no old grievances with him, even if there was, it was only Ling Feng.

But in fact, Ling Feng was defeated by him, and the Nine Dragon Seal was taken by him, so it should be the other party who should be angry.

His purpose is only the fairy pill, and to try the water of this fairy world.

At the same time, if it can attract the disciples of the Ice God Palace, that would be great.

and so……

"Tsk tsk! The disciple of the Nine Dragons Immortal is indeed so powerful. Neither Ling Feng nor the Flying Dragon Messenger are rivals. It's unbelievable."

"Who says no, the most terrible thing is that he seems to have just become a legend, so domineering, I am afraid that if he is given some more time, those candidates in the Lingxiao Temple may not be his opponents."

"Oh! This is a bit too much, and the others are just fine. Yun Xiao, the eldest disciple of Lingxiao Palace, is a person with extreme talent. If it is not a matter of personality, how can there be these candidate disciples? Although the descendant of the Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable But definitely not his opponent."

"That's right! The lifespan of the Immortal in Yunxiao is only [-] years, but his cultivation has already reached the legendary five realms. Not to mention the Lingxiao Palace, even if it is placed in the entire next three days, it is an absolute leader."


In the Polong Mountain Range, Fang Yi and others had dispersed as soon as possible, but the crowd refused to leave for a long time, and there were still discussions.

When Yunxiao was mentioned, everyone's expressions became yearning and worshiping.

Obviously, this is an iconic figure.

Fang Yi was also a little curious about this. These days, he had heard the name Yunxiao a lot. Of course, he was only a little curious.

If you really say that you are interested in it, you can't talk about it.

At this moment, he is still hiding in the depths of the Polong Mountain Range, but it is inside the Water God Temple, and outsiders have no way of detecting his aura.

And he also lost interest in everything outside.

When he probed in his hand, several bottles of fairy pills appeared in his hand, along with several plants of fairy medicine.

Naturally, these were collected from Ling Feng and others.

"Look what's so wonderful about it!"

With a thought in Fang Yi's mind, one of the bottles of elixir was opened, and a golden elixir fell into his palm in an instant, and the seven-color precious light flowed.

However, when Fang Yi sensed it slightly, his brows could not help but frown.

Because the elixir contains majestic spirit energy and is extremely violent, it is obvious that it is not suitable for healing.

This should be a elixir used by legendary warriors to practice.

as predicted!

Fang Yi tried one by one, and finally found that the elixir was called Xianling elixir, and it was the most common elixir used by legendary warriors to practice.

This discovery almost gave Fang Yi the urge to vomit blood.

But the matter has come to this point, and he has no choice but to accept it.

Fortunately, his gains didn't stop there, and..., with a thought in his mind, an obscure scripture appeared out of thin air in his sea of ​​consciousness.

The scriptures are extremely wonderful, in his sea of ​​consciousness, they are like living creatures, like dragons transformed into one after another.

The three large characters on the far right are vaguely discernible: "Yulong Jue".

Not bad!

This scripture is Yulong Jue, which comes from Ling Feng.

In the previous battle, Ling Feng lost his mind, and the rules of reincarnation showed its strongest side. Not only can it baptize the soul, but it can also extract the opponent's memory during the baptism.

This seems to be even better than devouring supernatural powers.

With the power of devouring, Fang Yi can not only devour various energies, but also occasionally devour memories, but it is random and cannot be directed.

As for the rules of rebirth, in the process of baptizing the other party, in Fang Yi's eyes, it is as transparent as it is.

This Dragon Control Jue comes from here.

"How about a try!"

With a thought, Fang Yi slowly closed his eyes and pinched his fingers.

Time goes by like this.

In the outside world, there have been rumors in the streets and alleys about the Battle of the Dragon Mountain Range, and the defeat of Ling Feng and the Dragon Envoy also pushed Fang Yi to the top.

More and more people came to the Polong Mountain Range one after another.

However, since that battle, Fang Yi has never appeared again, which really disappointed those who came to watch the fun.

Also disappointed, there is no doubt that there are all the powerful people in Lingxiao Temple.

"Hmph! This kid is probably a shrinking turtle."

Somewhere in the void, a group of warriors with a deep aura overlooked the entire Polong Mountain Range. They were all as majestic as a prison, invincible.

"Even if he is sensible, if he dares to provoke my Lingxiao Palace, he will simply seek his own death."

"Having said that, he has already lost his limelight. If he is not taken down, outsiders will really think that there is no one in my Lingxiao Palace. I hate it. The two wastes of Lingfeng and Feilong Messenger, my Lingxiao Palace's face is covered by them It's gone."

"Who's to say no, he doesn't have much ability, but he still wants to stand out. Longling is broken in his hands, and it's the same here. It's not enough to succeed."

All kinds of sarcasm, if Ling Feng was here, he would definitely vomit blood angrily.

"What now?"

Someone asked, "If that kid escapes, I'm afraid..."

"Escape? Find him even if you dig three feet into the ground. The entire Feilong domain is covered with eyeliners in the hall. That kid is still there and hasn't left."

"We split up and try to capture him in one fell swoop."



During Fang Yi's retreat, he didn't realize it at all. Because of the previous battle, the entire Feilong domain was boiling.

Even in the next three days, his deeds were circulated.

In the next three days, although Lingxiao Palace is not considered the strongest force, in fact, there are not many forces comparable to them, but they are one of the oldest forces.

Once, they had been entrenched for three days, so such a thing happened, which was particularly eye-catching.

Of course, not many people take this seriously, and most of them are watching the jokes of Lingxiao Temple.

But there are exceptions.

In a blue space somewhere hundreds of millions of miles away from Feilong Domain, a woman in blue became a little cloudy after hearing the news.

Especially when he saw the video of that battle, his expression became even more exciting.

That way, as if he recognized something.

After that, she hurried away.

As for this, Fang Yi naturally knew nothing about it. At this moment, he was completely immersed in the mysterious scripture of Yulong Jue. Slowly, the Nine Dragon Seal trembled slightly, as if he had sensed something.

Seeing this, Fang Yi was overjoyed, and the mysterious scripture became more active, as if he had come alive completely.

And within the Nine Dragon Seal, there were bursts of dragon chant.

It seems that there is a peerless dragon waiting to break out of the ground.


(End of this chapter)

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