Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2736

Chapter 2736

"Son, are you alright!"

Somewhere in Feilongyu, after Lingfeng was defeated, he did not return to Lingxiao Palace.

Perhaps he knew that after this battle, there would be no place for him to gain a foothold in Lingxiao Palace. Among other things, the sarcasm from his fellow disciples alone was not something he could bear.

As for the position of the young suzerain, it is completely shattered, and there is no hope at all.


However, thinking of Fang Yi's strength, this possibility is even slimmer.

"I'm fine!"

There was a venomous light in his eyes, and his teeth could not help but gnaw.

Especially looking at the hollow left arm, the dominance of destruction made him want to restore the broken limb these days, but he couldn't do it.

On the contrary, a huge amount of energy has to be expended to suppress the destructive intent remaining in the wound.

He's pretty good by comparison.

Thinking of the fate of the Flying Dragon Messenger, half-human, half-ghost, he couldn't help feeling a little terrified, and his face turned slightly pale.

"My lord, what should we do now?"

The middle-aged man looked at Ling Feng inquiringly, with timidity on his face. Although he did not participate in the battle, because his strength was not qualified at all, but everything that day had scared him out of his wits.

So much so that even at this moment, when he looked at Ling Feng, he still had lingering fear in his heart.

"What should we do? That bastard deserves death! Since we can't deal with him, let other people deal with him and spread the word about him. I believe that the Nine Dragon Seal and the Eternal Sword will definitely send him to the west."

Gritting his teeth, Ling Feng's expression became extremely ferocious.

The expression of the middle-aged man couldn't help but change when he heard the words.


Let alone the Eternal Sword, just the news of the Nine Dragon Seal will cause a sensation in the entire Lingxiao Palace. By then, the high-level officials in the Lingxiao Palace will probably not be as calm as they are now.

It's hard to say, even the hall master may personally take action.

After all, that is the most powerful immortal artifact of the Nine Dragons Immortal, the symbol of the Nine Dragons Immortal.

And if the Sword of Eternity is added, there will be a sensation in the next three days. At that time, the opponent will become a street rat with nowhere to hide.

Death is only a matter of time.

It's just that in this way, I and others have no chance at all.

Of course, as far as the current situation is concerned, they have no chance.

If not, Ling Feng would not have chosen this step.

"It's so decided, you can do it as soon as possible! This son will definitely want that bastard to die without death."

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, his face full of evil.

There was a ferocious smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he had foreseen Fang Yi's end.

However, the next moment, his smile froze, because a stalwart figure unexpectedly gathered above him at some point.

That figure was indifferent, aloof, and his knife-sharpened face left a very deep impression on people, as if it was engraved in his mind, and he couldn't get rid of it.

"Big...big brother!!"

Seeing this figure, Ling Feng trembled all over, his expression was full of fear, and he couldn't even speak clearly.

Middle-aged people are no exception, their bodies are like sifting chaff.

That's right!

The person who came was none other than the eldest disciple of Lingxiao Palace, Yunxiao.

"Tell me! What do you know?"

Yun Xiao's voice is just like his appearance, indifferent and aloof, yet revealing a sense of intolerance.


Ling Feng stammered, and he didn't know whether it was because of fear, or because he wanted to hide it, but for a while, he couldn't speak.

As for Yun Xiao, his expression darkened slightly.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man couldn't bear it any longer. With a "bang", he knelt down on the ground and hurriedly said: "Big Brother, the thing is like this..."

The middle-aged people said everything in one go.

Ling Feng on the side wanted to scold him, but he sensed Yun Xiao's gaze, but he dared not speak.

"The Seal of Nine Dragons? The Sword of Eternity?"

Yun Xiao's indifferent expression finally showed a slight change, and his eyes began to become a little hot.

"Returning to Senior Brother, this is what happened. That kid is not a descendant of Nine Dragons Immortal Venerable at all, but deliberately bluffed, obviously with other plans."

The middle-aged man finally said, looking at Yun Xiao eagerly, as if he was atoning for a sin.

Yun Xiao was unmoved, his eyes still indifferent, looked at the two of them, and said, "Are you planning to spread this matter? If the Nine Dragon Seal falls into the hands of opponents in Lingxiao Palace, how can you come back?"

At this point, Yun Xiao's tone became more and more cold, as if without a trace of emotion.

Both Ling Feng and the middle-aged man seemed to realize something, and their faces turned pale.

He couldn't help but hurriedly said: "Brother, please forgive me, I was just being confused for a while and neglecting the righteousness of the sect."

The two begged for mercy, but they didn't really care too much, because in their impression, the elder brother didn't care about the sect's affairs at all, and only cared about his own cultivation.

But this time, they were obviously wrong.

I only heard Yun Xiao say indifferently: "What does the righteousness of the sect have to do with me? You have made thousands of mistakes. The mistake is that you should not hide the Nine Dragon Seal, because I am the heir of the Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable."

what? ?

Hearing this, Ling Feng and the middle-aged man's pupils couldn't help but widen, full of disbelief.

"you you……"

They wanted to say something, but unfortunately, two dragon shadows rushed out of Yun Xiao's body and swallowed them.

The world returned to calm, and everything seemed as if nothing had happened.

In the same place, only the stalwart figure was left. He raised his head and looked in the direction of the Polong Mountain Range, his eyes became brighter and hotter.


"What's going on? Did that kid really escape? There is no trace."

"It's not surprising. Under such circumstances, if you don't escape, you will be a ghost. Wouldn't it be better to stay and wait for death?"

In the Polong Mountain Range, time gradually passed, and the crowd gradually lost patience from the previous frenzy.

Because everyone knew that in such a situation, no one would be stupid enough to come out to die. Although that person was powerful, he was naturally not worth mentioning compared to the entire Lingxiao Temple.

Fang Yi is not that stupid, although he intends to be high-profile, but the current movement is big enough, there is no need to feel uncomfortable.

Of course, he didn't have time either.

At this moment, he was still immersed in the mysterious Dragon Control Art, completely unaware of the passage of time.

And with his disappearance, a major event that was originally vigorous, just like that, slowly cooled down without beginning or end.

Although the entire Feilong domain is still discussing this matter.

However, the crowd gathered in the Polong Mountain Range has almost dispersed.

This matter seems to be over now.

However, there are still many questions left for everyone. Is that mysterious person the descendant of the Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable, and what is his purpose?Where did you go in the end?

These issues are of concern to everyone.

Among them, Yunxiao is also included.

It should be said that he is more concerned because he is determined to win the Nine Dragon Seal.

At this moment, he was still overlooking the entire Polong Mountain Range, without any intention of leaving, as if he was waiting for something, like a statue.

The crowd below had dispersed long ago, only him, who never moved a bit.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly, and the sharp eyes were like two sharp swords, shooting towards a certain place in the Polong Mountain Range.

There, a ripple rippled slightly, and there was a faint sound of dragon chant.


(End of this chapter)

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