Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2737: The Power of the Palm

Chapter 2737 Power of One Palm

Whoa! !

Immediately afterwards, the majestic spirit of the heaven and the earth, as if inspired by some kind, surged from all directions like a tide.

Above the nine heavens, there seemed to be several long rivers of energy flowing endlessly.

That terrifying scene reappeared.

The difference is that the Polong Mountain Range is uninhabited and stretches for thousands of miles. No matter how big the movement is, it is rarely known.

Only that stalwart figure's eyes became hotter and more excited.

Moan! !

The sound of dragon chant came one after another, shocking the nine heavens.

At the source of the sound, countless regular thin lines began to diffuse, and some obscure and wonderful scriptures were mixed in during the period, giving people a sense of mystery.

And seeing these scriptures, Yun Xiao's expression became even more excited, and that indifferent expression was no longer the same as before.

Some are just fanatics.

However, he was never in a hurry to make a move. Perhaps it was because of his aloof temperament that he had a natural self-confidence in facing anyone and everything.

Or maybe, from that breath, he has already sensed that the opponent is far inferior to him.


Fang Yi has only just broken through to the Legendary Realm. After entering the Immortal Realm, the conversion of Xianyuan and the consolidation during this period of time allowed him to stick to the cultivation base of the Legendary Realm.

And in the process of comprehending the Nine Dragon Seal, it made him go one step further.

However, this is the case, his cultivation at this moment is at most no more than the peak of the Legendary One Realm, and it cannot be compared with Yunxiao of the Legendary Five Realm.

On the top of the continuous and dilapidated Polong Mountain Range, two stalwart figures faced each other far away.

Fang Yi, with white hair and blue robe, looked at the person in front of him indifferently, with a strong fighting spirit in his eyes.

good!It is the fighting spirit.

Living in the water temple, everything outside is naturally within his induction.

Yunxiao is no exception.

And he still chooses to show up at this time, the situation is already obvious, because the fusion of the Nine Dragon Seal makes him feel stronger than ever, and makes him eager to try.

And Yunxiao is undoubtedly a good opponent.

"Sure enough, you didn't leave! You have the guts!"

Yun Xiao was the first to speak. If someone who knew him was here, he would be surprised, because he has always been a quiet person, and he would never speak if he could do it.

However, the situation in front of him required hands-on action, but he moved his mouth first.

"You know I'm not leaving?"

Fang Yi was quite surprised and asked playfully.

"I am pregnant with the Nine Dragon Seal, but I dare to show off like this, how can I leave so easily." Yun Xiao replied.

Fang Yi also smiled, but his heart sank. The news about the Nine Dragon Seal actually spread, which really surprised him, but that's all.

Now that he had shown up, he had expected today.

"You know a lot, what else do you know?"

Fang Yi asked with a smile.

"There is no need to test, I know everything I need to know, including the Eternal Sword. As for the others, you can rest assured that you will be safe and sound after defeating me."

There was arrogance in Yunxiao's bones, and his words were extremely cold.

Fang Yi smiled in amazement, as if he understood something.

In fact, he had already guessed that even if Ling Feng recognized him, he would not publicize the matter, because people are greedy and selfish, even if they lose, they will look for opportunities and helpers. Not cheap for others.

Of course, Fang Yi miscalculated the anger in Ling Feng's heart and the fact that he was isolated after Longling came out.

He had no other choice, so he chose to publicize the matter.

But in the end, Yun Xiao found out about it.

"Let's make a move! Since I broke through the fifth realm of legend, I have never made a move against the first realm of legend. You are the first one."

There was contempt and arrogance in his tone, like a high-ranking king.

"That's right! Coincidentally, I have never fought against the Legendary Five Realms."

This is naturally a big truth, not to mention fighting, even if you have never seen it, even in the legendary realm, Fang Yi has not seen much, and the legendary five realms...

It is obviously impossible to say that Fang Yi is not hypocritical at all at this moment.

However, with the trump card of the Temple of Water, he has a certain confidence in facing any opponent.

"Then you are welcome!"

After the words fell, Fang Yi's figure suddenly moved, like a lightning bolt, and shot towards the rear.

"Ignorance! If you want to leave, leave it to me!"

Yun Xiao let out a contemptuous sound. Originally, in his mind, Fang Yi still had some guts. After all, he dared to stay in the Polong Mountain Range all the time, and dared to show up at this time, so he somewhat valued it.

However, in the scene in front of him, the other party fled suddenly, which made him feel a deep sense of contempt in his heart.

The giant palm also followed suit.

Immediately, endless regular thin lines diffused from his palm, and the whole space seemed to collapse in an instant. Fang Yi, who was shooting away in a hurry, became extremely slow.

But that giant palm was grabbed at an extremely fast speed, like a giant palm that lifted the sky.

Seeing the distance between the two, it was shortened in an instant, and the next moment, the giant palm seemed to be about to grab Fang Yi.

Suddenly, Fang Yi's figure disappeared in place out of thin air.

Yun Xiao's pupils couldn't help shrinking.

When he came back to his senses, Fang Yi's figure was still in the place where he started, as if he had never moved a bit.

At the same time, a real dragon's claw also crushed it.


Fang Yi has never moved a little bit. Since he chose to show up at this time, how could he leave easily? This is just a means.

The terrifying claws of the real dragon crushed all directions, embracing the meaning of monstrous destruction.

Since he made a move, he must not hold back. The opponent is a legendary five-level powerhouse, so he can't help it.

"Good come!"

Yun Xiao was absent-minded for a short period of time, and then reacted instantly, and slapped him at the same time.

This slap seemed to be a hasty and inadvertent slap, but the monstrous power contained in it made Fang Yi feel invincible.

Boom! !

There was a loud noise, almost without the slightest surprise, Fang Yi's figure blasted out like a cannonball.

The claws of the real dragon also shattered.

Only the terrifying intent of destruction also wiped out most of Yunxiao's palm, and finally completely turned into nothingness, dissipating between heaven and earth.

How can it be?

At this moment, Fang Yi only felt a fishy sweetness in his mouth, and a trace of blood couldn't help gushing out.

One blow, just one blow, and it seemed to be a random blow, actually caused him to be injured. Although it was not serious, it was enough to shock Fang Yi.

You know, today, with Fang Yi's physical body, it is almost impossible for ordinary people to injure him.

But the person in front of me...

However, Yun Xiao was equally as shocked as him. At this moment, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. Obviously, he did not expect that Fang Yi could still stand after receiving his palm, and he seemed to be fine.

"The cultivation base is under this seat, and you are the first one who can still stand after receiving a palm from this seat."

"No wonder you dare to be so rampant, you really have some skills."

It seemed like a compliment, but to Fang Yi's ears, it sounded worse than cursing.

When did I fall to such a point, I couldn't help but feel angry in my heart.

"That's right! Then let me learn from you again."

Bang! !

When the words fell, Fang Yi stepped forward, the world trembled, and his aura seemed to be raised to an incredible level in an instant.

Dragon scales stretched all over his body, shining golden light, making him seem to be transformed into a golden armored war god.


(End of this chapter)

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