Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2751 So you really have a brain

Chapter 2751 So you really have a brain

This is an extremely luxurious wing room, spacious and grand.

Concubine Han has already restored her daughter's attire. At this moment, she is wearing a long pink dress. On her fair face, her facial features are as delicate as sculptures, and her figure is also graceful.

When people look at it from a distance, they can't help but think about it.

However, her brows were full of sorrow, she was obviously a little hesitant, and she didn't know what to do.

No wonder, under such circumstances, any woman would be at a loss.

Especially a lady like Concubine Han who has been loved since she was a child and has not experienced any hardships.

"I have seen the young master!"

At this time, a voice came from outside the wing.

Concubine Han's expression couldn't help becoming a little complicated when she heard the words, looking forward to it, and a little scared at the same time.

He was looking forward to it because he knew that the person who came was Fang Yi. Although the purpose of this person was unknown, he was at least much better than Guo Wenguang.

She was afraid because she didn't know what Fang Yi wanted to do.

Bring yourself here for what you want.

"Huh! Let's all back down! When I'm doing business, I don't like people guarding me."

The knocking sound from outside the door came again.

Concubine Han's pretty face couldn't help turning red, and she looked a little annoyed.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Fang Yi stepped in. Concubine Han looked terrified. Although she knew that the person in front of her was Fang Yi, she couldn't help being afraid when she saw Guo Wenguang's appearance. .

The whole person, subconsciously, seemed to shrink into a ball.

"you you……"

She seemed to want to say something, but in the end she didn't know what to say.

"What are you! Are you okay?" Fang Yi glanced at her casually and asked.

Subconsciously, she shook her head slightly again, she was indeed the young lady who was raised in the greenhouse, she was so frightened by such a storm, if...

That's all!That's fine, this fearful look doesn't even save acting.

People from the Jubao Chamber of Commerce must not have thought that their young master had been swapped.

"'s okay! What exactly do you want to do? Why did you frame me and Mr. Ren? Didn't you mean cooperation?"

Concubine Han finally mustered up the courage to ask a complete sentence.

The bright eyes were also full of resentment.

"Isn't it cooperation right now?"

Fang Yi chuckled lightly and said, "This time we successfully won Guo Wenguang and his two major offerings. Don't you think the cooperation is not perfect?"


Concubine Han choked, not knowing what to say.

After a pause, he said: "What kind of cooperation is this? You didn't explain it beforehand, and this lady... I was almost killed, and Mr. Ren..."

"Don't worry! He's fine, he's just injured a little bit, and he'll be alive and well again in three days."

Fang Yi said casually.

When Concubine Han heard this, she seemed relieved.

Then he looked at Fang Yi with some fear, and said, "What should we do now? This is the Jubao Chamber of Commerce. Once they find out your identity, we..."

"Let me go, I don't want to stay here."

Concubine Han looked around vigilantly, as if everything here made her uncomfortable.

Not surprising, she had just experienced the previous scene, and when she saw that Fang Yi was not crying and wanted to go back, it was beyond Fang Yi's expectations.

"Let you go? With Guo Wenguang's personality, do you think he would do that?"

Fang Yi asked back.

Concubine Han couldn't help being startled, that's right, if she really walked out of here so safely, I'm afraid that people will be suspicious immediately, and then...

Guo Wenguang was captured, and once the news of the killing of the two major priests was revealed, the entire Feilong City would definitely be a bloodbath.

If you let people know that it has something to do with you.

Then, the entire Feijian Villa might not have a better life, maybe it would be directly razed to the ground.

"Then what? We..."

After figuring out the joints involved, Concubine Han felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave, and her face was pale.

Apparently lost size.

Seeing her appearance, Fang Yi couldn't help but shook his head, and said, "There's no need to worry so much, I'm the only one who does the work, and I won't implicate you in Feijian Villa."

"However, for the time being, you have to stay here and accompany me to finish the play."

When Concubine Han heard this, her face softened slightly.

After a while, she seemed to regain her composure.

Looking at Fang Yi, he said, "Why? Why did you bring me to play this play with you?"

She is not stupid, she understands that with Fang Yi's strength, Wan Wan could hide herself at that time, but the other party did not, and instead let her show up in front of others, that's why they were brought together.

Fang Yi couldn't help but look slightly sideways, subconsciously said: "So you can use your brain."


Hearing this, Concubine Han was so angry that her teeth itch, but there was nothing she could do.

But Fang Yi completely ignored her, and said to himself: "With you! It is more in line with Guo Wenguang's character, otherwise, he ran all the way and got nothing, but sent the two major offerings away. Isn't it suspicious?"

"With you, it's different. The Jubao Chamber of Commerce can guess that the two priests are completely speechless to Guo Wenguang, so they left. It may be to report the letter, or it may be for other reasons."

"No matter what it is, let them guess! At least, they won't suspect my identity."

"Also, you know a little bit about the people in Jubao Chamber of Commerce. By following me, not to mention helping me, at least you can help me get to know a few more people. Are these two reasons enough?"

Fang Yi asked back.


Concubine Han nodded, looked at Fang Yi with bright eyes, and said, "I'm afraid there is another reason! I'm afraid that if I get out of your control, I will shake everything out, so as to reap the benefits. "

"Now that I'm in your hands, Mr. Ren definitely doesn't dare to act rashly. He can only wait and see what happens and follow orders, right?"

At this moment, Concubine Han seemed to be a different person.

Maybe she was originally extremely intelligent, but after experiencing such a thing, she was so frightened that she lost her size. Now that there is no fear in her heart, she can see it more clearly.

Fang Yi couldn't help but glanced at her slightly, a little surprised.

"So you really have a brain!"

Then, he threw out another sentence that almost made Concubine Han vomit blood in anger.

"Okay! Now that you understand everything, I don't need to say anything more. If you cooperate well, your benefits will naturally be indispensable."

Since he is a smart person, there is no need to beat around the bush when speaking.

"Benefits? What benefits? I don't want it, I just want the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill, and my brother is still waiting for it to save his life."

Concubine Han said firmly, she looked at Fang Yi with a pleading look between her brows, obviously hoping that Fang Yi would not argue with her.

But unfortunately...

"I'm sorry! Nine-turn Resurrection Pill Ben is determined to win it." Fang Yi refused.

Just kidding, he did so many things just for the Jiuzhuan Resurrection Pill, how could he give it to someone else, let alone a stranger who had never met before.

"You!!" Concubine Han was very angry when she heard that, as if she wanted to say something.

But Fang Yi was the first to speak, and said: "I have never been a person who does not believe what I say. I cannot give you the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill, and your purpose is to save your brother. You may not need the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill."

"As long as you cooperate well and help me win the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill, then I will save your brother."


Concubine Han couldn't help being startled, and looked at Fang Yi strangely, and asked, "Can you save my brother?"

"What do you think?" Fang Yi asked without answering, with an intriguing smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.


(End of this chapter)

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