Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2739 9 Dragon Battle

Chapter 2739 Battle of Nine Dragons

Boom! !

In an instant, the entire sky completely fell into nothingness, and the terrifying wind roared wantonly, creating a doomsday-like scene.

The meaning of destruction is like billowing dark clouds, wantonly swallowing everything around.

Everything is irresistible, and every inch is annihilated.

Only Yun Xiao, walking in this vast sense of destruction, seemed to have an invisible barrier covering his body, preventing him from being affected in the slightest.

Of course, if you observe carefully, you will find that the invisible barrier is annihilated inch by inch, and then recovers at a speed visible to the naked eye, repeating itself.

In the eyes of outsiders, it seems that there has never been any change.

But in fact, it is not the case.

This is not difficult to see from Yun Xiao's rather dignified expression.

"The way of destruction? It is rumored that it is the dark dragon of the three true dragons, and the way of rules controlled by it. I didn't expect..."

"There is also the eternal sword that condenses the will of the Canglong, which is interesting!"

Yun Xiao's eyes were extremely deep, with a little bit of cold light, as if he wanted to penetrate Fang Yi completely, and his expression became more and more greedy, like a hungry wolf seeing its prey.

The aura around him also became more majestic.

Endless regular thin lines gushed out like a torrent breaking a bank.

Immediately, the terrifying and destructive intent that had surrounded him retreated a little bit, and the invisible barrier covering his body also expanded in an instant.

Usually, the meaning of destruction, which is always invincible, seems to have lost its effect at this moment.

How can it be?

Fang Yi's pupils were also full of incredible colors.

The strength of the opponent undoubtedly far exceeded his expectations. In fact, he encountered not many strong people, not even one in the five legendary realms, and Yunxiao was the first one.

In his mind, the Legendary Five Realms is just that the immortal essence in his body is more majestic, and he has a deeper understanding of the rules.

Relying on his ability to leapfrog and fight, even if he loses, he will not be powerless to fight back.

But at this moment, he just realized that the legendary five realms are far from as simple as he imagined.

The majesty of Xianyuan is not a little bit, and the comprehension of the rules is even more incomparable, otherwise, the scene in front of you will not appear. The way of destruction is one of the extremely high-ranked rules among the three thousand roads, but Now it is easily broken by the other party. The only explanation is that the other party's understanding of the rules is far stronger than his own.

And this cannot be made up for by perseverance and perseverance.

"Although the way of destruction is strong, unfortunately, you are too weak!"

Yun Xiao vaguely showed a trace of regret, but more of it was fanaticism, and he couldn't wait. It seemed that he was no longer interested in entanglement with Fang Yi.

"Pick me up again!"

After the words fell, he punched again fiercely.

This punch is extremely terrifying, as if all the energy in the world has been exhausted by this punch, but when the punch is released, the surrounding space is abnormally calm, as if it was the most ordinary punch, and it did not cause much trouble storm.

However, at that moment, Fang Yi felt an extremely dangerous aura.

It's like being abandoned by the whole world.

rejected by the whole world.

The vast mighty force almost squeezed him out of this world, as if at this moment he was no longer facing Yun Xiao alone, but the whole world.

It should be said that Yun Xiao seems to have replaced this world, and his will is the will of this world.

too strong!

Fang Yi's heart trembled unceasingly. If it wasn't for his physical body and dragon scales to protect his body, he might be turned into ashes directly.

Such a power is simply shocking.

Immediately, he gritted his teeth and took another step with all his strength.

Nine days away, endless mysterious sounds came, and the phantoms of Buddhas condensed, clasped their hands together, solemn and sacred, shining golden light all over the sky.

At the same time, under his feet, pieces of lotus leaves bloomed, and the seventh-grade lotus platform condensed instantly.

Holding him up, it was like a descendant descending from the immortals.

People can't help but have an urge to worship.

The way of destruction and the way of rebirth come from one person, and the evil and the sacred seem to be integrated into one, giving people a very strange feeling.

Even Yunxiao, a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

"Rules for souls? Good! Very good! Sure enough, he is a person with great luck. In this way, I will feel more fulfilled if I kill you."

Yun Xiao smiled ferociously, full of evil colors.

That punch came even faster.

It was still unremarkable, and there were no big fluctuations, but the whole world seemed to be moved, and then the punch pressed down on Xia Yi.

Boom! !

Above the nine heavens, the condensed phantoms of Buddhas also seemed to be unable to withstand this force, and they collapsed one after another.

This punch seemed slow and unremarkable, but it was unshakable.

It seems that everything can only be crushed in front of it. This is the expression of extreme strength, and any brilliant supernatural powers are in vain.

Although Yun Xiao's way of strength is far from reaching the extreme, compared to Fang Yi's, it is the extreme.

The first and fifth legendary realms were originally an insurmountable barrier.

What's more, that person is Yun Xiao.

The results are predictable.

The phantom of the Buddha in the sky shattered inch by inch, until in the end, there was nothing left, only the seventh-grade lotus platform to fight alone, and finally, it flew out again with Fang Yi.

A mouthful of blood also sprayed the sky.

too strong!This is the power of the way of strength?Is it the dominance of the legendary five realms?

Fang Yi endured the severe pain in his body, and stared at Yun Xiao like a wolf. Such a powerful opponent really shocked him, making him almost powerless to resist.

Fortunately, it's not like sitting still.

These several punches successively gave him a general understanding of the opponent's strength.

Winning is naturally impossible, the only thing he can do is to escape, but, fleeing in such a desperate way always makes him feel a little useless.

It seems!Just try the Nine Dragon Seal!

"You are really surprising me more and more. After receiving several punches from this seat, you are still able to stand."

Fang Yi's tenacity undoubtedly enraged Yun Xiao completely, because it seemed like a great shame to him.

No one has ever been able to last so long in his hands.

Not to mention that the other party is just a warrior at the first level of legend, this is tantamount to slapping him in the face, how can he bear it, the anger in his heart is also steaming.

"Accident? Ha! What surprises you even more is yet to come."

Fang Yi sneered and pinched his fingers.

Moan! !

Immediately, there was a sound of shocking dragon chant, nine days away, it seemed that ten thousand dragons were roaring.

A transparent jade seal also emerged, and above the jade seal, nine lingering dragons rushed away as if they had come to life in an instant.

Between the heaven and the earth, there are many dragon shadows, and nine huge dragons overlook the sky and the earth, like the ruler of all things.

"Nine Dragon Seal!!"

Seeing that Fang Yuxi, Yun Xiao's eyes were burning with greed.

Immediately, he stretched out his giant palm and grabbed Jiulongxi directly.

"wishful thinking!"

Fang Yi scolded angrily, pinched his ten fingers, and above the nine heavens, nine huge dragons seemed to have received an order, and devoured towards Yunxiao.


(End of this chapter)

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