Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2738 The Way of Strength

Chapter 2738 The Way of Strength

Fang Yi has not shown such a form for a long time.

Because there is no need for that.

Today, none of the opponents he has encountered can break through his defense, but Yun Xiao is different. Fang Yi felt great pressure from that casual blow.

Boom! !

Moan! !

In Fang Yi's body, there were bursts of thunder and thunder, accompanied by the sound of dragon chant, which made people feel terrified.

Within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, thousands of beasts crawled.

Yun Xiao couldn't help but shoot out two brilliant lights, showing surprise. Obviously, Fang Yi at this moment made him a little frightened, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit.

"Okay! It's so rare that it's just a legend!"

Bang! !

After the words fell, Yun Xiao also took a step.

With this step, the world was shocked, the whole world seemed to sink suddenly, and the surrounding void disappeared, as if it couldn't bear the coercion.

Fang Yi also felt a vast force falling from the void, almost crushing him.

If it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid it would directly turn into meat paste.

Even in the Legendary Realm, most of them don't have much power to resist, and they are directly defeated.

Fortunately, Fang Yi is not comparable to ordinary people. He has a strong body and dragon scales to protect his body, so he can support it, but it is not small.

What puzzled him even more was that this vast power actually gave him a feeling of acquaintance.


It is the illusory Lingxiao Palace and the gravity room in Longling, which is like a retreat.

"Are you surprised?"

Yun Xiao seemed to see Fang Yi's doubts, with a coldness on the corner of his mouth, he stepped out step by step, and said: "What I comprehend is the way of strength, and I use my strength to prove the way. Any rules and supernatural powers, I will use my own strength." Break it."

What?Way of strength?

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking. He had vaguely suspected that it was the law of force when he was in Longling that day, and it was as it should be.

The rule of strength is one of the most direct and simplest rules among the three thousand rules.

But at the same time, it is also one of the most overbearing rules.

Of course, it is overbearing because it is simple, but it is extremely difficult to penetrate.

However, with the cultivation base of Yunxiao Legendary Five Realm, it would not be too difficult to deal with Fang Yi.

Every time he took a step, the pressure on Fang Yi skyrocketed until Fang Yi was the center, and the surrounding void burst inch by inch, and only Fang Yi stood upright like a giant pillar.

So strong! !

Fang Yi was also shocked at the moment.

He didn't expect the way of strength to be so domineering, and he has never encountered a similar opponent.

Now that you can see it, you just know the Three Thousand Ways, no matter which one you should not underestimate.

"You claim to be the descendant of the Nine Dragons Immortal, so you know what kind of avenue is controlled by the Nine Dragons Immortal?"

Yunxiao stepped forward step by step, and he was also talking, as if asking, but he replied in a self-centered manner: "Tell you! The most powerful thing of Jiulong Immortal Venerable is the way of strength. Of."

"And Nine Dragons means the power of Nine Dragons, the extreme number of power."

what! !

Hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help flashing a look of shock in his eyes.

To resist it with force?The so-called Yulong Xianzun didn't have any dragon-controlling skills at all, but was completely crushed by strength. This is how overbearing and incomparable.

"It turns out that you are the descendant of the Nine Dragons Immortal Venerable!"

Suddenly, Fang Yi seemed to understand something, and looked at Yun Xiao with deep eyes.

"You're so smart, since that's the case, hand over the Nine Dragon Seal, and I'll give you a whole body." Yun Xiao shouted, and the corners of his mouth began to turn ferocious.

"Want the Nine Dragon Seal? It depends on whether you have the ability!"

Fang Yi's eyes also turned cold.

At this moment, the energy in his body exploded completely, and he didn't hold back any more.

Just kidding, facing such an opponent, how dare he keep it.

For a long time, although he has seen a lot of strong people, he has never encountered an existence that crushed him in terms of strength, and the person in front of him, although he can't talk about crushing, is undoubtedly far stronger. Live yourself.

This also made him feel anxious and full of fighting spirit.

"Don't eat and drink a toast!"

The killing intent in Yun Xiao's eyes was strong, as if he had no intention of talking nonsense, he shook his right palm lightly.

Boom! !

The space seemed to be crushed by him, full of explosive power, and then, he punched fiercely, and the void instantly collapsed.

Under the fist wind, everything spontaneously decomposed and turned into powder, which looked extremely strange.

The way of strength is so strong that nothing can be broken.

Although Yunxiao is still a long way from such a realm, it is not too difficult to destroy this area and crush the opponent.

Looking at the void that turned into powder, Fang Yi's pupils were full of horror at this moment.

Because of this terrifying power, he felt irresistible.

How many years, he has not felt this way for a long time.

But today, the person in front of him gave him such a feeling again, and he couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

Immediately, with a thought in his mind, vast and regular thin lines also rushed in. Suddenly, the space seemed to undergo some changes, becoming layers upon layers, as if countless spaces were superimposed together.

That vast force struck, destroying layers of space.

But that power of space outlines each space at a fast speed.

As a result, an astonishing scene appeared in the void, the spaces were annihilated one after another, and then closed one after another, repeating itself.

The two powers of rules were entangled, and in the end, the power of space was too weak after all, and it didn't last long before it completely collapsed.

So strong! !

Fang Yi couldn't help being shocked in his heart, and punched out with all his strength.


Nine days away, there seemed to be thousands of dragons roaring, this punch almost made the world pale.

However, compared to that terrifying way of strength, it is still much worse. Fortunately, through countless spaces, that strength has been consumed a lot, and under the impact of two fists, it seems to be somewhat evenly matched.

Of course, it only looked like it, but in fact, Fang Yi flew out again.

What's more, Fang Yi took two shots before he could barely block the punch, and his body was also like a river tossed.

This also benefited from Longling's body protection, otherwise, it would never be so easy.


Compared to his shock, Yun Xiao also had an expression of disbelief.

It seems that he didn't expect Fang Yi to be able to take his attacks again and again.

Is this really something a legend can do?

"You are very good! It has been a long time since I have met such an outstanding warrior as you. If it is not necessary, I am really reluctant to kill you."

There was a hint of regret in Yunxiao's eyes.

Fang Yi's strength seems to have aroused his deep interest, but unfortunately, the opponent's cultivation base is too low.

When this battle started, it lost a bit of flavor.

"You are also very good! The way of strength, I have learned it, now, you should also try my method!"

Fang Yi snarled, and the terrifying meaning of destruction covered his body like billowing black clouds, swallowing towards Yunxiao, which was extremely terrifying.

Although the way of destruction and the way of strength have nothing to do with each other, they have the same effect.

Beyond what has passed, everything is annihilated, and it is even more shocking.

Rao Yunxiao couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed across his face, "Good job!"

He only heard him sneer, and with a big step, he quickly went up to meet him.


(End of this chapter)

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