Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2740

Chapter 2740

"Bastard, this seat is the descendant of Jiulong Xianzun."

Seeing the roaring nine divine dragons approaching, Yunxiao Thunderbolt was furious, and his giant fists slammed away again and again.

Immediately, the sky trembled, everything exploded in the direction of the fist wind, as if it could not bear this vast force at all.

Fang Yi's complexion couldn't help but change drastically for this intensive and violent attack.

But fortunately, Kowloon doesn't seem to be afraid.

Nine Dragons is the pinnacle of power, where the will of Nine Dragon Immortals lies, and the way of power they uphold far surpasses Yunxiao. Even if Fang Yi has no understanding of it at all, and can only be motivated, it is still enough to compete with Yunxiao.

When he was in Longling, Lingfeng used the Nine Dragon Seal to kill all directions.

A group of powerful people encircled are no opponents.

If it wasn't for the last moment, when the Sword of Eternity touched the energy in Longling and defeated it, I am afraid that everyone present at that time would have perished.

And this is enough to show the greatness of the Nine Dragon Seal.

This is not difficult to see on Yun Xiao's ashen face at this moment.

However, the stronger Jiulongxi's performance became, the more fiery and greedy his eyes became.

"The Nine Dragon Seal is mine, bring it to me!"

Facing Nine Dragons, Yunxiao no longer had the advantage he had before, and the anger in his heart was growing more and more intense, with a ferocious expression like a ghost from hell.

Around him, there was a violent aura reckless, like an ancient ferocious beast, rampaging.

And Jiulong surrounded him, making them helpless.

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he looked at the jade seal in his hand with some surprise. This seemingly ordinary Nine Dragon Seal turned out to be so amazing, it really deserved to be the fairy artifact of Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable.

It's just that he has just learned how to control it. In time, then...

It has to be said that this must be another big hole card.

The battle continued and became more and more intense. Yun Xiao had gone completely mad, like a raging beast, full of monstrous aura, which made the world pale.

Fang Yi couldn't help feeling a little terrified.

Fortunately, with the restraint of the Nine Dragon Seal, the two sides seem to be evenly matched.

"The successor of the Nine Dragon Immortal? Unfortunately, you are destined not to get the Nine Dragon Seal, which will still belong to me after all."

Fang Yi's confidence increased greatly, and he couldn't help laughing wildly, with a hint of sarcasm.

Yun Xiao was extremely angry in the first place. Hearing this, one can imagine.

"Bastard, the Nine Dragon Seal belongs to me, and no one can touch it."

While speaking, the aura around him became more violent.

But it's a pity that the nine dragon phantoms are like nine iron chains, imprisoning him in one area, making it impossible for him to break through the blockade, let alone take Fang Yi.

Of course, Fang Yi wanted to take him down, but it was just a dream.

Unless he can have a deeper understanding of the Nine Dragon Seal, there is no possibility just now.

Fang Yi obviously understood this, so he tried to deliberately provoke his opponent to see if he could find a flaw.

But unfortunately, Yun Xiao was irritated, but the flaw never existed.

Or maybe there are flaws everywhere.

The way of strength is the most direct and simple, but that's it, the huge strength makes Fang Yi not know where to start.

That's it!

It seems that it is impossible to win the opponent, and even so, there is no point in wasting time.

Immediately, Fang Yi had already made up his mind.

He also couldn't help saying: "I won't waste time with you anymore, if I have a chance, I will ask for advice in the future."

With that said, Fang Yi was about to leave.

Continuing to fight is definitely not a good thing for him. There is so much commotion here, I believe that there will be countless strong people arriving in a short time. At that time, it will definitely be a trouble.

and so……

However, Yun Xiao was willing to let him go, and the flames of anger burst out all over his body.

"I want to leave! Leave the Nine Dragon Seal to me."

He only heard him shout angrily, and pinched his fingers quickly.

At the same time, Fang Yi only felt that the Nine Dragon Seal in his hand trembled slightly, as if it was about to escape from his control.

How could this be?

Fang Yi turned pale with shock. If Jiulongxi lost control, then what else would he have to contend with.

But, why did the Nine Dragon Seal get out of control?The other party's gesture, is this a fight for control of the Nine Dragon Seal?Isn't the Nine Dragon Seal already under my control? How could it...

Compared to Fang Yi's panic, Yun Xiao's eyes were full of joy.

Obviously, he also sensed the changes in the Nine Dragon Seal, and his heart became more urgent, and his greedy eyes were like hungry wolves.

"Hahaha! The Nine Dragon Seal belongs to me, and I am the heir of Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable."

"Boy, today you are dead!"

He laughed wantonly, extremely happy.

Fang Yi panicked a little, but he calmed down in an instant. The current situation was out of his control, and fleeing was the only choice.

Otherwise, the Nine Dragon Seal is really out of control, then...

Although he has the Water God Temple, he can escape at any time, but if the Nine Dragon Seal falls into the other party's hands, it is obviously not what he wants to see, so...

shuttle! !

He didn't stop at all, turned into a bolt of lightning, and shot into the distance.

"Bastard! Leave it to me!!"

Yun Xiao obviously saw Fang Yi's intentions, and became furious, and stomped his feet. Suddenly, the whole world seemed to be suppressed.

Fang Yi also only felt a huge force falling from the nine heavens, and the strong gravity almost crushed him.

But fortunately, he has a good body.

After a slight pause, the terrifying regular thin lines in his body swarmed away, outlining countless layers of space, counteracting this force.

And his figure also shot away like lightning again, disappearing at the end of sight.

In the sky, only his sarcastic voice was left, "You are not qualified enough to want the Nine Dragon Seal."

As soon as the words fell, the nine divine dragons guarding the sky also roared, and then rushed to the sky and disappeared in this world.

In the original place, only the furious and trembling Yun Xiao was left.

"Bastard, I will kill you!"


The world returned to calm, as if nothing had happened. In the distance, majestic figures came one after another, looking at the empty sky and barren land, looking at each other.

All of them were shocked. Although they hadn't witnessed the previous battle with their own eyes, the movement was enough to explain everything.

Just, who are the two parties at war?What will happen in the end, they don't know anything.

However, the nine divine dragons roaring faintly in the nine heavens were captured.

All kinds of suspicions arose.

Of course, Fang Yi is naturally indifferent to this. At this moment, he is hiding in a valley not far from the Polong Mountain Range.

Looking at the Nine Dragon Seal in his hand, and thinking of the previous battle, he still had lingering fears in his heart.

At the same time, he secretly warned himself not to underestimate other warriors.

The Legendary Five Realm is far from being able to compete in front of him. This time, he can barely compete because of the Nine Dragon Seal, otherwise, he will only be beaten.

One realm, one sky, has never been just talk.

However, the Temple of Lingxiao is so hateful, this revenge must be doubled by them.

"Wait and see!"

Fang Yi murmured softly, with a little cold light in his eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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