Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2752

Chapter 2752

Can the other party really save his brother?

At this moment, Concubine Han looked at Fang Yi with some doubts, and there was some anticipation in her heart.


For her, the Nine Turns Resurrection Pill is not necessary, as long as it can save her brother, it doesn't matter what kind of pill, if the other party really has such ability, then she doesn't mind cooperating with him.

Reminiscent of what the other party did, but at the first level of legend, he killed two legends at the third level, and captured Guo Wenguang. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never believe it.

But the fact...

Of course, in the current situation, it seemed that she couldn't help but not cooperate.

"Okay! It's settled like this, you can do it yourself!"

Fang Yi took one last look at Concubine Han and was about to leave.

At this time, outside the wing room, a voice suddenly came, "Report to the young master."

"Hmm! Bold, I don't know if I hate being disturbed the most when I'm doing business!" Fang Yi imitated Guo Wenguang's tone and shouted.

"Damn the little one, but the little one has urgent matters to see, so I dare not neglect."

The voice outside the door said again.

"Oh?" A look of surprise flashed across Fang Yi's eyes, he was a little curious, and couldn't help saying: "Come in!"


The next moment, a man in charge walked in.

He glanced at Concubine Han slightly, his eyes straightened as if he was so amazed, but soon he realized his gaffe, and quickly lowered his head and said, "Young master, there is a message from the flying dragon envoy, and I dare not Neglect, so..."

As he spoke, he quickly replaced a jade slip.

"Dragon Messenger?"

Fang Yi was stunned.

"Yes!" The man seemed to see Fang Yi's doubts, and quickly added, "It's Kong Qiu Shangxian. The whereabouts of the previous generation of flying dragon messengers are unknown. Kong Qiu Shangxian is temporarily in charge of Feilong domain."

That's it!

Fang Yi suddenly realized that he naturally didn't know Kong Qiu Shangxian, but he had heard of this name before, but he didn't expect that the other party would send a message to 'himself'.

This really surprised him.

He couldn't help but ask, "Do you know the specifics?"

He put on an indifferent look.

Although he didn't know how great Kong Qiu was, but no matter what, he would definitely not be stronger than Guo Wenguang's father, the second elder of Lingxiao Temple.

With Guo Wenguang's personality, he might be able to deal with it on the surface, but he might not take it to heart secretly.


Seeing Fang Yi's attitude, the man didn't seem surprised, and replied: "Going back to my son, it's still about the nine-turn resurrection pill. The immortal Kong Qiu hopes that you will not cause more troubles and hinder the holding of the auction."

The man spoke cautiously, as if he was afraid that his young master would vent his anger on himself in a fit of anger.

Seeing this, Fang Yi felt a little embarrassed even if he didn't get angry.

After all, he is Guo Wenguang at the moment.

"Presumptuous! How often does this young master cause trouble? What is his identity? How has it ever been his turn to point fingers at this young master's affairs?"

Fang Yi pretended to be furious and arrogant, like a second son.

The man seemed to have expected it long ago, and was not surprised at all.

He couldn't help saying: "Young master calm down, Kong Qiu said, this is Yunxiao's order."


sky?Brother Ling Xiaodian, it seems that I guessed correctly, this auction is indeed related to the other party, and the other party is obviously afraid that Guo Wenguang will ruin his plan, so he issued a warning.

It's just that the other party probably never dreamed that he had become Guo Wenguang.

Interesting, really interesting.

"Okay! I know it. It's just an auction. Tell them that I won't use off-the-market tricks, and I will auction the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill openly."


The man responded quickly and was about to leave.

Inadvertently, he glanced at Concubine Han again, and then said: "Young master, rest early! I will order someone to bring ginseng soup in a while."

Saying that, the man withdrew.

In the wing room, only Fang Yi and Concubine Han were left.

Originally, Fang Yi was ready to leave, but what the man said just now woke him up.

Under such circumstances, Guo Wenguang would not leave even if he was beaten to death. If there is any ginseng soup, maybe he still has some habits afterwards.

If I leave, I'm afraid...

Concubine Han seemed to have noticed this too. Seeing that Fang Yi didn't seem to leave, but instead walked towards her, she immediately shrank into a ball and kept stepping back, saying, "You...what are you going to do?"

Seeing her like this, Fang Yi couldn't help teasing, "What else can a man and a widow live in the same room?"

"You..." Hearing this, Concubine Han's face turned livid with fright.

But Fang Yi shook his head and said, "Don't worry! I can't eat you."

Then, he found a chair and sat down, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.

Concubine Han finally breathed a sigh of relief from her originally tense expression, but then she looked at Fang Yi strangely, vigilant, curious, and puzzled.

Of course, more is still uneasy.

It is undoubtedly unimaginable for a young lady raised in a greenhouse to have a lonely man and a widow living in the same room.

The good Fang Yi didn't move at all, which reassured her a lot.

However, after she calmed down, she felt an unexplainable feeling in her heart, as if she had been ignored. In the past, where she walked was not the focus of everyone, and the person in front of her was good.

This kind of complicated mood made her not know what to do for a while.


sleep?That's even more impossible.

Just kidding, how could a strange man dare to sleep.

After thinking about it, she followed Fang Yi's example and found a place far away to adjust her breathing with her eyes closed.

However, just as she was about to sit down, Fang Yi's voice sounded first, "Go to bed!"

"You...what do you want to do?"

Concubine Han, who had just relaxed, raised her heart again when she heard this, and looked at Fang Yi vigilantly, with her arms crossed.

However, Fang Yi didn't raise his eyelids, and said, "You don't mean to think, when those people come over, you and I will just sit like this when we see you?"

After hearing this, Concubine Han finally understood what Fang Yi meant.

The so-called full set of acting.

Although the two of them didn't really intend to have anything happen, at least the drama had to be played out enough to prevent people from seeing through.

However, lying on the bed in front of a strange man, just thinking about it made her feel uncomfortable, and her pretty face turned red all the way to her ears.

But, after thinking about it, she finally went to bed.

Just like that, Fang Yi adjusted his breath quietly, like a statue.

Concubine Han, lying on the bed, was tossing and turning unpredictably, feeling uncomfortable all over, peeking at Fang Yi from time to time, as if she was afraid of what Fang Yi would do.

Fang Yi's back was also slowly imprinted in her mind.

Seeing that Fang Yi hadn't moved a little, slowly, her vigilant heart relaxed slightly, and her tiredness followed.

Not surprisingly, she had just experienced all that during the day, and she was already tired physically and mentally.

At this moment, as soon as he relaxes, he unconsciously falls into a deep sleep.


(End of this chapter)

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