Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2750 Substitution

Chapter 2750 Substitution

Inside the Huantian Sword Formation, it was like a huge mirror, everything outside was clearly visible.

At this moment, Concubine Han could clearly see several figures galloping towards him in the distance.

"People from the Treasure Gathering Chamber of Commerce!"

Immediately, her expression couldn't help changing, and her face turned pale.

Obviously, the experience just now had a great impact on her weak heart, so that everyone who saw the Treasure Judging Chamber of Commerce at this moment was full of fear.

"You know them?"

Fang Yi had a panoramic view of everything, slightly surprised.

From the previous conversations, he had roughly learned that Concubine Han was the eldest lady of Feijian Villa, who was very much loved and almost indifferent to ordinary things.

Of course, when the owner of Feijian Villa is around, she doesn't need to worry about it at all.

After the owner of Feijian Mountain Villa disappeared, with her brother, she naturally didn't need her efforts.

However, she also wanted to share the burden for her brother in her heart, so she secretly learned about the surrounding forces.

"I've heard of some." Concubine Han replied.

"The leading old man is the treasurer of the Jubao Chamber of Commerce. Gu Wanfang is the real leader of the Jubao Chamber of Commerce. Half of the Jubao Chamber of Commerce's growth is due to him. Guo Wenguang's wealth is almost entirely in his hands."


Fang Yi was surprised, slightly surprised.

I thought that all obstacles had been cleared, but the two old men before, I didn't expect...

"Those two old men are only responsible for protecting Guo Wenguang's safety. As for the internal affairs of the Jubao Chamber of Commerce, they almost never ask." Concubine Han clearly saw Fang Yi's doubts and explained.

That's it!

Fang Yi nodded. In this way, I am afraid that he will have to use his hands and feet.

Moreover, this Gu Wanfang seemed to be much smarter than those two old men, so he was not someone to be fooled at first glance.

No wonder, after all, he is a businessman.

However, Fang Yi has long been concerned about it.

With a thought, a bronze mirror appeared in his hand, and a bright light shot out from the bronze mirror. The next moment, he transformed into Guo Wenguang.

what? ?

Concubine Han, who had calmed down a little, suddenly changed her expression when she saw 'Guo Wenguang'.

Qiao's face turned pale in an instant, her figure staggered, and she almost fell to the ground.

"you you……"

His mouth was also trembling, and he was completely speechless.

Apparently, the psychological shadow Guo Wenguang had caused her was so great that she was frightened as if she lost her soul when she saw Guo Wenguang at this moment.

Fang Yi couldn't help shaking his head and said, "It's me!"

Hearing this voice, Concubine Han seemed to come back to her senses, but she was still a little unbelievable, and her eyes were full of fear when she looked at Fang Yi.

Fang Yi didn't bother to appease him, and with a thought, the Magic Sky Sword Formation instantly shattered.

The figures of the two also appeared in the outside world.

"Little Lord!"

Following the appearance of the two, a group of people from the Jubao Chamber of Commerce came quickly.

The leading old man was dressed in a gray robe, he seemed extremely shrewd, his eyes shone with wisdom and wisdom, and his cultivation seemed not low. Although he had not yet reached the legendary level, it seemed that he was only one step away.

Seeing 'Guo Wenguang' at this moment, he seemed relieved.

On the contrary, Concubine Han obviously didn't know what Fang Yi was up to, her eyes were fearful, like a wounded deer, looking at everyone vigilantly.

"Master, are you alright?"

Gu Wanfang asked with concern.

"Nonsense, what can I do?" Fang Yi cleared his throat and imitated Guo Wenguang's tone.

When Concubine Han saw this, the fear on her brows grew stronger.

She couldn't even help shaking slightly.

"Those two priests..." Gu Wanfang asked tentatively.

"They? Hmph! This young master has already become a legend. Who else can do anything to win this young master? This young master has sent them back to their lives."

The two big priests are troublesome, but they have already been killed, so there is no other way, they can only prevaricate in this way.

However, I never thought that when Fang Yi said this, Gu Wanfang seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

It can be seen that the two major sacrifices should have given him a lot of pressure.

No wonder, given their strength, even though Gu Wanfang controlled the Jubao Chamber of Commerce, he didn't dare to make mistakes in front of them.

"Then this girl..." Gu Wanfang glanced at Concubine Han again.

In fact, don't ask him to understand, no one knows the virtues of his young master better than him, especially seeing Concubine Han's expression as if she has been humiliated, everything is already clear.


Fang Yi snorted softly, "This is the new one I found, and I will take good care of it."

"Yes Yes!!"

Gu Wanfang didn't dare to neglect, even if he had a dog's legs, he had already prepared the carriage first.

Put Concubine Han in the carriage.

Concubine Han looked at Fang Yi with some fear, her eyes were full of doubts, but she didn't dare to be presumptuous, because she didn't understand what Fang Yi was up to, so she had to obey obediently.

"Welcome the young master back home."

A group of dogs shouted and responded, and Fang Yi, led by the crowd, headed towards the Jubao Chamber of Commerce.


"Young master, that beauty has already bathed and changed clothes, and is currently placed in the young master's room. The young master can..."

In the luxurious hall, Fang Yi was sitting at the top with a big face, looking at the people below with a light look.

It was a thin young man, his face was slightly pale, as if his body had been hollowed out, and there was still a mean smile on the corner of his mouth.

Judging by his expression, it is obvious that this must be the same thing as Guo Wenguang.

Usually, he must have helped Guo Wenguang to do such things.

What a dog!

"very good!"

Fang Yi nodded pretendingly satisfied.

Seeing this, the skinny young man looked even more satisfied, and said: "Congratulations, young master, I finally sent those two old guys away. From now on, no one will be able to get in the way again."

"The young master can be unscrupulous now, whichever young lady you fancy, you can give me orders."

The thin young man had an earnest face and an extremely obscene smile.

Fang Yi also laughed, but he had other thoughts in his heart.

The two old guys in the other party's mouth, obviously, must be referring to the two great priests. Judging from his tone, Guo Wenguang seems to have wanted to send these two away a long time ago.

Not surprisingly, these two were ordered by the second elder of Lingxiao Hall to protect Guo Wenguang.

But what kind of guy is Guo Wenguang?

Being arrogant and domineering, that's all, the most terrible thing is lust, whenever you see a beautiful woman, you want to take it for yourself.

This is not a trivial matter, the grudge is second to none, and when it spread, the Second Elder of the Lingxiao Hall was also dishonored.

Those two major offerings will inevitably interfere more.

And the reason why there was no interference this time was because Fang Yi and the others acted first, so...

After figuring out this key point, Fang Yi couldn't help but be overjoyed.

No wonder I said that the two major priests were sent away by me, no one doubted, no feelings, everyone knew the nature of 'my'.

"I don't need it for the time being. The most urgent thing is the auction in three days. I am determined to win it."

"Has the news spread to my son? There are some people who want to compete with me, and find out their background."

Fang Yi ordered.

"Yes! Don't worry, young master, other people don't have to think about the things that belong to the young master."

"Let's do it, little one!"

Saying that, the thin young man withdrew.

"I don't know what happened to that girl?" Fang Yi also got up slightly after that, shook his head, and walked towards the exit of the hall.


(End of this chapter)

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